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专题(十二)专题(十二) 简单句简单句【学习目标学习目标】1. 掌握简单句的特点2. 掌握简单句的分类【学生自学学生自学】 简单句的分类,完成【预习展示】【预习展示预习展示】简单句的种类:简单句一般分为陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句四种。陈述句又分为:_和_疑问句又分为:_._,_和_.祈使句又分为:_祈使句 和 _祈使句。感叹句又分为:_引导的的感叹句 和 _引导的的感叹句【教师精讲教师精讲】1.1. 陈述句:陈述句:用来说明一个事实的句子叫陈述句。它有肯定式和否定式两种形式。(1)陈述句的肯定式: He is a middle school student.(他是个中学生)(2)陈述句的否定式: 谓语动词如果是 to be 、助动词、情态动词时,在它们的后面加“not“。如:My brother is not a teacher.(我的弟弟不是教师)/He does not have a cousin.(他没有堂兄弟)I will not go there tomorrow.(明天我不去那儿) 谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,须在它的前面加 do not(dont).如: I dont know anything about it.(此事我一无所知) Li Ming does not feed pigs in the countryside.(李明不在农村养猪) 如果“have“作“有“讲,也可以在它后面加 not 构成否定式,其形式与 have got 的否定 式相同。 如:I havent (got) any brothers or sisters.(我没有兄弟姐妹) 注意注意 1)句子中如果有 all、both、very much/well 等词时,用 not 一般构成部分否定,如果要完全否定,则通常使用 none、neither、notat all 等;All of them went there.None of them went there.(他们全都去了那里他们全都没去那里)2)句子中含有 little、few、too(太)、hardly、never、neither、nor、seldom 等词时, 则视为否定句。如:Few people live there because life there is very hard.(几乎没有人生活在那里因为那里的生活太艰难了3)陈述句(主语+谓语+其他)在口语中可以直接表示疑问,表示惊讶或明知故问。如:Thats your boss?(那就是你的老板?!)4)陈述句一般情况下应使用正常的语序,即:主语+谓语+其他。但是有时会倒装,详见“倒装句“。5)所有的从句一律使用陈述句语序,即在连接词后采用“主语+谓语+其他“的顺序。如:The old man told me that he would live here for ten more years before hereturns home. (老人告诉我说他还要在这儿住几年然后回家)Could you tell me who you saw at the party last night?(能告诉我在聚会上你都看见了谁吗?)2.2. 疑问句:疑问句:(1)一般疑问句: 用“yes“或“no“来回答的疑问句叫做一般疑问句。 一般疑问句构成:句中谓语动词是 to be、助动词、情态动词时,则将它们(提前)放到主语前面。如:Is he an engineer?(他是工程师吗?)Have you got todays newspaper? (你有今天的报纸吗?)Shall we go to see a film this evening? (我们今晚去看电影好吗?) 谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,则在主语前面加助动词 do / does / did, 原来的谓语动词改为原形。如:Do you get up at six every morning?(你天天早晨六点起身吗?)Does she study hard?(她学习努力吗?)Did you go there yesterday?(昨天你去那儿了吗?) 一般疑问句的回答:一般疑问句通常用简略形式来回答。如:Will you join us in playing basketball?(你加入我们打篮球好吗?)-Yes, we will.(是的我们会。 )/ -No, we wont.(不我们不会。 )Have you got todays newspaper?(你有今天的报纸吗?)-Yes, I have .(是的有。 )/ -No, I havent.(不没有。 )回答时所用的时态应和问句里的时态一致。注意 回答 must 或者 may 开头的疑问句要小心,参见情态动词有关内容。 一般疑问句的否定结构(即否定形式的一般疑问句)表示惊奇、责怪、建议、看法等,只要将“not“置于主语之后或者将“not“放到主语之前与 be, have 等助动词或情态动词合并在一起就可以了。如:Will he not come?(他难道不来吗?)Isnt your sister a Party member?(你的姐姐不是党员吗?)这种否定结构的疑问句的回答与汉语的习惯不同。如果回答是肯定的,就用“yes+肯定结构“;如果回答是否定的,就用“no+否定结构“。(情况与反意问句类似。)如:Cant he answer the question? (他不能回答这个问题吗?-Yes,he can.(不,他能回答这个问题。) -No,he cant. (是的,他不能回答这个问题。(2)选择疑问句一般疑问句形式的选择疑问句由“一般疑问句+or+选择部分”构成。Are you a doctor or a teacher? 你是医生还是教师?Does he like this or that? 他喜欢这个还是喜欢那个?注有时选择部分用 or not 来表示:Are you ready or not? 你准备好没有?Do you like the film or not? 你喜不喜欢这部电影?(3)反意疑问句:反意疑问句的基本构成形式是:陈述句+动词(肯定或否定)+主语?如:She often has lunch at school, doesnt she? You dont like sports, do you?(4)特殊疑问句中考英语常用特殊疑问句总结中考英语常用特殊疑问句总结询问内容询问内容疑问词或句型疑问词或句型例句例句回答回答职业,身份whatWhat is your father?He is a doctor.相貌特征whatlike?What is she like?What does she look like?She is beautiful.目的whatfor?What did they come here for?To attend a meeting.原因whyWhy did they come here?Because they have a meeting to attend.天气howwhatlike?How is the weather today?What is the weather like today?Its fine.颜色what color?What dolor is her skirt?Its red.尺寸what sizeWhat size does he wear?He wears 40.几点钟what timeWhat time is it?Its 7:30.星期几what dayWhat day is today?Its Tuesday.几号,日期what is the date ? What is the date today?Its May 2.年龄(多大)how oldHow old is he?He is 38.持续多长时间(多久)how longHow long have you been here?For five months.长度(多长)how longHow long is the bridge?Its 500 metres.3.3.祈使句:祈使句:祈使句用来表示请求、命令等。它的主语 you 往往不说出。 (1)祈使句的肯定式: 动词(原形) + 其他如:Please give me a hand. (请帮忙) / Shut up! (住嘴!) (2)祈使句的否定式: Dont +动词原形 + 其他 如:Please dont talk in low voices. (请不要低声讲话。) /Dont look back! (不要掉头看。)注意 以“lets“引出的祈使句的否定结构,“not“应放在“lets“后面。如:Lets not trouble him. (我们不要打扰他。)肯定祈使句前可以用助动词来强调语气。如:Please do help me! (请千万帮帮我。) 4.4.感叹句:感叹句: 感叹句用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情。句末常用“!“距离(多远)how farHow far is it from here to the zoo?Its 6 kilometres.频度(多经常)how oftenHow often do you come back?Once a week.时间经过(多快)how soonHow soon will she arrive?In a week.数量(多少)how many(可数名词)how much(不可数名词)How many jackets do you have?How much coffee do you want?Three.Two cups.价格how muchHow much is it?How much does it cost?Five dollars.高度(多高)how tall(人,树)how high(山,建筑物)How tall is she?How high is the tower?Shes 1.73 metres.Its 450 metres.(1)对含有形容词的名词短语感叹的结构通常是:What + (a /an) + (形容词) +名词+ 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的名词,如:What a good, kind girl (she is)! (她是多么善良的好女孩!) What bad weather (it is)! (天气真糟糕!)(2)仅对形容词或副词进行感叹结构通常是:How + 形容词/副词 + 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的形容词、副词或动词。How carefully the old man walks! (这老人走路真小心!) How delicious the food is! (这食品真好吃!) / How beautiful! (真美呀!)(3)有时,陈述句、祈使句、疑问句、一个词或词组,也带有一定的感情色彩,也可以成为感叹句,此时未必使用感叹句型。He is sitting on a tigers back! (他坐在老虎的背上!) A nice shot! (漂亮一击!) / Good goal! (好球!)【演练展示演练展示】直击中考( )1There is hardly _ milk in the bottle, _ there?(2012 年 济南)Ano; isnt Bsome; is Clittle; is
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