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1等到有一天你或许没有机会“Wait“ and you shall have no more opportunity作者:孙越 (Sun Yat)在今天,我们的房子越来越大,但是家庭越来越小。Today, our house is getting bigger and bigger, but our family, smaller and smaller.生活越来越方便,但是时间却越来越少。Life is easier, but time, less and less.我们的学位越来越高,常识却越来越少。Our education level is higher and higher, but common sense, less and less.知识越来越多,判断力却越来越差。Knowledge is getting more and more, but judgement becomes worse and worse.我们有更多的专家,但是也有更多的问题。We have more professionals, but there are more and more problems.医药越来越好,但健康越来越少。Medicine has improved greatly, but health is becoming worse and worse.我们花费太多,欢笑太少。We expend a lot, but enjoy life very little.车开得太快,火气上来也更快。We drive cars very fast, but temper bursts out faster.睡得太晚 , 阅读太少,电视看得太多,而且祷告太少。Sleep very late, read very little, view too much TV and pray very little.2我们所拥有的资产倍增,但是价值却递减。Our fortune is doubled, but value reduced.我们说得太多,但是爱心太少,且谎话连篇。We talk a lot, but love very little and lies abound.我们学习如何经营生活,但没有建造生命。We learn how to lead a life, but we careless creating life.我们在生命中加增岁月,却没有在岁月中增长生命。We extend our life span, but never increase life in our days.我们有越来越高的建筑,但也有越来越低的 EQ 。We have taller and taller buildings, but less and less EQ.有更宽广的高速公路,但有更狭窄的视野。We have wider high speed motorways, but have narrower viewpoints.我们花费得更多,但拥有的更少。We spend a great deal, but own very little.我们买得更多,但享受得更少。We buy more, but enjoy less.我们可以登陆月球回来。但是却无法拜访对街的邻居。We travel to the moon and back, but never stir to visit our neighbors.我们可以征服外层空间。但是却无法掌控内心世界。We conquer the outer space, but have no clue as to how to control our prejudice.我们可以分裂原子核,但是却无法挪去心中的偏见。We can dissect atoms, but are unable to remove our biased thinking.3我们更多书写,却更少学习。We write more, but learn little.更多计划,却更少成就。More schemes, but little success.我们学会忙碌,但学不会等候。We learn how to busy ourselves, but never learn how to wait.我们的收入更高了,但道德更低了。Our income has risen, but morality, declined.我们生产更多计算机,掌握更多信息,We produce more and more computers, control more information,复制更多拷贝,但我们的沟通却更贫乏。Multiply more and more copies, but our communications with others very lacking.我们的数量提高了,质量却降低了。We produce more, but quality deteriorates.这是快速食品充斥却消化不良的时代。This is the year when fast food is aplenty and digestion failing.高大的身躯与低劣的性格并存的时代。Huge physique with lowly temperament coexisting era.更多休闲却更少欢乐。Lots of rest, but little enjoyment.更多食物却更少营养。More food, less nutrition.4更多双收入家庭,但更高的离婚率。More family income, more divorce cases.更多千万豪宅,但却更多破碎的家庭。Many more millionaires , but more broken families.我建议,在今天这样的世代,I propose. In such an era,你不要保留任何事情到特殊的场合才做,You do not keep what you want to do till a specific time to do,因为你活着的每一天都是特殊场合。Because the day you are alive and kicking is the specific occasion you should do.勤加阅读,追求知识,Read more and obtain more knowledge.坐在你家的前廊上欣赏自然美景,Sit in your front veranda and enjoy the beauty of nature.无需汲汲营营于生活需要。Do not have to worry about lifes essential needs.多花时间与家人及好友在一起,Spend more time with your friends and families,享受喜欢的食物,Enjoy your fond food.到你喜爱的地方去游览。Travel to places you like to visit.5生命不只是为了存活,Life does not depend on maintaining ones existence.而是一连串愉快事件组成的链条。It consists of many happy occasions chained together.将你的水晶高脚杯拿出来,Bring out your crystal champagne glass,不要将妳最好的香水存起来,Never keep your best perfume on the shelf.任何时候你想要用的时候就用它吧。Any time you want to use it, do so.把有一天将来的某一天从你的字典中删除。Remove “one day“ “some day in the future“ from your dictionary.现在就去写那一封,你曾经想过要等到有一天才来写的信。Go now to write that letter. The letter you want to write one day.让我们现在就告诉我们的家人我们多爱他们。Let us now tell our family that we love them very much.不要将会带给你欢笑及喜乐的任何事情拖延到未来。Do not postpone telling them your happiness and love till one day.每一天,每一小时,每一分钟都是特别的,Every day, every hour and every minute is all very special,而且你不知道那是否是你的最后一刻。Also, you do not know if it is your last minute of life.6如果你太忙以致于无法将这封信传给你所爱的人,If you are too busy and unable to forward this email to people you love,你告诉自己 说,等到有一天我再传。You tell yourself “Wait till one day“ I shall forward.那请你相信我 “ 等到有一天 “ 你或许没有机会传了。In that case, please believe me “Wait till one day“ you will never have any opportunity to do so.
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