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摘要摘要随着半导体技术的飞速发展,以及移动通信、网络技术、多媒体技术在嵌入式系统设计中的应用,单片机从 4 位、8 位、16 位到 32 位,其发展历程一直受到广大电子爱好者的极大关注。单片机功能越来越强大,价格却不断下降的优势无疑成为嵌入式系统方案设计的首选,同时单片机应用领域的扩大也使得更多人加入到基于单片机系统的开发行列中,推动着单片机技术的创新进步。然而传统的单片机系统开发除了需要购置诸如仿真器、编程器、示波器等价格不菲的电子设备外,开发过程也较繁琐。来自英国 Labcenter Electronics 公司的Proteus 软件很好地诠释了利用现代 EDA 工具方便快捷开发单片机系统的优势。它包括 PROTEUS VSM(Virtual System Modelling) 、PROTEUS PCB DESIGN 两大组成部分,在 PC 机上就能实现原理图电路设计、电路分析与仿真、单片机代码级调试与仿真、系统测试与功能验证以及形成 PCB 文件的完整嵌入式系统设计与研发过程。单片机系统作为一种典型的嵌入式系统,其系统设计包括硬件电路设计和软件编程设计两个方面, 其调试过程一般分为软件调试、硬件测试、系统调试 3 个过程。如果采用单片机系统的虚拟仿真软件Proteus,则不用制作具体的电路板也能够完成以上工作。关键词: 数字电子钟 STC89C52 LED 电子钟ABSTRCTABSTRCT With the rapid development of semiconductor technology, and mobile communication, network technology, multimedia technology in embedded system design application, SCM from the4,8,16bit to 32 bit, its development course has been subject to the vast majority of electronic enthusiasts attention. Single chip computer is becoming more and more powerful, the price drops ceaselessly however advantage undoubtedly become embedded system design is preferred, while MCU application fields expand also makes more people to join the ranks of the development of SCM system based on SCM technology, promote innovation and progress. However, the traditional single chip microcomputer system development in addition to the need to purchase such as emulators, programmer, oscilloscopes and other expensive electronic equipment, the development process is tedious. From the UK Labcenter Electronics Proteus software, a good interpretation of the use of modern EDA tool convenient and quick development of the advantages of SCM system. It includes the PROTEUS VSM ( Virtual System Modelling ), PROTEUS PCB DESIGN two components, in the PC machine can realize the schematic circuit design, circuit analysis and simulation code, debug and simulation, system testing and verification as well as the formation of PCB file full embedded system design and development process. SCM system as a typical embedded system, the system design including the hardware circuit design and software programming of two aspects of the design, the debugging process is generally divided into software debugging and hardware testing, system testing process of 3. If the use of single-chip microcomputer system of the virtual simulation software - Proteus, without making specific circuit board also can be done. Keywords:Keywords: digitaldigital electronicelectronic clockclock STC89C52LEDSTC89C52LED electronicelectronic clockclock目录I摘要摘要.1ABSTRCTABSTRCT.1第一章第一章绪论绪论.11.1设计背景 .11.2设计简介 .11.2.1电子钟简介.1 1.2.2电子钟的应用及发展.2第二章第二章方案对比确定方案对比确定.32.1主控芯片的选择 .32.1.1ATmega8 简介.3 2.1.2AT89S52 简介.3 2.1.3STC89C52 简介.4 2.2时钟芯片的选择 .42.2.1DS12887 简介.4 2.2.2DS1302 简介.5 2.3显示系统的选择 .62.3.1LED 优势 .6 2.3.2LED 显示屏 .6 2.4系统总体方案介绍 .6第三章第三章硬件电路设计硬件电路设计.93.1PROTEUS 电路图设计.93.2原理图设计 .103.3PCB 图设计.10第四章第四章系统软件设计系统软件设计.134.1概述 .134.1.1主程序.13 4.1.2调时程序.
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