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第 1 页Time New Roman1 Tim Spicer 是美国维京尼亚州阿灵顿市维克菲德中学十二年级的一名十七岁 普通学生。他是当天奥巴马到该校讲演时的司仪。2 tune in 收听., 收看., 调准收音机的波长; 调准电视机的频道; 调谐, 调入Eg:Lets tune in CCTV , its time to watch news.3 outstanding 英autstndi 美atstnd, atstn- ADJ 杰出的;出众的;优秀的 If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive.ADJ(款项)未支付的,未结清的 Money that is outstanding has not yet been paid and is still owed to someone.ADJ 未解决的;未完成的 Outstanding issues or problems have not yet been resolved.ADJ 重要的;显著的;突出的 Outstanding means very important or obvious.Eg:The most outstanding feature is innovation.4 understandable 英ndstndbl 美ndstndbl ADJ-GRADED(行为、情绪等)可以理解的,正常的,合情理的 If you describe someones behaviour or feelings as understandable, you think that they have reacted to a situation in a natural way.ADJ-GRADED(论述、理论等)容易理解的 If you say that something such as a statement or theory is understandable, you mean that people can easily understand it or in the way you would expect.Eg: Its understandable that the teacher is angry,because no one turns the homework in.5 keep up with 英ki:p p wi 美kip p w 跟上, 不落人之后;齐肩并进;紧跟Eg:We must keep up with the times.第 2 页6 extra 英ekstr 美ekstr adj.额外的,补充的,附加的;特大的,特别的n.附加物,额外的事物;临时演员;号外;上等产品,上品adv.额外地;格外地,特别地复数:extrasEg:We need the extra help.7 adjust 英dst 美dstVERB See also:well-adjusted;改变(行为或观点)以适应;调节;习惯 When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour or your ideas. VERB 调整;调节 If you adjust something, you change it so that it is more effective or appropriateVERB 整理(衣服) ;校正,校准(机器)If you adjust something such as your clothing or a machine, you correct or alter its position or setting. V-ERG(使)适应(光线变化)If you adjust your vision or if your vision adjusts, the muscles of your eye or the pupils alter to cope with changes in light or distance. -adjustmentEg:Adjusting the environment is animals instinct.8 8 inspiring 英nspar 美nspar ADJ-GRADED 鼓舞人心的;有激励作用的 Something or someone that is inspiring is exciting and makes you VERB 鼓舞(inspire 的现在分词) ;激励;启迪Eg:Ive always liked listening to inspiring speeches.9 stay on track 保持跟踪;留在轨道 ;坚持减肥;达到目标;思路Eg:If you want to stay on track, you need to eat a little food everyday.第 3 页10 set high standards提出高标准 for树立榜样 withEg:He sets high standards for this test.11 dedicated 英dedketd 美ddketd ADJ-GRADED 献身的;一心一意的;热忱的 You use dedicated to describe someone who enjoys a particular activity very much and spends a lot of time doing it. ADJ 专用(于)的;专门(为而)设计制造的 You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing. VERB 奉献(dedicate 的过去式和过去分词) sth for sbEg:I stayed dedicated to what?12 make a difference有所不同;造成影响;扭转局势Eg:I can make a difference world!13 every single one每一个单独的Eg:Every single one of them smiled at me.14 assign 英sain 美san Vt. 分派,选派,分配;归于,归属;法律 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人 转让给另一人;把编制 toN. 常用复数法律受让人,接受财产等转让的人,受托者Eg:The boss assigns work to every stuff,but he does nothing.第 4 页15 come up with 英km p wi 美km p w PHRASAL VERB 想出,提出(计划、想法等)If you come up with a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it.PHRASAL VERB 设法拿出(所需钱款)If you come up with a sum of money, you manage to produce it when it is needed. Eg:Is that the worst you could come up with?16 mayor 英m 美me, mr n.市长;镇长;(英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰由议员选举产生的)镇长;(民 选的)市长Eg:They select him to work as mayor.17 senator 英sent 美snt N-COUNT; N-TITLE(美国、澳大利亚等国的)参议员 A senator is a member of a political Senate, for example in the United States or Australia.see usage note at:governmentEg:That senator was Obama.18 Supreme Court Justices最高法院的法官Eg:His dream is to be the Supreme Court Justices.19 debate 英 dibeit 美 dbet 简明释义 n.讨论;辩论;争论;辩论 vt.& vi.辩论;仔细考虑;思考;盘算 with Eg:Do you have anything to add to this debate?20 military 英militri 美mltri adj.军事的;军用的;讨厌的;好战的n.军人;军队;武装力量第 5 页-militarilyEg:He was born in a military family.21 decide nothing less than完全决定Eg:How hard you learn will decide you grade.22 determine 英dit:min 美dtmn vt.& vi.(使)下决心, (使)做出决定vt.决定,确定;判定,判决;使决定;限定vi.主用于法律了结,终止,结束-determinationEg:How can you determine that he is right?23 problem solving 问题解决Eg:Problem solving focuses on your ability.24 insight 英insait 美nsat n.洞察力,洞悉;直觉,眼光;领悟;顿悟 intoEg:She has a keen insight into character.25 critical thinking 英kritikl iki 美krtkl k 批判性思维Eg:Dont keep critical thinking to confront everything.26 boost 英bu:st 美bust vt.促进,提高;增加;吹捧;向上推起vi.宣扬;美国俚语(尤指在商店)行窃,偷窃n.提高,增加;帮助;吹捧;加速助推器Eg:How can we boost our economy?第 6 页27 quit on退出;放弃;辞职Eg:He didnt want to quit on you , did he ?28 struggle 英strl 美strl vi.搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取n.打斗;竞争;奋斗Eg:We should struggle for our dreams.29 take a turn 转变;
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