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帮你回顾Units 1-5 expressionsUnit1 1.把加起来 2.总计共达 3.增加把加到里 4. 不得不,必须 5. 经历 / 经受;穿过;浏览_ 6. 躲 / 藏起来 7. 一连串 / 一系列的 8. 写下 / 记下 9. 遭受(痛苦疾病损失灾难) 10. 和某人(很好地)相处 add up add up to addtohave got to go throughhide away a series of set / write / put down suffer from get along with 11. 爱上某人 / 某物 12. 对着迷 13. 彼此信任 14. 按照,根据 15. 参加 16. 与某人交流 17. 面对面 18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事) 19.平静 / 镇静下来 20.关心 / 挂念(某人 / 某事)fall in love be crazy about trust each otheraccording tojoin / join in / take part in / attend communicate with face to face on purpose calm down be concerned about 21.本应该做某事(但实际没做) 22.改变情形,状况 23.给某人一些建议 24. 忽视某人的情感 25.在考试中作弊should have donechange the situationgive sb some adviceneglect / ignore ones feelings cheat in the exam UNIT2 1.起着重要的作用 2.因为,由于 3.一个国际性的组织 4.在现代 5.中国的文化 6.目前的形势 7.身份证 8.想要做某事 9.意味着 10.母语 play an important part / role inbecause ofan international organizationin modern times Chinas cultureat the present situationidentification ID want / intend / mean to domean (doing) sth ones mother / native language 11.即使 ,尽管 12.标准英语 13.在莎士比亚时代 14.问路,问方向 15.辨别出某人的声音 16.基于,以为基础 17.出席 18.走近,上来 19.正要接近于 20.好好利用 even though / if standard Englishin the time of Shakespeare ask directions recognize ones voice baseon / upon be presentcome up be about to approachmake full / good use of 21.大量的,许多 22.的数目 23. 例如 24. 信不信由你 25. 玩得开心 26. 作出一个请求 27. 命令某人做某事 28. 单词与短语 29. 比较A与B 30. 一个讲英语的国家a large number of the number of for example / such as Believe it or not have a good timemake a request give commands to do sthwords and expressions / phrasescompare A with / to Ban English-speaking country UNIT3 1.梦想做某事 2.毕业于(某大学) 3.说服某人做某事 4.使某人对某事感兴趣做 5.坚决要求做某事 6.坚持要求某人做某事 7.改变主意 8.在的高度 9.下定决心做某事 10.向某人屈服 dream of doing sthgraduate frompersuade sb to do / into doing sth get sb interested in sthinsist on / upon doing sthinsist that sb (should) do sthchange ones mind at an altitude of be determined to do sthgive in to sb 11.穿过深谷 12.像往常一样 13.鼓励某人做某事 14.扎营 15.搭帐篷 16.迫不及待做某事 17.首先,其次 18.对熟悉 19.为某人所熟悉 20.一种对的态度 through deep valleys as usual encourage sb to do sthmake camp put up tents hardly wait to do For one thingfor anotherbe familiar to be familiar with have an attitude to 21.破纪录 22.把某人经历记录下来 23.期末考试 24.公交车费 25.详细地 26.河的源头 27.醒着 28.为作准备 29.列出详单break the record record ones experiences the final-term examination bus fare in detail the source of a river stay awakeprepare for make a list of details UNIT4 1.握手 2.水管 3.自然灾害 4.立刻,马上 5.新鲜的空气 6.百分之二十 7.三分之二 8.数以万计的 9.成千的 10.作为-而闻名shake hands with water pipe natural disasterright away / right now / at once fresh air20 per cent of two thirdstens of thousands of thousands ofbe famous / well-known as 11.破败不堪,一片废墟 12.太而不能 13.发出臭的气体 14.为作准备 15.代替,而不是 16.为纪念,为庆祝 17.为而自豪 18.从来判断 19.超过,不仅仅 20.举手in riunstooto give out a smelly gas prepare for instead ofin honor of be proud of / take pride injudging from / by more thanraise / put up ones hand 21.结束,终结 22.挖掘,发现 23.为幸存者搭建避身处 24.煤矿 25.组织一个晚会 26.营救某人脱离危险 27.毁坏一个城市 28.弄伤一支胳膊 29.突然大笑起来at an end dig out build shelters for survivorscoal mines organize an evening party rescue sb from dangerdestroy a city injure an arm burst into laughter / out laughing Unit5 1.把送进监狱 2.事实上 3. 同作斗争 4. 上台、掌权 5.犯法 6. 无偿的 7. 失去信心 8.在方面活跃、积极 9.乐意或愿意做某事 10.失业put sb into prison as a matter of fact fight with / against come to power break the law without pay lose heartbe active in be willing to do sthout of work 11.被阻止做某事 12.以暴制暴 13.为感到担忧 14.在某种意义(程度)上 15.爆炸 16.继续做某事 17.处于不幸中 18.质量好的 19.建议某人做某事 20.作为什么的报酬be stopped from doing answer violence with violence be worried aboutin a way blow up continue to do / doing sth in trouble of good quality advise sb to do sthas a reward 21.设立,建立(机构,组织等) 22.被判处死刑 23.中华人民共和国 24.一个金矿 25.金黄色的头发 26.允许某人做某事 27.学费 28.实现某人的梦想 29.平等的权利 30.逃离,逃脱set up be sentenced to death the Peoples Republic of Chinaa gold mine golden hairallow sb to do sth school fees realize ones dreamequal rights escape from
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