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摘 要本设计报告以农夫山泉水溶 C100 09 夏季推广策划为研究对象。通过对功能性饮料市场的研究,发现国内功能性饮料仍处于一个发展阶段,具有巨大的市场发展空间,这也就说明功能性饮料市场的竞争将会愈加激烈。通过对消费者的研究,发现功能性饮料的消费人群多是年轻一族,注重健康,具有购买力,渴望新事物的出现,容易接受新事物。这就要求企业必须根据自己的目标消费群体,自身发展情况和所面临的市场准确定位,制定适合自己的广告策略进行推广宣传。本设计报告是根据市场调研和文献研究结论而来。通过对农夫山泉水溶C100 的市场现状和消费者的反应情况,得出该产品的市场占有率及消费者对该产品的认识和接受程度。研究发现要保持产品在市场上的竞争力、夺取市场的最好方法是以差异化战略细分出一个新的品类;需要依托符号化设计的品牌推广及其它市场营销的作用来实现;需要持续性的情感沟通和合理的产品卖点与定位来保证。本产品推广的最终目的是巩固并加深消费者对产品的好感度和忠诚度,使其在一个竞争激烈、新产品推出日新月异的时代中,能够长久地独领风骚,避免很快被其它新产品所取代结局。关键词:功能性饮料;市场推广;差异化;符号化设计AbstractThis report regards summer promote planning of Farmers Spring Water C10009 as the study. Through the research of functional drink market, found that domestic functional drinks are still in a stage of development, with a huge market space for development, which would illuminate the functional drink market will be increasingly fierce competition. For studying of consumers found that the consumers of functional drinks are more younger who pay more attention to health, have purchasing power, desire to the emergence of new and more easy to accept the new things. This requires that enterprises must posit accurately according to their target consumer groups, self-development and the market faced, and establish advertising strategies adapt to their own development to publicize.This report is based on the conclusion of market research and documentation study. By studying the market situation of Farmers Spring Water C100 and response of consumer, come to the products market share and consumer awareness and acceptability of the product. Study found that the best way to maintain competitiveness and win the market is fractionize a new sub-category products by differentiation strategy; this need brand promotion and other marketing role rely on the symbolic design to achieve; and need continued emotional communication and reasonable selling point and positioning of products to ensure. the ultimate goal of this product promotion is to consolidate and deepen the goodwill and loyalty of consumers to products to make it lead to a long time and avoid to be replaced quickly by the other new products in such a highly competitive, and new product changing with each passing day era.Key words:Functional drink; marketing promotion; differentiation; symbolic design目 录摘 要Abstract第一部分农夫山泉水溶 C100 09 夏季推广策划市场调研报告 (1)1.1 调查的目标市场和范围的选定.(1)1.1.1 确定目标市场和范围的依据.(1)1.1.2 目标市场和范围的选定.(1)1.2 调查的方法和途径.(1)1.2.1 市场走访调查.(1)1.2.2 网络文献调查.(2)1.3 调查情况汇集和分析.(2)1.3.1 功能性饮料市场概况.(2)1.3.2 国内功能性饮料市场现状.(3)1.3.3 功能性饮料的市场前景.(3)1.3.4 农夫山泉水溶 C100 消费者分析.(4)1.3.5 分析结论.(5)1.4 调查结论对设计选题的作用和意义.(5)第二部分农夫山泉水溶 C100 09 夏季推广策划文献研究报告.(6)2.1 该领域文献理论研究的总体概述.(6)2.2 文献研究范围的选定.(6)2.3 主要代表理论和观点汇集.(7)2.3.1 品牌传播与推广的符号化设计.(7)2.3.2 产品差异化对消费者购买欲望的影响.(8)2.3.3 产品卖点及营销概念的合理提炼.(8)2.3.4 在创意市场中准确定位,在推广中重新定义.(9)2.文献的分析与观点.(9)2.5 文献研究对设计的指导作用 .(10)2.6 外文文献翻译 .(10)2.6.1 译文:饮料销售商开辟快餐店为广告推广场所的观察报告.(10)2.6.2 原文:Soda marketers pour out fast-feeding frenzy of ads.viewing fast-food units as place to sell.(13)第三部分农夫山泉水溶 C100 09 夏季推广策划设计实践报告(18) 3.1 选题 .(18)3.2 构思过程 .(18)3.2.1 设计构思.(18)3.2.2 策划案的撰写过程.
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