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目录十、状语语从句本讲目录语法精讲考点整合语法专练知能闯关目录语法精讲考点整合1(2012高考山东东卷)A number of high buildings have arisen _ there was nothing a year ago but ruins.Awhen BwhereCbefore Duntil经经经经典品味典品味考点一 地点状语语从句目录解析:选选B。考查查状语语从句连连接词词。四个选项选项 均为连词为连词 ,由此断定空格后是一个状语语从句。由题题干中的关键键信息there was nothing a year ago but ruins “曾经经只有一片废废墟” 和buildings have arisen“建筑物已拔地而起”可推断,建筑物应应建在曾有一片废废墟的地方,故用where引导导地点状语语从句。when “当时时”,引导时间导时间 状语语从句;before “在之前,没来得及就;之后才”,引导导时间时间 状语语从句;until“直到”,引导时间导时间 状语语从句。目录2(2013东东北三校第一次联联考)The new teacher was so wellorganized that she began _we stopped yesterday so that no point was left out.Awhen Bin whichChow Dwhere解析:选选D。考查查状语语从句。句意:这这位新老师师条理非常清楚,她从我们们昨天停止的地方开始,没有遗遗漏要点。where we stopped yesterday是状语语从句。目录3(2013龙龙岩检测检测 )My mother likes everything in order,and she always reminds us to put things back_we get them from.Aso that Bin whichConce Dwhere解析:选选D。考查查状语语从句。where we get them from是地点状语语从句。目录1引导导地点状语语从句的从属连词连词 where,wherever指具体地点时时,从句可用于主句之前或之后;表示抽象条件的含义义时时,从句须须放在主句之前。如:We should go where the Party needs us most.我们应们应 到党最需要我们们的地方去。The little girl who got lost decided to remain where she was and wait for her mother.那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她母亲亲。Keep in touch with your family members wherever you are in the world.不管你在世界上的什么地方,都要跟家人保持联联系。要点要点浓缩浓缩浓缩浓缩目录2地点状语语从句在句首时时常兼有抽象条件意味。Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。Wherever there is smoke,there is a fire.无火不生烟。(无风风不起浪。)3注意区分where引导导的定语语从句与状语语从句:Youd better make a mark where you have any questions.(状语语从句)Youd better make a mark at the place where you have any questions.(定语语从句)你最好在有问题问题 的地方做一下标记标记 。目录1(2011高考北京卷)_volleyball is her main focus,shes also great at basketball.ASince BOnceCUnless DWhile解析:选选D。考查连词查连词 。句意:虽虽然排球是她的主要核心项项目, 可她也擅长篮长篮 球。根据句意应选择应选择 D项项。这这里while引导让导让 步状语语从句。经经经经典品味典品味考点二 让让步状语语从句 目录2(2011高考辽辽宁卷)No matter how _,it is not necessarily lifeless.Aa desert may be dry Bdry a desert may beCmay a desert be dry Ddry may a desert be解析:选选B。考查让查让 步状语语从句。句意:无论论沙漠可能会多么干燥,那里也未必没有生命。“no matter how形容词词/副词词主语语谓语谓语 ”构成让让步状语语从句。四个选项选项 中只有B项项符合要求。目录3(2012高考大纲纲全国卷)I dont believe weve met before, _I must say you do look familiar.Atherefore BalthoughCsince Dunless解析:选选B。考查查状语语从句引导词导词 。A项为项为 “因此,所以”; B项为项为 “尽管”;C项为项为 “因为为;自从”;D项为项为 “除非”。句意:我认为认为 我们们以前没有见过见过 面,_我必须须说说你看上去的确面熟。前后句为让为让 步关系,所以使用although。由题题干中的关键键信息I must say可知答案。目录1连词连词 although/though(尽管,虽虽然),while(尽管),even though/even if(即使)引导让导让 步状语语从句。She is a crazy fan of this singer.Even if she listens to his songs hundreds of times,she will never get tired.她是这这位歌星的疯疯狂粉丝丝。即使她已经经把他的歌听了上百遍,她也从不厌烦厌烦 。Although the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.尽管警察认为认为 他是最有可能的一个,由于他们们没有确凿凿的证证据,他们们就不能拘留他。要点要点浓缩浓缩浓缩浓缩目录While travel can broaden your mind,I dont think its good idea to spend too much time and money on it.尽管旅游能够够增长见识长见识 ,但是我认为认为 你不应该应该 在这这方面花费费太多的时间时间 和金钱钱。2as引导导的让让步状语语从句多用于书书面语语,语语序要倒装。Difficult as the task was,they managed to finish it in time.虽虽然这项这项 任务务很难难,他们还们还 是设设法及时时完成了。Much as I like it,I wont buy the expensive car.尽管我很喜欢这辆车欢这辆车 ,但我不会买这买这 么贵贵的车车。目录3whether (.or)引导让导让 步状语语从句,提供两个或两个以上假设设。Whether I go alone or he goes with me,the result will be the same.我自己走还还是他跟我一起走结结果都是相同的。4由wh 词词ever引导让导让 步状语语从句。Whatever happens (may happen), dont be surprised.No matter what happens (may happen),dont be surprised.不管发发生什么都别别吃惊。目录1(2012高考辽辽宁卷)Leave your key with your neighbor _ you lock yourself out one day.Aas long as Beven thoughCin case Das if解析:选选C。考查连词查连词 。分析空格前后两个句子的逻辑逻辑 关系我们们知道,空后的内容是条件,因此选选in case,意思是“以防;假如”。句意:把你的钥钥匙留给给你的邻邻居,以防有一天你把自己锁锁在外面。其他三个选项选项 中,as long as也是表达“条件”,但是意思是“只要”;even though引导让导让 步状语语从句,意思是“即使”;as if引导导方式状语语从句,意思是“似乎”.经经经经典品味典品味考点三 条件状语语从句目录2(2012高考陕陕西卷)All the photographs in this book, _ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.Aunless BuntilConce Dif解析:选选A。考查连词查连词 的应应用。句意:除非做出特别说别说 明,这这本书书中所有的照片可以追溯到20世纪纪50年代。由信息词词otherwise可知,A项项符合题题意。目录3(2013潍潍坊市高考模拟拟)My students,_you have a heartloving life ,you always can find things that would make you happy each day.Aas long as Bif onlyCas though Deven though解析:选选A。考查连词查连词 的用法。句意:我的学生们们,只要你们们有一颗热爱颗热爱 生活的心,你们们每天总总能发现让发现让 你们们开心的事情。as long as表示“只要”。后三项项分别别表示“但愿”“似乎”“即使”,都不符合句意。目录1引导导条件状语语从句的连词连词 有:if,unless(除非),so (as) long as(只要),in case(如果),on condition that(条件是),suppose/supposing (that) (假设设),provided (that)(假设设)等。Unless our manager objects to Toms joining the club,we shall accept him as a member.我们们将接受汤汤姆成为为俱乐乐部的一员员,除非经经理反对对他加入。My parents dont mind what job I do as long as I am happy.我父母不介意我做什么工作,只要我高兴兴。The medicine works more effectively if you drink some hot water after taking it.这这种药药如果你用热热水送服,会更加有效。要点要点浓缩浓缩浓缩浓缩目录I dont think shell be sad but Ill go and comfort her in case she is.我认为认为 她不会难过难过 的,但是为为防万一我还还是去安慰一下她。You can go swimming on condition that you dont go
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