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.完形填空 This is a mysterious world and sometimes some tales may seem to be incredible 1 you see them yourself. 2 ,for example,the poorly dressed boy I used to see on my way to work every morning. For a whole year,he was always standing at the bus stop,selling newspapers to the passersby.On snowy days,he was dressed 3 ,trembling with cold.Summertime 4 dirty black shorts.He had no shirts,nor hats so that the summer sun made him as black as an African.Everybody could see he was a boy with 5 . One Monday morning,when I went to buy a newspaper,I found the boy was no longer there.“Did he have an accident?Something 6 ?”I thought to myself about his 7 .Later in the afternoon,I was about to leave my office 8 I caught sight of the familiar face in Daily News,smiling at me happily.As I read the news,I knew that the other day,the boy saved an old lady by 9 .It so happened that the old lady was very rich but very lonely because her children were all abroad.So the boy became her 10 grandson and was able to go to school like other children.What a poor and a lucky boy! 1A.after Bunless Cas Donly because 解析:选 B。unless 除非你亲眼看到,你不会相信。 2A.Take BMake CGive DSet up 解析:选 A。take.for example 是固定词组。 3A.in rags Bin elegance Cwarmly Dcomfortably 答案:A 4A.took Bbrought Ccarried Dturned 答案:B 5A.determination Bwealth Cpoor health Dbad luck解析:选 D。从对男孩的描述,他应当是运气不佳。 6A.better Bworse Cmore Dless 答案:B 7A.disappearance Bappearance Cmisfortune Dpoverty 答案:A 8A.before Bwhere Cwhen Djust 解析:选 C。be about to.when.是一句型,表示“正要这时 突然” 。 9A.way Bhand Cchance Dbus 答案:C 10A.adapted Badjusted Cstep Dadopted 解析:选 D。adopted grandson:老太太收养这个孩子为孙子。.语法填空 Aesops Fables or Aesopica refers to a collection of fables.They were invented by Aesop, 11 slave and storyteller who lived in Ancient Greece.Aesop made use 12 small incidents to teach great truths,and after serving up a story he adds to 13 the advice to do a thing or not to do it.He was really more attached to truth 14 the poets are;for the latter do 15 (violent) to their own stories in order to make them probable; 16 he told the truth by the very fact 17 he did not claim to be relating to real events. And there is another charm(魅力) about him,namely,that he puts animals in a pleasing light and 18 (make) them interesting to mankind.For after 19 (bring) up from childhood with these stories,we acquire certain opinions of the several animals and think 11 some of them as royal animals,of others as silly,of others as witty,and others as innocent ones. 11答案:a 12解析:make use of 是固定词组。 答案:of 13解析:it 指前面的 story。 答案:it 14解析:前面有 more,这里用 than,构成比较结构。答案:than 15答案:violence 16答案:but 17解析:先行词前有 the very,关系代词用 that。 答案:that 18解析:makes 和前面的 puts 作并列谓语。 答案:makes 19解析:be brought up 被抚养成人。 答案:being brought 20解析:think of.as.把看作。 答案:of .阅读理解 With the competition between nations becoming fiercer,many countries are promoting the concept of lifelong learning in an effort to outperform their opponents and maintain their advantages.Lifelong learning systems are considered national policies in some countries.It has become a pressing task for China to establish a lifelong learning system. The country is now in a period of rapid economic restructuring.Its 700 million laborers have to improve their skills and continue their education.Rapid changes in the economic structure have led to unemployment,making training a key concern for jobless people looking to get reemployed. China has a large population but still lacks human resources.Turning the burden of a huge population into an advantage for human resources will benefit economic growth and help it gain international competitiveness in the age of the knowledgedriven economy. China is now undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization.In the past three decades,about half of its agricultural laborers have transferred to nonagricultural sectors.The country must set up an effective training system to rapidly improve the quality of laborers. Meanwhile,China is aging far faster than the rest of the world.The pension system is facing huge pressure.It seems that China will have to adopt the practice of many developed countries by postponing the retirement age and encouraging the old to work longer. There is a disconnection between education and the market demand for talent.College graduates face difficulties finding jobs.They cannot fit into the changing environment and are unable to learn by themsel
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