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Unit 1 My names Gina. Section B697435602831452132194786635108455769 74356028314521321947866351084557636214066362140663621406Whats the number?one two three fourfive six seven eight nine0zeroEnglish numbers: 0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 Lets know the numbers.1aListen and write down the number._2786926Have a try!1bplaySay numbers together.5558042 3986149 49001682787928 9293160 13086449651telephone numbers = phone numbersphone = telephoneWhats your phone number?Its1c1.Tom c a.929-31 6 02.Linda _ b.398-61_ _3.Bob _ c.278-79 _ _4.Mary _ d.555-80 _ _dbaWell done!Listen and match them.2aplay1.Tom c a.929-31 6 02.Linda d b.398-61_ _3.Bob b c.278-79 _ _4.Mary a d.555-80 _ _4 92 84 2Well done!Listen again and complete the numbers.2bplayWhats your phone numbers?NamesPhone NumbersZhang Peng6083922Ma Xiaochao138339192742cHand Brown SmithMillerLook and write.3aID card FIRST NAME: Jenny LAST NAME: Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER: 535-2375Whats her telephone number?Whats her family name?Whats her first name?Its 535-2375.Her family name is Brown.Her last name is Jenny.3bFIRST NAME:_LAST NAME:_PHONE NUMBER:_Make your ID card.FIRST NAME:_LAST NAME:_PHONE NUMBER:_CathyHuang89638713
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