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2013 考试大纲新增的 60 个词汇详解,后续之前大纲词汇1accustom vt. 使习惯于(to): oneself to rising early 使自己习惯于早起 / sb. to sea life 使 某人习惯于海上生活 / ones ears to the din 使自己的耳朵适应喧闹声 2alienate vt. 1 使疏远,使不友好;离间;The management must never become d from the employees.管理层决不能脱离员工。 2【律】转让,让渡(财产等)3 使转移;使转向 ?alienator n. 3allegiance n. 1(对国家、政府、事业、个人等的)忠诚;效忠,忠贞:give to 效忠于 2(臣子对君主的)臣服义务 3(侨民对所居国政府的)效忠义务 4ape n. 1 无尾猿;类人猿 2 猴 3 粗野的大汉 4 模仿者,学样的人 vt. 模仿,学的样 adj. 口疯狂的;狂热的 go 口发疯;变得狂热:go over a girl 为一个姑娘神 魂颠倒 ?apelike adj. / aper n.5archaeology n. 1 考古学 2(某民族的)文化遗迹,古迹 ?archaeological adj. / archaeologically adv. / archaeologist n. / archaeologize vi.6bail1 n. 【律】保释金;保释人;保释;accept (或 refuse) 准许(不准许)保释 vt. 1 保释(某人) ;(法官)将(在押犯)交保释放 2 托付(财务) out 1 保释: sb. out 保释某人 2 帮助(某人)脱离困境;从困境中摆脱出来 / forfeit 保释后不出庭候审 / go (stand) for 做的保释人;为提供保释金 / hold sb. to 拘留某人直至交保 / jump 口 =forfeit / on 交保后:be out on 在保释中 / post 缴纳保释金 / save (surrender to) ones 保释后如期到庭受审 bail2 n. 戽斗,桶(用来舀出船舱里的水) vt. 舀(水) ;从(船)中舀水(out): (out) the boat(或water out of a boat)舀出船 舱里的水 vi. 舀出船舱里的水 on美口让失望 / out 1(从飞机上)紧急跳伞 2 畏难而去 ?bailer n. bail3 n. 1s【史】 (城堡的)外层防卫桩;栅栏 2(厩内的)横栏 3(板球的)三柱门上的横木 4澳 (挤乳时)扣住母牛头部的闸架 up澳1(挤乳时)用闸架扣住(母牛)的头部 2 拦路抢劫 3口 (尤指为交谈而) 拦住,强行留住(某人) bail4 n. 1(车棚等)半圆形棚架 2(壶、桶等的)半圆形拎环 3(打字机上的)压纸杆 7blog n. 博客,网络日志 8botany n. 1 植物学 2总称(某地区的)植物 9buzz n. 1 嗡嗡声,蜂音 2 嘁嘁喳喳,噪杂声 3口流言谣言 4(蜂鸣器等发出的)信号声 5口电话:give sb. a 给某人打电话 6 骚动 7美口 (吸毒或饮酒产生的)陶醉感;兴奋 vi. 1(蜂等)嗡嗡叫, (机器等)营营响 2 用蜂鸣器发出信号 3 忙碌,忙乱;急行: about (或 around)到处奔忙 / along 匆忙走过 4 嘁嘁喳喳;说闲话;充满低沉嘈杂的声音 vt. 1 使嗡嗡叫,使营营响 2 用蜂鸣器传呼;口给打电话 3 私下说出(或传播) ;嘁嘁喳喳地表示;私下告诉(某人): a rumour 暗中散播谣言 / The committee ed its indignation. 委员们异口同声表示愤慨。 4 猛扔(石子等) 5(飞机)低飞掠过;高速飞行(另一飞机)进行骚扰 6英方喝完(一瓶酒) off 口走开,离去 10censorship n. 1 审查(制度) ,检查(制度) 2 审查员(或检查员)的职位 3【心】潜意识压抑力(或作用) 4 古罗马监察官的职位(或权力) 11comet n. 【天】彗星 ?cometary adj. 12contagious adj. 1(接)触(传)染的;(有)触染性的;带触染源的:a disease 传染病 / a ward 触染病房 2(情绪等)感染性的;蔓延的;会扩散的: laughter 有感染力的笑声 ?contagiously adv. / contagiousness n.13converge vi. 1(道路、车辆、人群等)会合,集中 2 为共同利益(或目的等)会聚;趋同 3【数】收敛 vt. 使会合,使集中;使会聚 14culprit n. 1 犯人,罪犯 2 导致过错的人;事故的起因;问题的根源:The real is the greenhouse gases. 问 题的真正原因就是温室气体。 15daunt vt. 威吓;使胆怯,使气馁:He felt completely ed by the difficulties. 他完全被困难 吓倒了。/ Nothing ed, he tried again. 他毫不气馁,重新再试。 16debut n. 法 1 初进社交界 2(演员的)首次演出;首次露面 vt. deferring) 推迟, (使)延期, (使)迟延 defer2 vi. (deferred; deferring) 听从,遵从: to sb.s opinions 听从某人的意见 ?deferrer n. 19deplore vt. 1 哀叹,悲叹;哀悼: sb.s inefficiency 对某人的不称职深表遗憾 2 强烈反对;谴责 ?deploringly adv. 20diabetes n. 【医】糖尿病 21dinosaur n. 1【古生】恐龙 2(尤指废弃过时的)庞然大物 3 保守、顽固的人 ?dinosaurian n. (人或物)的群,组 a cluster of tourists clutch 紧抓,紧握 clutch at an opportunity coherent 一致的,协调的 lack coherent political goals coin 硬币,钱币,金属货币 a silver coincoincide 相符,相一致 100 Centigrade coincides with 212 Fahrenheit. collaborate (尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作 He and I collaborated in writing plays. collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解 The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. collide 碰撞,互撞 The car collided with the truck. come 来,来到 Will you come to the dance tonight? commemorate 纪念,庆祝 commemorate a holiday commend 表扬,称赞 commend a soldier for bravery compact 紧密的,坚实的 a compact piece of luggage compare 比较,对照(with, to) compare the body to a finely tuned machine compatible 能和睦相处的,合的来的 You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes. compile 汇编,编制 compile an anthology of poems comply 遵从,顺从,服从 comply with rules(safety regulations) compose 组成,构成 England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great Britain. compress 压缩 He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a few sentences comprise 包含,包括 The shipyard comprises three docks. compromise 妥协,折衷 compromise over the hard-fought next. compulsory 必须做的,义务的 a compulsory subject conceal 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 He concealed his disappointment from his friends. conceive 构想出,设想 conceive an idea concentrate 集中,专心 concentrate ones attention condemn 谴责 We all condemn cruelty to children. condense (使)压缩, (使)凝结,使简洁 condense a speech to half confer 商谈,商议 confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth. confess 坦白,供认,承认,忏悔 confess ones crime confidence 信任 break sb.s confidence confine 限制,使局限 They succeeded in confining the fire to a small area. confirm 证实,肯定 confirm a rumour conflict (尤指长期的)战争,战斗 The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years. conform 遵照,适应 confirm to(或 with) the rules(the law) confront (使)面临, (使)遭遇 The war confronted him with hardships. confuse 使混乱,混淆 He confused the arrangements by arriving late. connect 连接,连接 The bridge connects the island with(或 to) the mainland. conscious 意识到的,自觉地 They were conscious that he disapproved. consent 同意,赞同,准许 The people will never consent to another war. conserve 保护,保藏,保存 conserve natural resources consider 考虑,细想 Consider carefully before doing anything. consist 组成,构成(of) The house consists of six rooms. consolidate 巩固,加强 consolidate ones position conspicuous 显眼的,明显的,引人瞩目的 He felt as
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