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UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timtime e dodo youyou gogo toto school?school?SectionSection B B 2a2a 2c2c (P11)(P11)* * 教师寄语:教师寄语:Time works wonders. 时间能创造奇迹。 【学习目标学习目标】【】【学习重点学习重点】:1. 掌握本节课的单词和短语。2. 理解本课短文,并学会谈论自己或他人的健康生活方式。【体验学习体验学习】:I I、预习交流、预习交流1. 找出本节课的新单词和短语并牢记;2. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。IIII、翻译官、翻译官1. 早睡_ 2. 进行体育运动_3. 散步_ 4. 有时 _ 5. 半小时_ 6. 或者.或者_7. 看电视_ 8. 对.有益 _ 9. 品尝 _ 10. healthy(反义词)_ 【课堂导学课堂导学】: 学习任务一:学习任务一:谈论健康的日常活动1.分组讨论哪些是健康的日常活动,并展示2.完成 2a,并朗读这些短语 学习任务二:学习任务二:学习 2b 短文 1. 自读短文,理解意思 2. 小组讨论短文意思 3. 学生质疑,师生共同解惑, 教师对重点单词和短语作适当的解释。 4. 小组内复述短文 5. 尝试背诵短文 学习任务三:学习任务三:学习 2c 部分 1、再读短文,用 2b 中的相关信息完成空格 2、小组合作,核对答案 3、谈谈自己有哪些健康的和不健康的生活习惯,并记下来【自主检测自主检测】:I I、精挑细选、精挑细选1. Doing sports is good _ your health. A. sees B. reads C. watches 2. I go to _ work after _ breakfast every day. A. /, the B. /, / C. the, /3. -Its seven oclock. Its time to go _. -OK, Lets go.A. the school B. to school C. my school4. Ice-cream is not good for us, but it tastes _.A. well B. good C. bad5. You can either take a bus _ go there on foot.A. and B. or C. but IIII、翻译句子、翻译句子 1、我一般在早上 6:30 左右吃早饭。_ _ _ 2、学校 9:00 点钟开始上课。_ _ _ 3、晚上我要么看看电视,要么玩玩电脑游戏。_ _ _ 4、你通常几点到校?_ _ 5、人们一般在什么时候吃晚餐啊?_、快乐阅读、快乐阅读My name is Li Hong. I study at No.6 Middle School. At school I have a friend. His name is Jim.We get up at six in the morning. We go to school at seven ten. Classes begin at seven thirty. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.After school we play games. We often play football. We go home at about five. We do our homework in the evening. We go to bed at around nine fifty.根据文章,判断正(T)误(F): ( )1. Li Hong and Jim are friends.( )2. They get up at seven oclock in the morning.( )3. They have seven classes every day.( )4. They often play games after school.( )5. They go to bed at 9:40 in the evening. 【学习体会学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足:
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