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1. Do you like to travel around? 2. Which are you favorite places for sightseeing? 3. What do you want to see during your trip?Why do many people like to travel?Reasons1. To broaden your horizons. 2. To provide some excitement and an escape from the hum drum of “ordinary” life. 3. To see the world beyond your four corners. 4. To recharge your batteries. 5. To challenge yourself. 6. To meet interesting and like- minded people. 7. To experience new cultures and lifestyles. 8. To have some fun. Benefits1.Health Benefits 2.Relationship, Educational, and Cultural Benefits 3.Career and Productivity Benefits Taj Mahal 1. Health Benefits“Voyage, travel, and change of place impart vigor.” Seneca (c. 4 BC AD 65) Roman philosopher, statesman and dramatistTaking vacations can improve health in several measurable ways. For example:1.An annual vacation can cut a persons risk of heart attack by 50 percent. 2.Middle-aged men at high risk for coronary heart disease who take frequent annual vacations are 21% less likely to die of any cause and 32% less likely to die of coronary heart disease. 3. Blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of epinephrine (肾上腺素) are likely to decline on holidays. 4. Warmer and sunnier vacations can greatly reduce work stress.5. Travelers get three times more deep sleep after their vacation. 6. Leisure has been found to contribute to helping people maintain both their physical and mental health.2. Relationship, Educational, and Cultural Benefits“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry(偏执,顽固), and narrow-mindedness.Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all ones lifetime.” Mark Twain 1. Women who take more vacations are more satisfied with their marriages. A. At least 4 out of 10 travelers feel more romantic on vacation (42%). B. Over half of employed Americans say they come back feeling reconnected more intimately with their family after vacation (53%).2. A great majority of students who traveled on an international exchange program felt they had become more trusting, open-minded, flexible, confident, and tolerant as a result of their travel experiences. 3. 8 out of 10 travelers consider vacations to be very important to their wellbeing (82%) . 4. Life satisfaction also increases during vacation, and these effects continue after returning home. 5. People who had previously appeared isolated and withdrawn were able to have conversations after taking a vacation. Vacations can lift the aura (气氛) of depression. 3. Career and Productivity Benefits“Making yourself available 24 hours /7 days does not create peak performance.” Edward Hallowell, MD. Harvard Medical School 1. 3 out of 4 executives believe that vacations are necessary for them to improve their personal job performance. 2 out of 3 believe that vacations improve their creativity. 2. Workers get no more work done when they labor for 50 hours each week than for 40 hours each week.3. According to a study by American Express, more than a third of small-business owners say their best ideas the ones that lead to business growth come not at work but during their downtime (停工期).One of the best ways to enjoy your life in future:Try to travel around the country or out in the exotic lands once every year!留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房 www.6apt.com 留学公寓在线隶属于同维思 创网络科技(北京)有限责任公司。公司 总部位于国家级大学科技园 - 中国人民大 学文化科技园。 www.6apt.com 提供免费的海外学生公寓在 线预订服务,不收取任何手续费或中介费。 留学生直接向海外学生公寓支付费用, 无任 何中间环节。留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房 最低价格: 不论在任何城市,www.6apt.com确保为您提供最佳价 格。 无需支付任何预定中介费用: www.6apt.com提供免费的海外学生公寓在线预订服务 ,不收取任何费用。 预订安全可靠: www.6apt.com学生公寓在线预订系统安全可靠,您的 支付信息和个人信息都被加密。我们以最高的标准来保护 您的隐私。 公众媒体: 企业新闻 Facebook 人人网 Twitter 新浪微博 微信公众平台 联系我们: 中国: 400-078-3006, info6apt.com 邮编: 100872, 北京市海淀区, 中关村大街甲59号, 人民大学文化大厦 1206A室 英国: +44(0)114-2753836, info6apt.com 110 Provincial House, Solly Street, Sheffield, S1 4BA, UK留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房 公众媒体: 企业新闻 Facebook 人人网 Twitter 新浪 微博 微信公众平台 联系我们: 中国: 400-078-3006, info6apt.com 邮编: 100872, 北京市海淀区, 中关村大街甲59号, 人民大学文化大厦1206A室 英国: +44(0)114-2753836, info6apt.com 110 Provincial House, Solly Street, Sheffield, S1 4BA, UKA Good HealthA Happy TripA Happy Soul A Happy Life
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