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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Section A(1a-1c)1. hard-working 合成 adj. 工作努力的 2.a soap opera 肥皂剧 3.ever 曾经 even 甚至 4.on soap opera 在肥皂剧里 5.have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜舞会 6.on Friday night 在星期五的晚上 7.be mad at sb 很生某人的气 8.重点语法:直接引语和间接引语(p100) 一、直接引语变间接引语 直接引语在转换成间接引语时,要注意人称的变化、句子结构的变化、主从句时态的一致、 语序的变化、指示代词的变化、时间状语的变化、地点状语的变化以及部分动词的变化等 事项。 我们现在最重要的要掌握:人称和时态的变化。1、人称的变化 直接引语在转换成间接引语时,人称的变化规则是:一随主,二随宾,三不变。 1) 一随主:即直接引语中的代词是第一人称时,在间接引语中必须和主句的主语相一致。例如:Tom says,“Im from America.” 汤姆说:“我来自美国。 ”Tom says (that) he is from America. 汤姆说他来自美国。 (注意:I 变成了和主语 Tom 相一致的 he) 2) 二随宾:即直接引语中的代词是第二人称时,在间接引语中必须和主句的宾语相一致。例如:She asked me, “Where do you live?” 她问我:“你住在哪里?”She asked me where I live. 她问我我住在哪里。 (you 变成了和宾语 me 相一致的 I) 3)三不变:即直接引语中的代词是第三人称时,在间接引语中保持不变。例如:Kate said, “They like reading.” 凯特说:“他们喜欢阅读。 ”Kate said (that) they liked reading. 凯特说他们喜欢阅读。 (they 保持不变) 【注意】人称的变化包括人称代词、物主代词和反身代词等。2、句子结构的变化 (其实就是宾语从句的三种类型)1)直接引语是陈述句时,用连词 that 引导,that 通常可以省略,尤其是在口语中。例如: He said, “I have been to Beijing.” He said (that) he had been to Beijing. 【注意】如果间接引语是由 that 引导的两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句,第一个连词 that可以省略,以后的连词 that 一般不省略,以免造成句子结构上的混乱。例如: Doctor Li said, “You are nothing wrong. Youll be better soon.”Doctor Li said(that)I was nothing wrong and that I would be better soon. 2)直接引语为疑问句时,要注意将注意原主句中的谓语动词 say 改为 ask (sb.) 、wonder 或 want to know 等,且间接引语中必须使用陈述句的语序(即宾语从句中的主语之前不能 任何动词) 。至于说连词的确定,情况如下: a) 直接引语为一般疑问句、反意疑问句或选择疑问句时,间接引语中用连词 if 或 whether 引导。例如: He said, “Do you have any music CDs?”He asked(me)whether/if I had any music CDs. He wondered whether/if I had any music CDs. He wanted to know whether/if I had any music CDs. I asked, “Will you take a bus or a train?”I asked him whether he would take a bus or a train. I wondered whether he would take a bus or a train. I wanted to know whether he would take a bus or a train.b)直接引语为特殊疑问句时,就由原来的疑问词来充当间接引语的连词,注意原特殊 疑问词的被修饰语必须紧随其后,不可分开。如: He asked, “How many bowl of rice did you have, Lucy?”He asked Lucy how many bowl of rice she had had. c) 直接引语形式上是疑问句,但表示请求,建议意义时,可 ask sb. to do sth.,suggest doing,advise sb. to do sth. 等形式来转述。如:“Could you open the door, please?” he asked. He asked me to open the door. “Why not going out for a walk?” he asked us. He advised us to go out for a walk. He suggested going out for a walk.3)直接引语为祈使句时,改为间接引语时,一般用带 to 的不定式表达,原主句中的 谓语动词通常要改为 ask, advise, beg, tell, order, offer, request, suggest, warn 等。如 ask sb. to do(由肯定祈使句变成) ,ask sb. not to do(由否定祈使句转变) ,并且在不定式短语中的 时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都作相应的变化。如: He said, “Jane,be careful, please.”He asked Jane to be careful. “Dont be late for class again.” He said the boy. He told the boy not to be late for class again. He said, “Lets have a walk.”He suggested our having a rest. He said, “Let me help you.”He offered to help me. 4)直接引语是感叹句时,转间接引语可用 what 或 how 引导,也可用 that 引导,如: The policeman said, “How clever you are!”The policeman said how clever I was. The policeman said I was very clever. 3、主从句时态的一致1) 如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,直接引语变为间接引语时,从句的动词时态保持不 变。例如:He says, “China is very great.” He says (that) China is very great. Mum says, “Ill be back in a minute.” Mum says shell be back in a minute. 2) 如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变为间接引语时,从句的谓语动词通常要 改成相应的过去时态。具体情况见下表: 直接引语间接引语 一般现在时一般过去时 一般过去时一般过去时/过去完成时 现在进行时过去进行时 一般将来时过去将来时 现在完成时过去完成时 过去完成时过去完成时 过去进行时过去进行时 过去将来时过去将来时3)直接引语陈述的如果是客观事实、真理、名言、警句、谚语等,在变为间接引语时,时 态保持不变。 Our teacher said, “The earth goes around the sun.”Our teacher said (that) the earth goes around the sun. 4、指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和动词等的变化 直接引语中的一些指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和部分动词须作如下相应的变化: 直接引语间接引语 this 这 that 那 these 这些those 那些 now 现在 then 那时 today 今天 that day 那天 tonight 今晚 that night 那天晚上 this week 这星期 that week 那个星期 yesterday 昨天the day before 前一天 last week 上星期 the week before 前一个星期 ago 以前 before 以前 tomorrow 明天 the next/following day 第二天 next week 下星期 the next week 第二个星期 here 这里 there 那里 动 词 come 来 go 去 bring 带走,拿走 take 带来,拿来【注意】直接引语中的时间状语根据实际情况转述为间接引语时,有时不需要改变。 如 tomorrow,转述的动作发生在说话的当天,就不用改变;但如果转述的动作不发生在说 话的当天,则要将 tomorrow 变为 the next day. 又如 here,转述地点就是说话时的地点时,不须变化。5、标点符号 整个复合句的标点符号必须与主句一致,即主句是陈述句时用句号,主句是问句时用问号。Section A(2a-2c)1.notanymore 不再,再也不 也可用作:notany morenotat all 根本不 2.after all 毕竟 3.call sb.=give sb a call/ring 打电话给某人 Section A(3a-4)1.first of all 首先=at first=firstly 2.go to the beach 去海滩 3.pass on the message 传递讯息 take a message to sb 带讯息给某人 = take sb a message leave a message for sb 留讯息给某人 = leave sb a message send a message to sb 发送讯息给某人 = send sb a message 4.be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 Section B(1a-2c)1.be better at 和 do better in “擅长于” 原形是:be good at 和 do well in 注意:good 和 well 的比较级都是 better。 Section B(3a-4)1.read sth to sb 把读给听 2.How is it going? 一切进展如何? 3.well adv. 好 & adj. 健康的4.I am sorry to hear that 我听到而感到难过。 5.have a cold 感冒 have a bad cold 患重感冒 6.be/keep in good/bad health 健康状况良好/恶劣 Things are fine here. 我们这儿一切都好。 end-of-year exams 期末考试 7.get nervous (系表结构) 紧张8.Luckily, 幸运的是, Luckily, the lucky man always has a good luck. 9.this time 这一次 10.have a real
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