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新课标最新版新课标最新版 2014 届高考英语三轮阅读理解精编冲刺模拟卷届高考英语三轮阅读理解精编冲刺模拟卷AMany people are concerned about the state of the earth in terms of its energy supplies and changing climate.The clear message broadcast by all responsible governments is that every person has a part to play.Here are some detailed instructions.1Prevent pollution by disposing(清理) of all your litter and waste in the correct,legal way,such as using onstreet waste receptacles(容器) when you are out and about,or putting it in your domestic rubbish can when youre at home.Follow local procedures for normal waste disposal.Contact your local authority for advice on disposing of unusual waste items,such as paint and computer parts.2Recycle all materials that can be processed by your local authority.Place plastics,metals,paper and glass in the correct collection receptacles.Donate unwanted items to the charities that are happy to accept good condition clothing,furniture and even automobiles.3Look after reserves of water by making sure you turn off the tap after use and by repairing leaks(渗漏) and drips.Purchase waterefficient appliances.Take showers instead of baths.Gather rainwater for garden use and use your lawn sprinkler less often or not at all.4Save energy by choosing Energy Star products.Turn these off,as well as lights,when you dont need them to be on.Use air condition and heating less often.Make sure your home is insulated correctly to maintain a steady temperature.5Reduce the amount of the material you use.Print emails occasionally or not at all rather than printing them every time.You buy new things when you actually need them rather than on a whim(心血来潮)Organize a car pool with friends to use fuel efficiently.In a word,we should try to use the worlds resources efficiently to protect the environment.56When you have a walk in the park,you_Acan throw away the waste freelyBhad better take along the waste Ccan throw the waste into rubbish canDshould put the waste in your domestic rubbish can57Which cant be recycled according to the passage?AMetal. BGlass.CAutomobiles. DPaint.58Why should you take showers instead of baths?ABecause it is comfortable. BBecause it can save lots water.CBecause it can gather water. DBecause it is convenient to use.59Whats the main idea of the whole passage?AHow to protect the environment?BReduce the amount of the material you use.CSome instructions in energy supplies.DWhy should each play a part in saving energy?BI do a lot of hiking.And I can step out of my house and within minutes reach a beautiful forest where I walk for exercise every day.I see many photography subjects such as parrots,snakes,hares,big trees and flowers.There are so many different flowers around my place that once I decided to see how many types I could count in a onehourlong walk,and I counted over 100.Needless to say,as a keen amateur photographer,I always take a camera with me.I have three favorites: a Pentax Optio RZ10,a Sony Alpha 390 and a Panasonic Lumix FZ100.I mostly take the Pentax pocket camera with me.This Pentax pocket camera takes images as good as those from much more expensive Single Lens(镜头)Reflex cameras.It allows you to get to just 1 cm from the subject,and these images are of astonishing clarity(清楚)I can stick the camera right into a flower.And the photo shows fantastic details.The Pentax is also good at taking landscapes.The color is natural and price again the details even of distant objects are great.Sometimes,even when I have one of my other cameras with me,I still just use the Pentax pocket camera.About half of all the images on my website were taken with the Pentax.The Pentax takes quality images in poor light and the zoom works well.You have to work hard to get a blurry(模糊的)shot.This is an especially good feature at parties and gatherings.You get fantastic photos of people.You dont have to wait for them to keep still.Keep this camera in your pocket or in the car.It takes up little room;its light and youll never regret it!60Why does the author walk through the beautiful forest every day?AHe takes exercise to keep fit. BHe goes there to count flowers.CHe takes photos in the forest. DHe goes to see photography subjects.61Which of the following cameras did the author use most?AThe Sony Alpha 390. BThe Pentax Optio RZ10.CThe Panasonic Lumix FZ100. DThe Single Lens Reflex camera.62We can infer from the passage that_Athe author is a professional photographerBthe author took blurry photos at gatheringsCthe author has put half of his photos on his websiteDit is good to take a quick photo with the Pentax63In the last paragraph the author advised us to_Abuy a very small camera Btake photos of our friendsCkeep a Pentax at hand Dtake photos wherever we areCEreading and ebooks are slowly conquering the world.Compared to traditional paper books,ebooks in some schools and universities attract more interest because the information flow seems much easi
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