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Test TwoReading ComprehensionPassage 1Last Thursday an old chap came to our school to talk about the evils of smoking. He said he wouldnt go on for too long, and we saw him take his wristwatch off and lay it on the table. I cant remember what he said about smoking because Slater and I had other things to think about. He finished when the bell rang for playtime, and the headmaster told us to go out. Slater happened to slip.In the playground Slater showed me the watch. He put it on his wrist, and it looked lovely. I was wishing that Id been the one to slip by the table, because it was a beautiful watch, gold by the look of it. The headmaster came outside then, and the old boy was with him. They walked about, looking around and talking all the time. After a bit the bell rang, and we got into our lines, ready to go in.The headmaster said, “Ive got a little job for you boys. This gentleman, our lecturer, has just lost his watch in the playground. Its happened before, he says - it just slips off his wrist. So look around for it, will you? See if youre clever enough to find it. Ive no doubt the boy who does so will get a useful reward? “Well, of course, Slater wasnt going to miss a chance like that. Hes just about the luckiest devil in the school - rewards just drop into his hands. We all walked about the playground, looking for the watch. And I wasnt a bit surprised when Slater bent down as if he was picking something up. Then he hurried past me towards the old man.“Where are you going?“ I called out, though I knew very well where he was going. “Where do you think?“ he called back.And the next minute there was Slater, all smiles, handing over the watch to the old fellow and hanging about for the reward.But the lecturer didnt seem at all pleased. In fact he looked quite ready to put a knife in Slaters heart - until the headmaster burst out laughing. Then they both laughed. Slater told me afterwards that the old man hadnt even said “Thank you“ for the watch.The thing that puzzled us most of all was that Slater didnt get any reward. When he reminded the headmaster about it, the headmaster said: “Ah yes, we mustnt forget that I said a useful reward, didnt I?“ And then he gave Slater a big sheet of paper and told him to write a composition on the evils of smoking. Slater says he hasnt got a clue what to write.1. What were the boys thinking about during the lecture?A) They were not thinking about anything.B) They were thinking about the evils of smoking.C) About the watch - how to get it, perhaps.D) They thought that the headmaster was very clever. 2. Why did the story-teller wish that he had slipped?A) Because it was a beautiful watch.B) He thought he could have taken the watch if he had slipped.C) If that had happened, the watch wouldnt have been lost.D) In that case he wouldnt have given it back to the lecturer. 3. “The headmaster came outside then, and the old boy was with him.“ Who was the old boy?A) An old student. B) The lecturer. C) The headmasters son. D) A servant. 4. When Slater “bent down“, what was he trying to do?A) He had to bend down in order to pick up the watch.B) He was trying to hide the fact that he had found the watch.C) The watch had slipped off his wrist, and he was trying to pick it up.D) He was pretending to have found something. 5. Why didnt Slater get the kind of reward he expected?A) The headmaster had forgot it, probably.B) Because the lecturer did not agree to give him any reward.C) Because the headmaster never meant to give the usual kind of reward to anyone.D) Because the headmaster did not keep his word. Passage 2Many poor people made good money by selling their own living, healthy teeth. Young peoples teeth were in special demand. Dentists with rich, gap-toothed patients often had several live-tooth sellers at hand ready to have their teeth pulled. The idea was to get the best match and fit for the patient. Miss Smiths second-from-the-middle tooth might be no good. But maybe Mr Browns third-left would fit her ladyships socket. Some of the double extractions took place right on the spot. The bad tooth would be hauled out. Then the newly drawn live one would be popped into the socket. Strange though it may seem these transplants sometimes worked. At least they would last for a year or two. But they, like ivory teeth, had to be tied firmly to the real teeth next to them.In some cases, neither carved teeth nor transplants worked - no matter how rich or famous the patient. Next time you see a picture of George Washington, take a good look at it. Theres something strange about the presidents mouth. It has a puffed look, especially under the lower lip. Washington suffered from poor teeth. He lost most of them when he was quite young. Dentist after dentist tried to fit him with suitable dentures. But none of them were really satisfactory. One set had dogs teeth in the top. In the bottom were human teeth. The set was held togethe
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