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摘要的定义、用途和长度l摘要是作者研究过程、研究目的、研究方 法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括。通过阅 读摘要,读者可以对是否阅该全文或全书 作出决定,会议组织者可以判定论文是否 符合会议宗旨而作出取舍,研究项目的赞 助商也可了解项目的进展情况。摘要也是 作者的“卖点”,把自己的研究与同行分享 。 医学论文的英文摘要一般在150300 词之间,但不同的医学杂志有不同的要求 。摘要的内容完整的医学英文摘要包括下列内容: l1标题(title) l2作者姓名(name of the author) l3. 作者单位和地址(unit of the author address) l4摘要正文(text of the abstract) l5. 关键词(key words)摘要的类型l摘要一般分三类: l1描述性摘要(descriptive abstract) l2. 资料性摘要(informative abstract) l3. 描述资料性摘要(descriptive- informative abstract)描述性摘要(也有人称为指示性摘要或说 明性摘要)一般只用两三句话概括论文 报道的主题,而不涉及具体的数据和结论 ,通常用于综述、会议报告等。此类摘要 用于帮助读者决定是否需要阅读全文。资料性摘要(也称信息性摘要或报道性摘 要)概括论文的主要信息,一般阐明研究 的问题和关键的研究成果,其特点是全面 、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数 据和结论。通常,阅读这种摘要可以部分 取代阅读全文。描述资料性摘要(也称说明资料性摘 要)以资料性摘要的形式表述论文报道 中信息价值较高的部分,以描述性摘要的 形式表述其余部分。摘要的写作格式l传统式 l结构式l 传统式摘要多为一段式,在内容上大致包括引 言(Introduction)、方法(Methods)、结果 (Results)和讨论(Discussion)等主要方面. l 20世纪80年代出现了另一种摘要文体即“结构 式摘要”,它实质上是资料性摘要的结构化表达 ,使其内容一日了然。 l 传统式摘要与结构式摘要的差别在于后者为了 方便读者了解论文的内容,行文中用醒目的字 体(黑体,全部大写或斜体等)直接标出目的、方 法、结果和结论等标题。传统式摘要New Concepts in the treatment of Rheumatoid ArthritisRaphaela Goldbach-Mansky and Peter E. Lipsky Office of the Clinical Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892;e-mail:goldbacrmail.nih.govAbstract: Recent advance have made rheumatoid arthritis (RA) amenable to treatment. Clinical studies in patients with early and established RA have broadened understanding of its pathogenesis and have fundamentally changed the therapeutic approach to this disease. Quantum leaps in therapy including the use of early aggressive therapy, combination therapy, and the introduction of anti-cytokine agents have improved patients quality of life, eased clinical symptoms, retarded the progression of joint destruction, and delayed disability. We review clinical evidence supporting these therapeutic approaches. Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges are highlighted, and a decision tree to guide treatment in patients with early or established RA is provided.Keywords: combination therapy; anti-cytokine therapy; early aggressive treatment; DMARDs; prognosis; outcome 结构式摘要Techniques Available for Mr. Brain Scan Coregistration with Spect ImaginRobin A. GreeneYale University School of Medicine Purpose: There are many situations in which it would be desirable to combine the imaging information from two or more studies on the same patient. Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) provide complementary information. There exist many techniques which work with image processing algorithms that make it possible to superimpose the functional features of the SPECT study with the anatomic features of the MR. This technique is known as co-registration. Methods: There are two general types of techniques that assist in image co- registration: natural landmark and external landmark. Natural landmarks use the identification of anatomic landmarks that are commonly seen in both modalities for image matching. The second category are those that employ the use of externally fixed Marker systems such as fiducial markers, or stereotactic head frames. Whichever of these two techniques are employed must then be considered for the appropriate image processing System that will be used to create the overlays from the datasets from two imaging modalities. Conclusions: The diagnostic availability of “hybridSPECT-MR image sets can greatly improve the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. In addition to improvements in diagnosis, it will also be a powerful tool for the prediction of treatment response to the many drug treated disorders being studied.标题的处理标题应写得简短明了,要既引入注目;又 便于编写索引。标题的长短在一般医学杂 志的征稿简则中都没有具体的限制,但有 的杂志,如美国的Journal of the National Cancer Institute明文规定不得超过14个词 ;美国医学协会杂志Archives of Internal Medicine规定不得超过两行,包括副标题 (每行为42个印刷符号,包括标点符号及 空白间隔)。(一)名词性标题标题一般都是由一个名问或若干并列的词,加上必要 的修饰语构成,一般没有谓语成分。如: 1. Laboratory diagnosis of SARSSARS的实验室诊断 2. Haemorrhagic cholecystitis出血性胆囊炎 3. Alcohol use, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, and hypertention饮酒、心肌梗塞、心原性猝死及高血压病 4. Surgery for Infective Endocarditis感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗标题的书写可有两种方式 (1)只在标题开头第一个词的第一个字母大 写,收尾不用句号(如上例1、2、3); (2)标题中每个词的第一个字母都大写,只 有某些虚词才小写,句尾也不用句号(如 上例4)。某些虚词要小写,这是指冠词和 3个字母以内的连词与介词,而4个字母以 上的,如with、from、after、before、 during 、against、between等,仍要大写 。(二)完整句标题医学论文标题一般都是名词性标题。有的 医学杂志,如美国的Journal of the National Cancer Institute甚至规定标题不 得写成完整的句子。可是,在其他英美医 学杂志中,偶尔仍可见到标题为完整句, 只是在句尾没有句号。例如 1.Dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer 胆固醇饮食人类结肠癌的协同致癌因素 2. Recurrent abdominal pain in a healthy school-aged child can be lactose intolerance 健康学龄儿童反复腹痛可能与不能忍受乳糖 有关(三)疑问句标题也可以是疑问句。疑问句的标题句 尾一般有疑问号,如有疑问代词或疑问副词 ,也可不用疑问句。例如: 1. Home or hospital birth?在家分娩还是住院分娩? 2. Is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad? 治疗临界型高血压是利是弊? 3. Are potassium suppl
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