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Unit 3SecurityOral PracticenWhat is important when you go for a holiday trip?nBooking the ticketsncash closed but not locked; none of us carried keys; close upPara 4: dead-bolt locks; security chains; electronic alarm systems; trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm; sliding glass doors; steel bars.Function: The first pair of contrast acts as the opening of the whole piece of writing.Comparison and contrastpara10 vs. para11Para10: carry some kind of access card, such as electronic ones; security guardPara11: policy free accessFunction: It is the supporting details for the central argument.para12 vs. para13 Para12: it( the airport) is a place of education and fun; parents used to take children out to departure gates(登机口) to watch plane land and take off. Para 13: electronic X- ray equipment to hold the terroristsFunction: The latter two are just two supporting details for the central argument. simple past in para1 VS. present perfect in para4; a phrase that indicated an old habit VS. a phrase indicating the current state (i.e. “used to” vs. “no longer” in Para. 11); summary sentence (“It wasnt always like that” in para12).Text AnalysisTense change: Expressions on “安全”n联合国安全理事会负有维持国际和平与安全的责任。nThe United Nations Security Council is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security.n这架飞机在大雾中安全着陆。nThe plane made a safe landing in heavy fog.n注意安全!nWatch out! Attention! Caution! Be careful Take care!nThey lulled her into a false sense of security.n他们哄骗她, 使她产生一种虚假的安全感。Language Studyclose up: shut (sth.) esp. temporarily nNone of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it. (line 3)nIt was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply close up. (No. 6, Page 83)n许多跨国公司正考虑结束他们在这个国家的业务, 把生产转移到低工资国家或地区 。nMany international companies are considering closing up the businesses in this country and transferring production to low wage economiesnThe road has been closed up for repairs. 因为修路, 那条道路不通了。nThis herbal ointment will help to close up your wound quickly. 这种草药膏会帮助你的伤口很快愈合。nThe captain ordered his men to close up. 上尉命令士兵靠拢。nHe closed up when he found he knew practically nothing about the subject under discussion. 当他发现自己对所讨论的问题实际上一无所 知时, 就不再开口了。vulnerable: exposed to danger or attack; unprotectednSuburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patrolled urban streets. (line 8)nThey young girl looked very vulnerable. 那姑娘看上去十分柔弱。n与沙特足球队相比,中国队更易被击败。Compared with Saudi Arabia soccer team, the Chinese team is more vulnerable.n Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation. 流动工人易受剥削。tranquil: calm, quiet and undisturbednVisitors like to stay in this hotel because it is beautiful and located in a tranquil lake area. nShe stared at the tranquil surface of the water. Calm it often implies deviation from what is morally or ethically right or proper.nMistake often implies misunderstanding or misinterpretation and is usually weaker than error in imputing blame or censure.nOversight refers to an inadvertent(无意的) omission or error that results from inattention.look back on: think about (sth.) in ones past nWhen you look back on you your life, what moments would you cherish the most? nIn his speech the president looks back on the economic recovery and makes clear his desire to reduce the federal budget.More Expressions:nlook down on 轻视,看不起 nlook forward to盼望;期待nlook in顺便看望;短暂访问nlook on (常与as连用)旁观nMay I look on with you? 我可以跟你合看这本书吗?Look back on: deep and careful thought 沉思反复考虑之后,我作出了决定.After much reflection, Ive come to a decision. 我很后悔我未加深思,说得太快.I am so sorry that I spoke too quickly and without reflection.Phrases: Be lost in reflection 陷入沉思 On reflection 经考虑后 Cast a reflection on sb.s intelligence/common sense 指责某人的愚蠢/某人的缺乏常识Useful Expressions1.(门)关着但没上锁2.带钥匙3.(暂时)关闭4.巡逻严密的城区街道on the latchcarry keysclose upwell-patrolled urban streets5. 据称很宁静的地区6. 的时代结束了7. 电子报警系统8. 连接到the allegedly tranquil areasthe era of is overelectronic alarm systemshook up to Useful Expressions9. 内置,嵌入10. 处于监控下11. 设置路障12. 保安build in under surveillanceput up barricadessecurity guards Useful Expressions13. 不让靠近14. 电子搜查器15. 看都不看一眼16. 代表;表示,象征hold/keep (sb.) at bay electronic friskerswithout so much as a sideways glancestand for Useful Expressions17. 沉浸于,沐浴于18. 误差率很小/大19. 在人类文明的历史上be bathed in with/by a small/large margin of errorin the history of civilized manUseful Expressions20.玻璃滑门nSliding glass doors 21.使成为建筑的一部分nBuild in 22.撬开门nPry the doors open 23.常常看到nIt is not uncommon to see 24.受监管nBe under surveillance by25.公益广告Public service advertisement 26.做精神赔偿Make the psychic payment 27.新氛围The new atmosphere 28.设置障碍Put up barriers 29.出于某种原因For some reason30.把自己与隔绝开来Barricade oneself against 31.主宰我们的生活Take over our lives 32.大中型公司A medium-to large-size company 33.出入卡Access card 34.事实摆明The fact remains that 35.登机口Departure gate 36.电子透视装置Electronic X-ray equ
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