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UnitUnit 2 2 IdId likelike somesome noodlesnoodles peroidperoid 77教 学 目标1. 知识目标:通过写出知识结构,复习掌握所有已学过的用来点餐的生词和句型,查缺补漏;2能力目标 能运用相关短语和句型做题。教学重点复习掌握所有已学过的用来的生词和句型,查缺补漏;教学难点能运用相关短语和句型做题。学情分析本课时复习第二单元,查缺补漏,内容有点单调,学生可能会不喜欢;但是如果让学生自己总结规律,加之积极的评价手段,应该可以调动学生的积极性;用来点餐电话订餐的话题贴近学生生活实际,比较容易引起学生兴趣。教学准备导学案,听力录音,Ppt教学过程: 集体备课个人备课StepStep One:One: ShowShow thethe prepreviewview worksworks (text-books(text-books andand note-note-paper).paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard.2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to find out how they preview, and then sum up .3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students get into the next step gradually, one after another)StepStep Two:Two: LearnLearn byby themselves.themselves. Ss: 1. Decide your own aims.2. Self-study: 1) Correct your mistakes;2) Finish the task you chose;3. Group work: Talk about your problems in groupsT: Instructions from the teacher if necessary1.there be 句型和 have 用法的区别 2.名词的单复数。StepStep Three:Three: TalkTalk aboutabout thethe problemsproblems withwith thethe teteacheracher together.together.StepStep Four:Four: PracticePracticeSelf check.自己独立完成,有问题组内解决,或请教老师。StepStep Five:Five: SummarySummary andand TestTestStepStep Six:Six: ShowShow studentsstudents howhow toto previewpreview forfor nextnext class.class.小结: 学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 2 IdId likelike somesome noodles.noodles.Choose your tasks : 1. 独立完成 Activity 1-3.2. 根据 Activity 2 总结 would like 用法3. 能总结名词的单复数用法。4. 配套练习反思与重建附:一.课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比二课堂检测题:对照所选目标进行同层对比三、作业设置:必做:预习 Unit 3 P17; 完成配套剩下的题目选做:同步训练阅读练习
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