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目录Part 1 3-12 Part 213-23 Part 324-34 Part 435-46 Exercise 147-54 Exercise 255-62 Exercise 363-70 Exercise 471-78 Exercise 579-863part 1一、报刊速读Changs dream comes true from teens senior edition of ” 21st century English newspapers” (二十一世纪 中学生英文报)YOU may have seen her first in TV dramas, but she won your heart with her songs. You may still be listening to her hits “Fable“ (寓言) and “Invisible Wings“ (隐形的翅膀). But guess what, 25-year-old Taiwanese singer Angela Chang is now inviting you on another musical journey.Her fourth CD “Flower in the Wonderland“ (梦里花) will come out on January 12. Believe it or not, Chang said the idea for the song came in a dream she had. “I dreamt several times of someone singing a beautiful tune (曲子),“ she said. “I could not tell what it was about, but I loved it.“The song itself is like a dream, with an ancient castle (城堡) in a desert (沙 漠). But Changs message shows she has her eyes wide open. “I never despair (绝 望) even if I am hurt,“ she sings. “I will fight on with hope.“The new CD may remind you of her earlier works such as “Over the Rainbow“ and “Pandora“. Her songs may have dreamy words, but their message is always “in life you need to be strong and brave“.In fact, strength and bravery are the secrets of Changs success. Chang topped several singing contests when she was in high school. However, at the beginning it was very difficult for her to get into the music business. Chang auditioned (试唱) for several record companies but was turned down for looking too young and small. When she was finally offered a contract (合约) in 2002, she burst into tears.Although she is a talented singer, Chang had to wait a while for her professional career to begin. She started as an actress, appearing in “MVP Valentine“ (MVP 情人) and “At the Dolphin Bay“ (海豚湾恋人). “I didnt know when the company would let me do music, but I kept on telling myself that there was hope ahead and that I should never give up ,“ she said.When Chang released her first album in 2004 people thought she was just “another actress who thinks she can sing!“ But she has proved them wrong. She may be small but she has a big, big voice, “The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true ,“ said Chang.4二、新闻理解1,When will Changs fourth CD come out?2,What are Changs secrets of success?3,Can you tell us two dramas in which Chang plays a role?4,Can you tell us about her popular songs mentioned in the news?三、题材分析a)Please pay attention to the words or expressions usually used in the entertainment news. b)Please look at the names of songs and dramas. What punctuation(标点符号) does the author use? (quotation marks and italic 引号并斜体)四、小组讨论Do you think it good to turn ones hobby into a future career? Have a discussion on this topic.五、资料补充 明星英文名字 刘德华 Andy 梁朝伟 Tony 郑秀文 Sammi 梁咏琪 GiGi 陈冠希 Edison 罗志祥 Show 李纹 Coco 莫文蔚 Karen 林嘉欣 Karena 周丽淇 Niki 郑伊健 Ekin 潘玮柏 Wilpan 周杰伦 Jay 蔡依林 Jolin 潘伟柏 Will 房祖名 Jaycee 陈小春 Jordon 关之琳 Rosamund 陈冠希 Edison 罗志祥 Show 梁静茹 Fish 陈慧琳 Kelly 周迅 Jue 古天乐 Louis 刘若英 Rene 周慧敏 Vivian 张韶涵 Angela 杨千桦 Miriam 黎明 Leon 林俊杰 JJ 孙燕姿 Stefanie 胡彦斌 Anson 蔡卓研 Charlene 王心凌 Cyndi 5六、报刊介绍 第一部分:国内 二十一世纪中学生英文报是一份专为中学生设计的英语时事周报,报道中学生读者关 心的时事和热点问题,旨在提高中学生英语学习兴趣,提高学生综合运用语言进行真实交 际的能力;该报共有八版:Front Page,Our World ,Campus Trends(校园热点) , Culture(社会文化) , Leisure(运动休闲) ,Science Life(科技生活) ,Learning With Us ,Fun Time(开心驿站) 。报刊内容丰富多彩,贴近学生生活世界,贴近时代;报 刊英语清新、简练、妙趣横生,它浅显易懂、纯正地道,富有感染力,她将激发你学习的 热情;它切合你的英语阅读水平,适合你的口味,关注你的心理需求,挖掘你的阅读潜力, 能迅速扩大你的词汇量、阅读量,使你养成用英语思维的习惯;它开阔你的视野,提高你 的人文素养,培养跨东西方文化的意识。 二十一世纪中学生英文报将带你走向世界的政 治、经济、科学文化、军事及社会生活等领域,它信息量大,是英语教科书无法代替的。 在课堂上,我们如充分利用现代化的教学手段,开展阅读、讨论、合作探究、汇报、辩论、 竞赛等喜闻乐见教学活动,师生间、生生间多维互动交流,碰撞出智慧的火花。另外,值得中学生去关注的报刊或网站电台还有上海学生英文报 、 中国日报 、新浪英 语、(中国国际广播电台) 、沪江英语等。七、新闻理论如何理解英文报刊中新闻标题的时态 动词表示一种动态,新闻标题在浓缩新闻内容时,如能恰倒好处地用上一个动词,就能增 色不少,给人以形象生动、跃然纸上的感觉。标题中用了动词,固然好处不少,但也给我 们阅读英文报刊增加了一个困难。 我们知道,英语中的动词有时态的变化,在英语新闻标题中也不例外。但由于新闻标题必 须言简意赅,不可能采用英语的完整时态形式来浓缩新闻事实。为此,新闻标题形成了自 身的独有的时态特点,以达到使动词既传情达意,又具时间感的目的。英文报刊的标题中 一般不用过去时态,当然更不用过去完成时等时态,而采用现在时态,使读者阅读是有如 置身与这条新闻事件中之感觉,这叫做“新闻现在时” (journalistic present tense)与 文学写作中的“历史现在时”(historical present tense)实际上完全一样。所以,英语 新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种:一般现在时、将来时和现在进行时。现分述如下:1)一般现在时通常被用来表示过去发生的事 通常情况下,报刊所载消息多为已发生过的事,按日常英语语法,标题中的动词应使用过 去时态,但是这样容易给人产生一种陈旧感,似有“昨日黄花”之嫌,缺乏吸引力。为了 弥补这一缺陷,英语新闻标题常用一般现在时从形式上来增强报道的新鲜感(freshness)现 实感(reality) 直接感(immediacy)。此外,标题构成形式采用动词的一般现在时还可省去 动词过去形式中常见的“ed”两个字母,节省标题词数。正因为一般现在时在英语新闻标 题中的这一特殊用法,初读英语报纸的读者应特别注意这一现象,不要把它误以为是日常 英语语法中的一般现在时,从而影响对全文内容的阅读与理解。6 Toxic mushroom kills 6 farmers.(=Toxic mushroom killed 6 farmers.)2 将来时更多地直接采用动词不定式来表达 英语新闻标题中动词将来时的表达形式除一般将来时“will+动词原形”外,更多的还是 采用“连系动词 be+动词不定式”结构,其中连系动词 be 通常省略,以节省标题词数。 换言之,动词不定式在英语新闻标题中可直接表示未来动作,这是因为不定式标志“to ” 只由两个字母构成,不一般将来时中的“will”来得少,故频频见诸报端。例如:China to play a m
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