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第 1 页 共 25 页Module4 Unit3 Shops and markets 重点语句重点语句 Take turns; ask for, Chinese New Years Day, Chinese New Years Eve Do you prefer the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? I prefer the ones with the blue belt. Do you have them in my size? Its size small. I 词组翻译词组翻译 1 许多不同的商店 _ 2 买许多东西 _ 3 一条新牛仔裤 _ 4 在上有洞 _ 5 一双鞋 _ 6 购物单 _ 7 一本计算机书籍 _ 8 为某人买某物 _II 单词拼写单词拼写 1 I am going to many d_ shops. 2 I need a new pain of j_. 3 My pants have h_ in them. So I have to buy a new pair. 4 I will go shopping. Do you need anything f_ the shops? 5 I need to buy a p_ of shoes. 6 We _ (listen to) the radio at that time. 7 What _ (you do) in winter when you were young? 8 We _ (no have) a car yesterday. 9He became a _ (success) actor. 10 I want to start _ (write) stories. 11 They _ (move) to America next year. 12 When you arrive, _ (call) me right away. 13 They are a happy couple. When _ (they marry)?III 翻译翻译 1.Did you _ to school at that time? (骑车) 2.My parents _ now. (有一部电话) 3.They were _.(看电影) 4.We will travel _. (坐火车) 5.He was _. (一位戏剧家兼诗人)第 2 页 共 25 页6._ you _ to come? (你想去吗) 7. 我的牛仔裤上破了洞。_.I 词组翻译词组翻译 1 儿童玩具 _ 2 购物中心 _ 3 不同种类的商店 _ 4 地下一层 _ 5 家具城_ 6 家庭服装店_ 7 信息板_ 8 美味食品_II 单词拼写单词拼写 1Here is the shopping centers i_ board. 2I also need to buy a p_ for my fathers birthday. 3 I think I will buy him a _ (电脑). 4 Do you prefer the _(衬衫) with the blue belt? 5 Let me make a _ _ (购物单) 6 Grandma usually goes to the m_ to by some vegetables. 7 I need a new sweater. _ (我的) is too small for me. 8 Do you prefer the shirt _ (带有) blue collar? 9 Thisis _.他最著名的喜剧 10 She is _. 富有而成功的 11 You can _ (go) to London. III 翻译翻译 1 蓝皮带的牛仔裤很好看。 _ 2 你喜欢白领的衬衫还是蓝领的衬衫? _ 3 我喜欢白领的衬衫。 _ 4 我可不这么看。 _ 5 有我这样的尺寸的吗? _ 6 中号的。 _第 3 页 共 25 页7 你愿意先试一下牛仔裤吗? _ I 词组翻译词组翻译 1 带黄色腰带的牛仔裤_ 2 同意某人的意见_ 3 白领衬衫 _ 4 带蓝点的连衣裙_ 5 短袖衬衫_ 6 V 字领的 T 恤衫_ 7 格子裤_ 8 条文裤_II 单词拼写单词拼写1 She like the blue shirt with the r_ neck. 2 To be honest, I dont a_ with you. 3 Tom! Come here! I n_ to talk to you. 4 I p_ the white dress with blue spots. 5 He will to Lotsa Videos to buy some v_. 6 I need _ (buy) a new watch. 7 I just like the yellow sweater _ (have, with) short sleeves. 8 If you want to buy your kids some clothes, you can go to _ (Cloth, Clothes) For Kids. 9 Which one do you like, the red one _ (and, or) the black one? 10. I dont agree _ (with, to) you. 11. Toys for kids are on the _ (twelve) floor. 12. I like the sweater with long _ (sleeve). 13. Mum wants to go to _ (difference) kinds of shops. 14. The pizza with pineapple is very _ (taste). 15. We planned to visit Shanghai Museum, but David _ (agree). III 翻译句子翻译句子 1试衣间在那边。 _ 2. 与一位同学一起轮流扮演顾客和店员。 _ 3. 就每一件服装提问,要符合自己尺码的服装。 _ 4. 很快春节就要到了。 _第 4 页 共 25 页I 词组翻译词组翻译 1 中等尺码_ 2 符合某人的尺寸 _ 3 试穿_ 4 圆领_ 5 长袖_ 6 试衣间_II 单词拼写单词拼写 1 Do you have the _ (毛衣) in my size? 2 _ me. (打扰一下)You just stand in my way. 3 Im sorry. I dont have blue T-shirt in your _ (大小). 4 When
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