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Unit 1 Living with technologyProject-教案Teaching aims:(1)help Ss learn and useenglish practically.(3)2Students areexpected to complete a projectImportant points & difficult points:(1) Get students to makea list of advantages and disadvantages(2) Have students know how to cooperate.ProceduresStep1 Lead-inHow many of you have a mobile phone?2. Why do you usemobile phones?3. Can you list somefunctions of mobile phones?Show Ss somepictures about thefunction mobile phonesQuestions:Mobile phones have become part of peoples life and do bring us lots of advantages,but there have beenan argument about the safety of using them for many years. Whats your idea on this issue? Do you thinkthe use of mobilephones is dangerous or not? Why?Now lets read a newspaper article about the possible negative effects of mobile phone use on peopleshealth.Step2 reading strategya newspaper articlethe titlethefirst paragraphRead the title and the first paragraph carefully and answer thefollowing questions.What might be thewriters attitude towards mobile phone use?Why do you think so?He might be worried about the useof mobile phones becausehe says, Scientists haverecently provide uswith someworrying findings.Step3 list the advantages anddisadvantagesSupporting detailsMain pointsMain point 1:Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of developing brain cancer.Supporting detailsThe report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in Sweden, comparing 1,617 patientsfound to have brain tumours between 1997 and 2003 with thesamenumber of healthy people.Main point 2Digital mobile phones are an actual danger.Supporting details:The study, conducted with 200 mice, of which half were exposed to radiation while the other half did notreceive any radiation, shows that the first half were found to have more than twice thecancer rate of thesecond half after eighteen months.Main point 3The reasons why there is no definite scientific evidence available now about the effects of mobile phoneson peoples health.Supporting details:Enormous profit from the telecommunications industry prevents the bad results of findings from beingexposed.Step4 language points1. The report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in Sweden. (P14)该报 告是基于一项在瑞典进行的研究的发现 写成的.basesth. on sth.The film isbased on a short story byThomas Mann.2. This study was conducted with 200 mice, half of which were exposed to radiation while the other halfdid not receive any radiation. (P14) 该研究的实验对 象是 200 只老鼠,其中半树暴露在辐射环境下, 而另一半未受到任何辐射.n. C暴光Todays newspaper contains a searing expose of police corruption.v. T暴露The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bonewas exposed.This photograph was under-/over-exposed (= too little/too much light was allowed to reach the film).暴光The review exposed widespread corruption in thepolice force.The newspaper story exposed him as (= showed that he was) a liar.exposedadj.The house is in a very exposed position.exposesb. to sth.phrasal verb usually passive to make it likely that someonewill experience sth. harmfulor unpleasant:About 800, 000 children are exposed to poisons each year.It is feared that people living nearthe power station may havebeen exposed to radiation.3. Thus, the findings have not been made public, and the industry is saying that there is not enoughevidence to do so. (P15) 因此,一些研究结果一直未与公开, 而电信公司却说证 据还不够充分。thusadv. in this way: 就这样Bend from thewaist, thus.with this result: 因此They planned to reduce staff and thusto cut costs.4. Can we have faith in them and believe that they are being honest? 我们能相信他们并相信他们所说的是实话吗 ?faith (TRUST)n. UShe has no faith in modern medicine.Youll cope - I have great faith in you.After the trial, his family said they had lost all faith in the judicial system.Ministers must start keepingtheir promises if theywant to restore faith in thegovernment.faithfuladj.loyal: 忠诚的a faithful friendThey are faithful supporters of theLabour Party.His faithful old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.trueor not changing any of thedetails, facts, style, etc. of theoriginal:Shegavea faithful account of what had happened on that night.I havetried to keep mytranslation as faithful aspossible to the original book.If your husband, wifeor partner is faithful, they do not have a sexual relationship with anyone else:Wasyour wifefaithful during yourmarriage?Hewas faithful to hiswifethroughout their 30-year marriageHomeworkRead the article again. Ask questions about the places that you do not underatand.; http:/www.gzyaojing.com/ 亿光 亿光电子 cjl326uip
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