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Mechanical Engineering Department Zhang Jiahong 1230032010TipsServing orderWestern tableware西式餐具Sitting orderPart.1 Sitting orderhostesshostthe main male guestsecondarymale guestthe main female guest secondaryfemale guestPart.1 Sitting order When arriving at a western restaurant , you When arriving at a western restaurant , you are supposed to be seated with the guidance are supposed to be seated with the guidance of the waiters instead of sitting everywhere of the waiters instead of sitting everywhere you want.you want. Men and waiters can pull the chairs for Men and waiters can pull the chairs for ladies. Generally speaking, youd better get ladies. Generally speaking, youd better get seated from the left side.seated from the left side. The seat which is the most farthest away The seat which is the most farthest away from the door is the most distinguished.from the door is the most distinguished.Part.2 Serving orderPart.2 Serving orderstarter main course drinkssoupdessertsaladDinner start with a small dish, which is often called the starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup. The next dish is the main course. It usually is a beef steak . A vegetable salad will be served. Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last the meal ends up with a cup of tea or coffee. startersstarters The starter , also known as the appetizer, is the first The starter , also known as the appetizer, is the first dish in the west. The appetizer is either cold or hot , dish in the west. The appetizer is either cold or hot , including caviar (including caviar (鱼子酱鱼子酱), mashed potatoes(), mashed potatoes(马铃薯泥马铃薯泥 ), ), ProvencaleProvencale scallop( scallop(普鲁旺斯鲜贝普鲁旺斯鲜贝) ) ,stuffed stuffed seafood in puff pastryseafood in puff pastry(海鲜小酥盒)(海鲜小酥盒) and so on.and so on. Generally speaking, the Generally speaking, the starter which is specialized starter which is specialized in flavor(in flavor(味道味道) ) is salty and is salty and acetic(acetic(酸酸). And it contains ). And it contains a small amount of food a small amount of food with high quality.with high quality.Appetizermashed potatoes 马铃薯泥soupsoupSoup can be broadly divided into the clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup.(清汤、奶油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤)The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side. If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller. Main CourseMain Course主菜Dishes with meat and poultry(家禽) are the main course, among which the most representative is beef or steak. Dont cut the whole steak into small pieces at one time, except the children who can not use the knives.Main CourseMain Course主菜The main course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉). Main CourseMain Course主菜Key words+well done 全熟 +medium 七分熟 +medium rare 五分熟+rare三分熟Bread and Butter +Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never take with a fork. +Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on ones bread. green saladA salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand . There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.DessertDessertThe dessert coming after the main course is the fourth dish. As a matter of fact, it contains all the food after the main course, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese and fruit. Sweet is the last dish in Sweet is the last dish in the west, including three the west, including three kinds of food.kinds of food.DessertDessertThe first kind includes pancake(煎饼),scone (烤饼) and muffin(松饼) and is maily for breakfast.软点DessertDessert The second kind includes, butter cake(黄油蛋糕), pie, and tart(水果馅饼) which is served in the afternoon.干点DessertDessertThe third kind includes ice cream, souffle(蛋奶酥), jelly(果 冻) and pudding(布丁), which is served after dinner.湿点DrinksDrinksdrinksdrinksDrinks +coffee 咖啡 +iced coffee 冰 咖啡 +white coffee 牛 奶咖啡 +black coffee 纯 咖啡+black tea红茶+red wine 红葡萄 酒 +brandy 白兰地 +whisky 威士忌 +vodka 伏特加Leaving the Table +It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. +When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests rise from theirs at the same time. Part3 Western tableware The plate in the center of the dinning table often calls The plate in the center of the dinning table often calls show plate, with napkin on it.show plate, with napkin on it. Knifes and spoons are placed at right hand of the Knifes and spoons are placed at righ
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