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八年级下英语期末复习练习五八年级下英语期末复习练习五. 单项选择。单项选择。(15(15 分分) )( ) 21. Would you help me plan my vacation? _A. All right. B. No, lets not. C. Thank you. D. Of course not.( ) 22. Will you please drive _? The train is leaving soon.Id like to ,but safety is the first.A. quick B. faster C. more slowly D. quickly( ) 23. Dont let _ in. Im too busy to see _.A. nobody; somebody B. anybody; nobody C. anybody; anybody D. anybody; somebody( ) 24. Mr. Li makes me _, because it is bad for my health.A. dont smoke B. not smoke C. not smoking D. not to smoke( ) 25. Lily hurt her foot when she was riding. _A. Oh, I see. B. How careful she is! C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Really? She is always careless.( ) 26. _ you _ Tom can join us. We need one of you .A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also( ) 27 Can I order the meal by telephone? _ Here is the telephone number.A. It is a pity! B. No problem. C. Never mind. D . Its a pleasure.( ) 28. Im sorry that John is out. Please ask him to call me as soon as he _.A. returned B. returns C. will return D. is returning( ) 29. _ terrible weather it is! It is said that it will get _ later.A. What; bad B. What; worse C. how; bad D. how; worse( ) 30. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow, _ he comes, I will tell you.A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if D. if ; /( ) 31. We often use hotmail _ e-mails. Really? Would you please show me _?A. to send; how to use it B. sending; what to useC. send; what can I use D. to be sent; why to use( ) 32. Its _ late _ go there on foot now. I think youd better take a taxi.A. so; that you can B. too; for you to C. so; that you may D. too; you can( ) 33. _ you work, _ you can get.A. The harder; the more B. Harder; more C. Less; more D. The hardest; the most( ) 34. Mary cant help _ the house. Why? Because she is busy _ a hotel reservation.A. to clean; making B. cleaning; making C. cleaning; to make D. to clean; to make( ) 35. Could you let me know _ yesterday? Because the traffic was heavy.A. why you come late B. why you came late C. why did you come late D. why do come late.完形填空。完形填空。(15(15 分分) )One girl left her home after a quarrel(争吵) with her mother.She walked for a long time. Then she saw a noodle shop. She was 36 , but she didnt have any money with her.The shop owner was 37 old granny. She asked her, “Do you want 38 a bowl of noodles?”“But I have 39 money.” said the girl.“Dont worry.” Soon,the granny 40 the girl a bowl of noodles. The girl ate for a while and started to 41 .“What is the matter?” the granny asked.“I am just 42 deeply! You are so kind. We dont know 43 but you cooked noodles for me. But my own mother, after a quarrel, sent me out of the house.”“ 44 can you think that way? I just cooked you a bowl of noodles. Your mother cooks for you every day. Why dont you say 45 to her?”The girl was surprised and went home at once. Her mom was waiting her for supper. The girls eyes were filled with tears again.( ) 36. A. hungry B. sad C. thirsty D. worried( ) 37 A. a B. an C. the D. like( ) 38 A. having B. have C. to have D. eat( ) 39. A. no B. not C. any D. some( ) 40. A. brought B. bought C. took D. caught( ) 41. A. shout B. cry C. ask D. talk( ) 42. A. move B. moving C. moved D. movie( ) 43. A. other B. the other C. others D. each other( ) 44. A. While B. What C. How D. When( ) 45. A. thank B. thanks C. thankful D. sorry.阅读理解。阅读理解。(30(30 分分) )AOne day in April, No. 1 Middle School held a special activity called “Food Street” on the playground in Xian.This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided(被划分) into some groups. Each group sold different kinds of foods. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers were all the students, teachers and parents. They were all pleased with the nice food.“Its really hard work,” said one of the students. “We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know the cost of the food. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well.”“This activity is to give a chance to students to develop(培养) their practical abilities(实践能力),” said one teacher, “Whats more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life. ”( ) 46. “Food Street” was _.A. a street for students to sell food along B. a kind of food sold by the studentsC. part of the activity about
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