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毕 业 设 计(论文)题 目:赣州市章贡区消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款行为因素调查系 部: 经济管理系专 业: 金 融 学班 级: 102 班学 号: 02010410242学 生: 童鹃指导教师:刘立刚 完成时间:2014 年 05 月 赣州市章贡区消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款行为因素调查 摘摘 要要汽车消费贷款不仅刺激了消费、扩大了内需,而且对于推动国民经济增长具有重大的意义。随着汽车消费贷款业务的不断发展,随之而来的是汽车消费贷款问题不断显现出来,只有不断完善汽车消费贷款市场出现的问题,才能促进汽车消费贷款业务持续、稳定、健康地发展,其中消费者是这个市场的重要参与者之一,因此有必要对消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款的影响因素进行分析。选取赣州市章贡区的消费者为调查对象,对一般消费者在选择商业银行汽车消费贷款时考虑的因素进行分析,另外参考了一些学者对汽车消费贷款市场存在的问题和相关的建议的研究。本文的主要研究结论是:首先,赣州市章贡区的消费者在选择商业银行汽车消费贷款时的影响因素有, “手续简便” 、 “贷款利率低” 、 “贷款额度大” 、 “服务好”和“其他” ,其中“手续简便” 、 “贷款利率低” 、“贷款额度大” 、 “服务好”是消费者比较看重的因素。其次,针对汽车消费贷款存在的问题提出如下几点建议:(1)建立和完善个人信用制度(2)建立和完善汽车消费贷款法律法规(3)建立多元化汽车消费贷款营销模式(4)彻底转变观念。关键词:消费者; 汽车消费贷款;影响因素;问卷调查;建议Investigation of automobile consumption loan of commercial banks of consumer choice behavior factors AbstractAutomobile consumption loans not only stimulate consumption, expanding domestic demand, but also for promoting the growth of the national economy is of great significance. But with the development of car consumer credit business, existing automobile consumption loans problems continue to appear, and only by constantly improving automobile consumption loan market problems, in order to promote the business of automobile consumption loans continued, stable and healthy development, of which the consumer is one of the most important participant in the market, so it is necessary to consumer choice factors influencing the automobile consumer loans of commercial banks were analyzed. Zhanggong District of Ganzhou city were selected for the survey of consumers, consumers in the choice of factors generally automobile consumption loans of commercial banks into the analysis, in addition to study the existing reference automobile consumption loan market problems and suggestions of some scholars. The main conclusions of this study are: firstly, Zhanggong District of Ganzhou City, consumers in the choice of car consumption loans of commercial banks are the factors, “simplicity“, “low interest rates“, “loan“, “good service“ and “other,“ which “convenient application procedures“, “loan interest rates low“, “loan“, “good service“ is the consumer values factors. Secondly, in view of the existing automobile consumption loan problems put forward the following suggestions: (1) establish and perfect personal credit system (2) to establish and perfect the laws and regulations of automobile consumption loans (3) to establish a diversified auto loan marketing mode (4) completely change their concepts.Keywords: consumers; automobile consumption loans; influence factor;questionnaire survey;suggestions目 录1 绪 论.11.1 研究背景.11.2 研究目的及意义.11.3 主要的研究内容及方法.11.3.1 研究内容.11.3.2 研究方法.12. 商业银行汽车消费贷款影响因素分析.12.1 样本描述.22.2 消费者对汽车消费贷款的认知情况和选择情况.22.2.1 消费者了解汽车消费贷款的途径.32.2.2 消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款的情况.32.2.3 消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款原因分析.32.2.4 消费者对商业银行服务满意度调查.42.3 影响商业银行汽车消费贷款行为因素分析.42.3.1 影响消费者选择商业银行汽车消费贷款因素分析.52.3.2 消费者特征因素对选择商业银行汽车消费贷款因素分析.53 商业银行发展汽车消费贷款制约因素.73.1 个人信用制约商业银行汽车消费贷款发展.73.2 法律法规制约商业银行汽车消费贷款发展.83.3 营销模式制约商业银行汽车消费贷款发展.83.4 传统观念制约商业银行汽车消费贷款发展.84 结论分析及相关建议.104.1 基本结论.104.2 相关建议.104.2.1 建立和完善个人信用制度.104.2.2.建立和完善汽车消费贷款法律法规.114.2.3 建立多元化汽车消费贷款营销模式.114.2.4 彻底转变观念.11致 谢.
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