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就业许可证书编号: Employment License No.:外国人在浙就业行政许可申请表The Employment Application Form for Foreigner in Zhejiang中文名: Name in Chinese:姓名 Name外文名: Name in native language: 国籍: Nationality:性别: Sex:婚姻状况: Marital status: 出生日期和地点: Date and place of birth: 照 片Recent photo学历:Educational background:技术等级:Professional Qualification:是否懂汉语: Knowing Chinese: 是否有在中国工作的经历: Working experience in China: 护照种类: Passport type:护照编号: Passport No.:有效期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiry: yr mth day 聘用单位全称: Full name of employer: 聘用单位地址: Registration address of employer:邮编: Post code 组织机构代码: Organization code of employer:单位联系人: Contact (Referee):电话: Tel: 受聘职务: Duties:拟聘用期限: 年 月 日 Expiry date of the labor contract: yr mth day聘用单位: Name of Employer:(盖 章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day 行业主管部门意见: Opinion of Competent Authority: 签字(盖章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day 县级人力资源社会保障部门初审意见: Opinion of County Human Resources and Social Security Department: 签字(盖章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day发证机关审核意见: Opinion of Issuing Authority: 签字(盖章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day 就业许可证书有效期限至: 年 月 日 Employment License No valid until: yr mth day 浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅制 Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Zhejiang Province 填表说明一、本表一式三份用中文填写,外国人姓名按护照填写。二、无行业主管部门的单位,表中“行业主管部门意见”栏可不签署意见。三、本表复印无效。Notice1. This form should be filled in Chinese with Fountain pen (English name must be in accordance with the passport).2. Neednt fill in “Opinion of Competent Authority” if the employer doesnt have any Competent Authority.3. Photocopy of the form is invalid.就业许可证书编号: 就业证编号: Employment License No.: Employment Permit No.: .:外国人在浙就业登记表The Employment Registration Form for Foreigner in Zhejiang中文名: Name in Chinese:姓名 Name外文名: Name in native language: 国籍: Nationality:性别: Sex:婚姻状况: Marital status: 出生日期和地点: Date and place of birth: 照 片Recent photo学历:Educational background:技术等级:Professional Qualification:是否懂汉语: Knowing Chinese: 护照种类: Passport type:护照编号: Passport No:有效期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiry: yr mth day 签证种类: Visa type:签证号码: Visa No:有效期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiry: yr mth day 聘用单位全称: Full name of employer: 聘用单位地址: Registration address of employer:邮编: Post code 组织机构代码: Organization code of employer:单位联系人: Contact (Referee):电话: Tel: 受聘职务: Duties:聘用期限: 年 月 日 Expiry date of the labor contract: yr mth day 现在中国的住址: Present address in China:电话: Tel: 聘用单位: Name of Employer:(盖 章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day 承办部门审核意见: Opinion of Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department: 签字(盖章)(Seal)年 月 日yr mth day就业证首次签发有效期至: 年 月 日 The first issue of employmentpermit valid until: yr mth day就业证注销日期: 年 月 日 The date of cancellation of Employment Permit: yr mth day浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅制 Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Zhejiang Province填表说明一、本表一式三份用中文填写,外国人姓名按护照填写。二、本表复印无效。Notice1. This form should be filled in Chinese with Fountain pen (English name must be in accordance with the passport). 2. Photocopy of the form is invalid.就业证编号: Employment Permit No.:外国人在浙就业延期、年检、变更登记表The Employment Alteration Form for Foreigner in Zhejiang姓名 Name中文名: 外文名: Name in Chinese: Name in native language: 国籍: Nationality:性别: Sex:出生日期和地点: Date and place of birth: 护照种类: Passport type:护照编号: Passport No:有效期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiry: yr mth day 签证种类: Visa type:签证号码: Visa No:有效期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiry: yr mth day 聘用单位全称: Full name of employer: 聘用单位地址: Registration address of employer:邮编: Post code 组织机构代码: Organization code of employer:单位联系人: Contact (Referee):电话: Tel: 现在中国的住址: Present address in China:电话: Tel: 首次签发有效期限: 年 月 日 Validity of the first issue: yr mth day最后签发有效期限: 年 月 日 Validity of the final issue: yr mth day办 理 事 项 情 况 Handling of relevant documents延期延期情况记录: Record of postpone cases:发证机关签字(盖章)Issuing Authority (Seal)年 月 日yr mth day年检年检情况记录: Record of annual inspection:发证机关签字(盖章)Issuing Authority (Seal)年 月 日yr mth day变更变更情况记录: Record of alteration:发证机关签字(盖章)Issuing Authority (Seal)年 月 日yr mth day浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅制 Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Zhejiang Province填表说明一、本表一式三份用中文填写,外国人姓名按护照填写。二、本表复印无效。Notice1. This form should be filled in Chinese with Fountain pen (English name must be in accordance with the passport). 2. Photocopy of the form is invalid.
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