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泰兴市二高 2009 届高三英语复习讲义 错题复现(3) 2009-2-261错题复现 (3) 单选:单选: 1. _ he took part in the competition, he won a second prize.A. For the first time B. At a time C. At one time D. The first time 2. _ you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to others. A. At times B. Some time C. By the time D. Every time 3. I would appreciate it _ you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment. A. untilB. if C. when D. that 4. Simon thought his computer was broken _ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A. until B. unless C. after D. because 5. - Is Mr. Smith in the office? - Yes,_ he is in charge of the office,he must be there. A. sinceB. howeverC. whetherD. for 6. - The thread of my kite broke and it flew away.- I had told you it would easily break _it was the weakestA. when B. where C. unless D. since 7. _ the Internet is bringing the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.A. When B. If C. As D. While 8. _ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. A. While B. Since C. As D. If 9. - Are you thinking about going to New York for the holiday? - No. But if I _ the time,I would definitely go. A. haveB. hadC. have hadD. would have 10. - Alice is moving to her new apartment next Saturday. - I would be glad to help her,_ need some help. A. should she B. if she will C. if she D. if she might 11. Why do you want to find a new job _ youve got such a good one already? A. that B. whereC. which D. when 12. _ , the problem can be solved in only 2 hours with an electronic computer. a. Complicated although it is b. Though is it complicated c. As it is complicated d. Complicated as it is 13. _ him as a writer I dont like him as a man. a. Much I admire b. Much as I admire c. As much I admire d. As I admire much14. He burned all the important documents _ that they should fall into the enemys hands. a. unless b. so c. lest d. for fear 15. He burned all the important documents _ they should fall into the enemys hands. a. unless b. so c. lest d. for fear 16. _ a baby kangaroo is four months old does it begin to live outside its mothers pouch(育 儿袋). a. Until b. Not until c. After d. Only until 17. _ he was caught cheating on the exam, Oliver had been considered to be an honest boy. a. When b. After c. Although d. Before泰兴市二高 2009 届高三英语复习讲义 错题复现(3) 2009-2-26218. _ the bridge were packed with cars and buses, it could still carry twice the load. a. Despite b. Provided c. Unless d. Even if 19If you feel tired and sick of fat food, that is _ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination. A. whenB. why C. which D. what 20 You dont like the new fashion of my hair style, do you? _. I like it better _ I look at it. A. Yes; since B. No; as C. No; than D. Yes; the more21. It was _ he worked hard that he succeeded. A. because B. for C. as D. since 22. She looked _ she were ten years younger. A. as B. like C. that D. as though 23 I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _ silly mistakes I had made.A that B how C what D which 24. With the development of agriculture, the people _village I taught before have lived a happy life.A. who B. whose C. in whose D. in which 25. He must be from Africa, _ can be seen from his skin.A. that B. as C. it D. what 26. Ill tell you _ he told me last night. A. all which B. all what C. all D B And C 27. Dont trust such people _ praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back. A. whoever B. who C. as D. that 28. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places,_ other visitors seldom go. A. whatB. whichC. whereD. when 29. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places,_ other visitors seldom go to. A. whatB. whichC. whereD. when 30. The robber told him that he had better keep silent _ he wanted to get into trouble a. if b. unless c. otherwise d. whether 31. I shall do the exercises _ I have been taught. a. such b. as c. what d. for 32. I shall do _ I have been taught. a. such b. as c. what d. for 33. _ convincing an argument is, it needs support of evidence. a. Whatever b. However c. Although d. Even if 34. If the design was wrong, the project is bound to fail, _ good all the other ideas might be. a. whatever b. however c. whatsoever d. even 35. Advertis
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