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目录Unit 11 Key to success 成功的关键键本讲目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动目录基础盘点自测自评1The birth rate in China has been_(下降)steadily due to the control of the government.2Is the government prepared to_(妥协协)with the workers on their pay demand?3We thought Mary would pass and John would fail,but contrary to_(预预料),it was the other way around.4Success in making money is not always a good_(标标准)of happiness in life.核心核心单词单词单词单词decliningcompromiseexpectation(s)criterion目录5This store has an excellent_(名声)for fair dealing.6The boss hired some_(临时临时 的)workers at weekends and in holidays.7She should_(怀怀疑)me of taking her money,which made me very angry.8用ambition的适当形式填空:(1)You have to let people know you are_and waiting for bigger and more rewarding challenges.(2)His _was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.ambition reputationtemporarysuspectambitious目录1stick _ 继续继续 支持;保持联联系2_ reality 事实实上;实际实际 上3_ an eye on 照料,照管4take.into _ 考虑虑;体谅谅5_ a whole 普遍说说来;作为为整体6_ again 再一次高高频频频频短短语语语语withinkeepaccountasonce目录7make the _ of 充分利用8_ demand 需求9_ thick and thin 不顾艰难顾艰难10pull _ of 从中退出11congratulate sb. _ 就向某人祝贺贺12live up _ 依照行事;做到;不辜tobest inthroughouton目录1_you feel comfortable doing a task by yourself?要是你觉觉得你独自完成一项项任务务更好该该怎么办办呢?2People_are often the ones to bring new energy to the group,_people who are mainly listening and commenting are often the ones to_procedures that must be followed.那些富于实实干和思路开阔阔的人常常是给给小组带组带 来新的活力的人,而那些主要是倾倾听和评论评论 的人则则常常是监监管工作流程的人.典型句式典型句式What if full of action and ideaswhilekeep an eye on目录3_,working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there.无论论你多么努力,勉强去做一份并不适合你的工作是不会取得成功的。4In the final year at high school,Li Yonghong knew that_was not for her.在高中的最后一年,李永红红知道大学生活不属于她。No matter how hard you trya career at university目录5Its important to recognise that each personality type is_.重要的是承认认各种个性类类型的价值值是平等的。6_for everybody to try to pursue the same career.每个人都试图试图 追求同一项项事业业是没有意义义的。Its no use of equal value目录考点串讲讲练互动1.suspect vt. 怀怀疑;不相信n 嫌疑犯;可疑对对象(教材P93)After an investigation by the police,another colleague who is known to have stolen things in the past is suspected of having stolen the camera.经过经过 警方的调查调查 ,另一个人们们都知道以前偷过东偷过东 西的同事被怀怀疑偷偷了照相机。(1)vt.怀怀疑;不相信单词单词单词单词 精研精研目录目录即境活用1Johnson was taken away by police yesterday.Sure.It is said that he was_of a theft.Acharged BsuspectedCcaught Dquestioned解析:选选B。suspect sb. of “怀怀疑某人”。目录目录(牛津P1832)He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.别别人知道了事情真相,他羞得无地自容.(牛津P1832)To my shame,I refused to listen to her side of the story.使我感到惭惭愧的是,我拒绝绝听她对对事情的解释释.(牛津P1832)Its a shame that she wasnt here to see it.真可惜她不能在这这儿亲亲眼看看。I feel no shame for my action.I did right.我不会为为我的行为为而感到羞愧,我做得很对对。目录归纳归纳 拓展(1)shameful adj.可耻的;不体面的(2)ashamed adj.感到羞愧的be ashamed of (doing) sth.为为(做)某事感到羞愧be ashamed for sb.为为某人感到羞愧be ashamed to do/have done sth.为为做/做过过某事感到羞愧I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself now.我昨天表现现不好,我现现在感到很惭惭愧。目录即境活用2I should have gone to the wonderful concert with you yesterday._If only we would have another such chance.AYes,you should. BWhat a shame!CThats all right. DTake it easy.解析:选选B。What a shame!真可惜。目录3.congratulate vt. 祝贺贺;庆贺庆贺(教材P97)Looking back,she congratulates herself on this decision.回首过过去,她庆庆幸自己作出这这一决定。目录(2012高考湖北卷)“I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done,.”“再次祝贺贺你,这这是你所做过过的最好的事情,”(牛津P417)You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.你应该为应该为 你出色的工作感到自豪。归纳拓展congratulation n.祝贺贺,恭喜congratulations to sb.on sth.祝贺贺某人某事目录Congratulations on your happy marriage!祝贺贺你喜结结良缘缘!I want to express my sincere congratulations on your success.我想对对你的成功表示诚挚诚挚 的祝贺贺。目录即境活用3The two sportsmen congratulated each other_winning the match by shaking hands.Awith BonCin Dto解析:选选B。句意:这这两名运动员动员 通过过握手彼此祝贺赢贺赢 了比赛赛。congratulate sb.on (doing)sth.为为固定搭配,意为为“祝贺贺某人(做了)某事”。目录4.resign v 辞职职(教材P96)As a result of certain news in the media,several senior officials lost face and were forced to resign.由于某些新闻闻媒体的结结果,数名高级级官员丢员丢 了脸脸,被迫辞职职.(牛津P1696)He resigned as manager after eight years.八年后,他辞去了经经理的职务职务 。He resigned his post because he had been offered abetter job.他辞职职了,因为为他有了更好的工作。目录目录即境活用4As far as I know,he _office in 2011 and_office a year later.Atakes;leaves Btook;resignedCtakes;left Dresign;take解析:选选B。句意:据我所知,他于2011年宣誓就职职并于一年后辞职职。根据句子的时态应时态应 用过过去时时,排除A、C、D三项项。目录目录目录即境活用5完成句子She_
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