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RevisionRevision一、复习提纲:1.什么叫宾语从句?2.宾语从句的三要素是什么?3.宾语从句中的连接词有哪些?4.宾语从句的语序是什么语序?5.宾语从句中时态应注意哪些问题?Listen and fill in the blanks.Mr S: David and Joy, come on, were having a family meeting. David: What are we going to talk about? Mrs S: About _ . Mr S: Your mother and I have decided to go somewhere in China. Do you kids have any ideas?Joy: I want to go somewhere warm. David: Yeah. Could we go scuba diving? Mr S: I think _. Mrs S: How about Hainan Island? Joy: Could you tell us _ . Mr S: About two weeks. David: Do you know _. Mrs S: We dont know much about Hainan Island,either.Lets try to find some information about it , OK?David & Joy: OK! where we are going for our holiday.thats a good idea.how long were going to be away?where we can stay on the island?宾语从句三要素:连 接 词时 态语 序由从属连词that引导的宾语从句由连接代词 Who,whom,whose,which,what 和连接副词 where,how,why,when 引导的宾语从句由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句 当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.宾语从句连接词:1.陈述句2.一般疑问句3.特殊疑问句that if /whether原有的连接代词 和连接副词Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions:Lucy: Hi! Id like to know _ brothers and sisters you have?Tina: Two brothers and two sisters.Lucy: Could you tell me _ they do?Tina: Yes. My eldest brother is a sports reporter at FuzhouTelevision Station.Lucy: Do you think _he likes his work.Tina: Yes, I think _ he loves his work.Lucy: As a journalist, I believe _ he often goes on a business trip.Tina: Thats true.how manywhat if/whetherthatthatLucy: What are your sisters?Tina: Jean is an explorer. She is often out exploring life under the sea.Lucy: Oh, I guess _ an explorers work must be hard.Tina: But its also very exciting. Have you heard of Kelly Smith?Lucy: Do you mean the good basketball player on our school team? Tina: Yes. Shes my sister, too.Lucy: Oh, really? Can you tell me _ she has played basketball.Tina: Over four years. By the way, let me tell you a secret . She also likes singing. She hopes _ she will bea famous singer one day.Lucy: I hope so.thathow longthatWell have exams next Friday?Using sayI can help him.The teacher says (that ) well have exams next Friday.The girl says (that) she can help him.What is the boy doing?Where is she going?Using askTom asks what the boy is doing.Mrs. Green asks where she is going.Is Jim in ?Has she taken any medicine ?Using wonderLi Lei wonders if Jim is in.The doctor wonders if she has taken some medicine.The teacher says (that ) well have exams next Friday.Tom asks what the boy is doing?Li Lei wonders if Jim is in.宾语从句语序:陈述句语序主句+连 接 词+主语+谓语+其他成分choose the right answers:1. Will you please tell me _?A.what your name is B. whats your nameC.what your is name D. your name is what2. Do you know what time _?A.does it leave B. it does leaveC.it leaves D. it leaved3.Do you know _ ?Im going to see him Sorry,I dont know Awhere does Mr.Li live Bwhere did Mr.Li live Cwhere Mr.Li lives Dwhere Mr.Li lived ACCEverybody Everybody sayssays he he is is a good boy. a good boy.I I wonderwonder what they what they are talkingare talking about. about.I I am suream sure (that) he (that) he will comewill come tonight. tonight.Can you tell me what they did yesterday? He said he had something to do.I knew what he was doing this time yesterday. He said he would be back the next week.He said (that) he had seen the movieOur teacher told us the sun rises in the east. He said that May is the fifth month of the year.主句现 在 时一般将来时过 去 时从句相应过去时态宾语从 句时态任 意 时 态变化时态从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、自然现象、 名言时,仍用现在时。看主句注 意:在由could, would引导的主句中,经 常表示礼貌或 婉转的语气时,从句一 般要用现在时。注 意:四:Fill in the blanks with the right tense of the verbs.1. I am sure (that) he _(succeed).2. Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move) round the earth. 3. He told me he _ to BJ several times. (be)4. Can you tell me what they _ yesterday? (do)moveshad beendidwill succeed5. I didnt know when he _ the letter. (write)6. I hear that he _ to music every day.(listen).7.Could you tell me who _ away the bookalready? (take)8.Who can tell us what they _(do) now.listens are doinghas taken
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