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Unit 2 English around the world早读晨背积累考点知识导练基础知识梳理早读晨背积累 促联想 扩写作 读话题词汇读话题词汇背精美语语篇 1.master v.掌握 2.improve v.提高 3.pronounce v.发发音 4.spelling n.拼写;拼法 5.usage n.使用;用法 6.standard n.标标准 7.take notes 记记笔记记 8.take part in the English Corner 参加英语语角 9.improve writing skills 提高写 作能力 10.have a good knowledge of English 通晓晓英语语 11.work hard at English 努力学习习 英语语 12.step by step 逐步地;一步步地 13.be afraid of making mistakes 害怕出错错My experience of learning English after classIn English learning,I often take part in the English Corner and practice speaking English.By doing this,I have improved my pronunciation and intonation.At the same time I insist on keeping diaries in English every day.Thus my knowledge has been reviewed and enlarged.Learning English depends on reading widely and largely.I also visit English reading websites.Those sites provide many English articles of all levels and I can find appropriate ones to read.The dictionary in the computer can help me deal with the new vocabulary quickly.Therefore I benefit much from reading.Above are my three main learning methods of learning English after class.专家悄悄地告诉你: 一日之计在于晨。只有日积月累,才能集腋成裘。基础知识梳理 抓住干 固双基知识梳理 限时15分钟见附表语境活用 限时10分钟 .语境填词1.You can find much information available on the (官方的) website. 2.She started wondering if they were (事实上) helping,because so much bamboo was being cut down. 3.The guard asked me to show him my (身份) card. 4.There have been (经常的)exchanges of visits and increasing cooperation between China and Africa this year. 5.We have a team of tour guides f in English to provide in-depth introductions to visitors from around the world. 答案:1.official 2.actually 3.identity 4.frequent 5.fluent6.I tried to get through,but there were people b my way. 7.I made a that the students should be well prepared for the exam. 8.Recovery from the disease is very .As the weather becomes warmer and warmer,he will pick up soon.(gradual) 9.I can hardly how grateful I feel.I will give him a present as an of gratitude.(express) 10.He had changed so much that you didnt him.As a matter of fact,illness and age changed him beyond .(recognize) 答案:6.blocking 7.request 8.gradual;gradually 9.express;expression 10.recognize;recognition.短语复现be based on;at present;such as;make use of;come up;because of; believe it or not;play an important part in 1.The media influencing peoples life. 2.This film a real story,which is very moving. 3. ,we were left waiting in the rain for two hours. 4.It is partly her sick mother that she hasnt taken the job abroad. 5. ,the airport handles 110 flights a day. 6.You can your talents to become rich as well. 7.They were asked how much time they spent on jobs cooking,washing,cleaning and shopping. 8.He rang to say he would be late homesomething atthe office. 答案:1.play an important part in 2.is based on 3.Believe it or not 4.because of 5.At present 6.make use of 7.such as 8.came up.句式活用1.在我看来,与其说这个孩子受到伤害倒不如说他受到惊吓。In my opinion,the boy was . 2.他说他即使整晚不睡觉也一定要让这台计算机工作起来。He said he would make this computer work he had to stay up all night. 3.他被一所非常著名的大学录取了。但我却没有这样的运气。He was admitted to a very famous university.But I have . 答案:1.more frightened than hurt 2.even if 3.no such luck考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能 考点详解 限时30分钟1.base vt.以为根据n.基部;基地;基础归纳拓展base.on/upon. 根据;以为为基础础on the basis of 根据,在的基础础上,基于basic adj. 基本的;基础础的basis n. 基础础,出发发点英文典例:Youll be able to choose a room your own personal tastes.你能根据自己的口味选择一个房间。Most of our staff work for us on a voluntary basis.我们的员工大多是志愿为我们工作的。After only six months of being cared for by a 25-year-old woman from China,the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions. (2014新课标全国,阅读理解C)被一位来自中国的25岁妇女照顾了仅6个月后,这个小男孩便已经能理解基本的汉语表达了based on2.command n.C命令;指令U掌握;控制vt.命令,指挥;支配归纳拓展under ones command=under the command of sb. 由某人指挥挥 have (a) command of 掌握;精通(尤指语语言) be in command of 掌握;控制 at/by sb.s command 听某人支配 command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 command that.(should) do.命令英文典例:The army is direct .军队由国王直接统帅。(P288)In this era of globalization,a good command of a foreign language is very important.全球化时代,精通一门外语是非常重要的。The boss commanded him to finish some important work,but Henry forgot his command.老板吩咐他完成一些重要的工作,但亨利忘了他下的命令。The officer commanded that he (should) go out of the room.军官命令他到房间外面去。underthekingscommand3.request n.要求归纳拓展request sb.to do sth.请请求某人做某事 request that sb.(should) do sth.请请求 It is requested that.据要求 make (a) request for.请请求,要求 at sb.s request=at the request of sb.应应某人之要求英文典例:All members of the club are requested to attend the annual meeting.请俱乐部的全体会员务必参加年会。(P1281)Because of the spread of Ebola,they h
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