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Unit 2 The United Kingdom考纲知识预览熟记单词1. (vt. 使分开divide by 用除以The world is divided into five continents.Lets divide the cake into three.He separated the big eggs from the small ones.1. The apple was _ into two.2. We _the money equally.3. Oxygen can be _ from water.4. The Taiwan Strait _ Taiwan from Fujian.试一试divideddivided separatedseparatesAs we all know, the UK is a large country _ four parts. 2010东营模拟A. consisting of B. makes upC. consist of D. is make up of【解析】选A。句意:众所周知,英国是一个由四部分组成的大国。此处consisting of four parts为现在分词短语作定语(=which consists of four parts)。3 clarify vt. 澄清,讲清楚;阐明 vi. 澄清,清楚,明了;易懂事Could you clarify the question? 你能解释这个问题吗? His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了.拓展: clarification n.4 break v. (broke, broken) 习惯搭配: break away 挣脱, 逃脱;脱离, 背叛 break down 抛锚, 出故障,身体跨了 break into 闯入, 突然发出 break out (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发 break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break the records 打破记录on credit赊购 credit limit信用额度5 to ones credit do sb credit do credit to sb值得赞扬,值得尊敬6 convenience n 便利,方便;便利 的事物;便利设施 (1)for convenience为了方便起见 at ones convenience在方便的时候 (2)convenient adj.方便的,便利的,适合 需要的 be convenient for对是方便的【注意】 (1)convenient作表语时,不 可用人作主语,要用事物作主语或用it来充 当形式主语。 (2)convenient不和“of sb.不定式”连用 ,但可与“for sb.不定式”连用。 (3)作表语时后接不定式的主动形式。拓展a convenient place/ timeIt is an inconvenient time to come.I cant see him now; its not convenient.Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?1.完成句子 (1)I will come to pay a visit to you _(如果你方便的话 )this weekend. (2)我们可以在你方便的时候进一步讨 论此事。(汉译英) _ _if it is convenient for youWe can discuss this furtherat your convenience.(3)你什么时候方便出发?(汉译英) _ _When would it be convenientfor you to start?7.attract vt. 吸引;引起注意 (1)attract ones attention吸引某人的注意 attract sb.to.把某人吸引到 (2)attraction n. have an/no/a little/much attraction for sb. 对某人具有/不具有/有一点/很有吸引力 (3)attractive adj.有吸引力的;引起注意的, 引起兴趣的2完成句子 (1)The story _ (引起了传媒的广泛关注) (2)_ (最吸引我 的)to the job was the chance to travel. (3)The television _(对我没有什么 吸引力)has attracted a lot of interest in the mediaWhat attracted me most has little attraction for me(4)Tom wrote a poem _(为了引 起玛丽的注意)in order to attract Marys attention8. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 leave alone不管,别惹,让独自呆 着;不打扰 leave aside搁置 leave behind忘带,留下 leave for动身到(某处) leave off停止,中断完成句子 (1)You can _(省 去细节),just give us the main facts. (2)Ive told you before _(别碰我的东西)! (3)The lights of the city were soon _(远远抛在后面)leave out the detailsleave my things aloneleft behind用alone/out/off填空 (1)I will thank you if you leave me _. (2)Take care not to leave anything useful _. (3)Lets leave _ here for lunch.aloneout off9 take the place of 代替As some experts say, shopping by television will never take _ place of shopping in stores, because many people find shopping at a store _ great enjoyment. A. /; a B. the; a C. a; the D. a; /【解析】选B。take the place of“代替”;“a great enjoyment”指一件极其快乐的事。10. available adj. 可得到的,可 利用的 (1)the available space 可用的空间 (make).available for sb.为某人 提供可用的 be available(for.)有空(做) (2)availability n有用;利用完成句子 (1)Weve already used up all the _(可用的空间) (2)The university is trying to make more accommodation _(学生专用的)available spaceavailable for students11. delight vt.& vi. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜 快乐 n 高兴,喜悦 (1)delight in (doing)sth.以某事为乐(尤 指不该做的事) (2)to ones delight令某人高兴的是 take/find/have delight in喜好;以 为乐with/in delight高兴地 Its a delight to do sth.做某事是令人愉 快的 (3)delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的 be delighted at为而高兴 be delighted to do sth./that为而高 兴 delightful adj.令人快乐的5完成句子 (1)Chris _(喜 欢戏弄他妹妹) (2)_,everything goes well(令我们非常高兴的是) (3)Thanks for the invitation._(我很 乐意前来)delights in teasing his sisterMuch to our delightId be delighted to come(4)_(多么快乐的 景象)!Everybody was singing,dancing or smiling!What a delightful scene12. influence vt. 影响;改变n 影响;势力;有影响的人(事) (1)have influence on sb./sth.对某人/物有影响 (2)influential adj.有影响的,有说服力的influence,affect,effect (1)influence多指对人的思想、观 念、心理、情绪等内在的东西产生潜 移默化的影响,或对人的决定、行为 等造成某种程度的影响。比较网站(2)affect 有多种含义:对事物的变化产 生影响;对某事物产生不好的影响;用作引 申义,指引起某人的感情波动,意为“使 感动”。 (3)effect 一般用作名词,指由某种原因 直接产生的结果。4完成句子 (1)What exactly is _ (电 视对儿童的影响)? (2)Dont let others _ (影响你的决定)the influence of television on children influence your decision(3)Shandong Province _ (受旱情 影响最严重)this winter. (4)Did the medicine _(
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