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毕业设计(论文)毕业设计(论文)题 目 论我国残骸打捞制度的立法研究 姓 名 杨城新 学 号 31209076 专业班级 法学 1202 所在学院 法学院 指导教师(职称) 闻银玲(副教授) 二一六 年 三 月 二十七 日浙江大学城市学院毕业论文摘要论我国残骸打捞制度的立法研究论我国残骸打捞制度的立法研究【摘要摘要】 2016 年上半年, 内罗毕残骸清除公约正式生效,这意味着一个全新的残骸打捞制度将在其成员国产生效力。中国本身为残骸清除公约的缔约国之一,这次的公约生效也会对中国产生效力。更重要的是,由于中国的残骸打捞制度的研究还处于很不成熟的阶段,因此,了解中国残骸打捞制度的现状以及对我国现有的相关立法与残骸清除公约进行一个比较,对未来我国残骸制度的设定就具有了非常重要的意义。文章先介绍了我国的残骸打捞制度的现状,并提出了有必要重新构建残骸打捞制度的论点。接着,文章介绍了残骸清除公约并讨论了这份国际公约对我国残骸打捞制度积极作用与消极作用,之后便是对现有的残骸打捞制度缺陷的讨论。最后,文章提出了国内残骸打捞制度完善的建议,不仅包括基本概念、清除责任人等核心概念的定义,同时也包括责任限额和强制打捞等敏感领域。这篇文章希望体现出文章对于残骸打捞制度的研究和思考。【关键词关键词】 沉船,残骸,打捞,清除,立法浙江大学城市学院毕业论文AbstractIThe the legislation of salvage system in China【Abstract】 In the first half of 2016, the Nairobi wreck removal convention entered into force ,this means that a new wreck salvage system will be effective in its members.As one of the members in the States parties to the Nairobi wreck removal convention.This Convention will also have effect on China.Whats more,because of the research of the wreck salvage system in our country is still in a very immature stage.therefore, understanding the present situation of Chinas wreck salvage system and making a comparison between Chinas existing legislation and the Convention on the removal of debris,has a very important significance to set up the system of debris in the future.This article will firstly introduced the present situation of our countrys wreck salvage system, and put forward the necessity to reconstruct the wreck salvage system. Then, this article describes the “debris clearing Convention“ and discusses the International Convention on the salvage system of Chinas positive and negative effects, then it is a discussion of the existing system defects of salvage salvage. Finally, I will put forward the proposal to improve the salvage system, including not only the basic concepts, such as the definition of the core concept of responsibility, but also including the liability limits and mandatory salvage and other sensitive areas. I hope that this paper can show my research and thought about the wreck salvage system.【Key Words】 wreck,salvage,legislation,eliminate,rescue 浙江大学城市学院毕业论文Error! No text of specified style in document.II目录目录前言.1一、残骸打捞制度的概述.2(一)残骸打捞制度的概念.21.我国残骸打捞制度的现状.2 2.建立残骸打捞制度的必要性.2 (二)残骸打捞制度的国际公约.3 1.残骸清除公约的概述.3 2.残骸清除公约的积极作用.5 3.残骸清除公约的局限性.6二、我国残骸打捞制度的不足.9(一)法律体系不完整.9(二)概念有冲突.9三、国内残骸打捞制度的完善.11(一)基本概念的完善.111.残骸的设定.11 2.危害的界定.12 3.清除的定义.12 4.清除负责人.13(二)基本领域的制度设计.141.责任限额.14 2.强制打捞费用.14(三)立法的路径和建议.141.法律位阶和部门.15 2.关键部分的建议.15结语.
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