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Unit8Unit8 Topic1Topic1 SectionSection A A 一、学习目标:1. 学习 so that和 such that的用法。 2. 比较并掌握 so that, such that和 so that的用法。 3. 谈论购买衣服的话题。二、学习重点(合作探究):1. 学习 so that结构的用法。 2. 学习有关约会和请求帮助的用语。3.尝试用英语写出简单的关于请求帮助的对话。三、学习过程:.预习自测:预习成果检测:试试看,你能行!根据句意及其首字母填空。1. Her skin is as s_ as silk. 2. We cant a_ to pay such a price.3. The s_ is nice and soft. 4. Tony t_ the horse to the tree.5. I keep my purse in my h_.解难答疑:1. sothat如此 以至于 ,that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是“so+形容词或副词+that 从句”。要注意:形容词或副词的使用要取决于前面的谓语动词。2. afford 动词,“负担得起,买得起”。可接物做宾语,也可接动词不定式。多用于否定句和疑问句,常与 can, could, be able to 搭配使用。3.小窍门:贼的妻子用小刀抓住了一只猴,用叶子包了一半放在架子上贼的妻子用小刀抓住了一只猴,用叶子包了一半放在架子上。猜猜看,你知道这些是什么意思吗?练习:1. 你今天看起来很棒。 You _ _ today. 2. 感觉它相当柔软和光滑。 It _ quite soft and _.3. 我如此喜欢它以致我爸爸把它买下来给我。I liked it _ much _ my father bought it _ me.4.我的旧外套很短了,我想买一些新的。My old coats are_ short _ I want to buy some new _.5.明天你有空么? Do you _ _ tomorrow?6.我们早上 8 点在学校大门见面怎么样? Shall we meet_ _ _ _ at 8 a.m.?7.你可以告诉我在哪里可以买到围巾? Could you tell me _ _ _a scarf?、单项选择:1. He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; that 2. Look, here is my new mobile phone.Its very nice. Could you tell me_? A. where to buy B. where to buy it C. where will buy it D. where I will buy 3.My dad got up early he could catch the early train. A.so;that B.such;that C.very;but y;that 4. Janes silk dress feels so soft that Lily wants to buy A.it B.that C.one D.ones 5. Its a pity that Mary couldnt that cotton blouse. A.spend B.cost C.like D.afford 6. There are few new words in the article that everyone in our class can understand it. A.a B.so C.such D.every 7.The green blouse is _ expensive _ I cant afford it. A. so, that B. very, but C. very ,that B. as, as 8.-You study _ hard _ you are sure to pass the exam. - Thank you for saying so . A. enough .to B. as.as C. so. that
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