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TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要培训活动纲要Task 任务:任务:Site inspection 参观饭店参观饭店Code 序号:序号:OH-SM-MC-D003Objectives 目的:目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to conduct inspection of hotel professionally.课程结束后,每个学员都能够以专业的方式带领客人参观饭店的各项设施及介绍各项服务项目。Standard 标准:标准:1.Marketing Communications Manager will conduct inspection of hotel facilities to media personnel.公关部经理将带领媒体人士饭店参观饭店的服务设施。2.Inspection of hotel facilities should be treated as a valid Media Call or Media Interview.参观饭店服务设施将视为拜访媒体人士或与媒体人士会面3.Marketing Communications Manager will be equipped a full knowledge of the hotel service and facility to introduce the hotel to the media personnel and answer inquiries raised.公关部经理须熟悉了解饭店的服务设施,介绍给参观者并回答提出的问题。Resources 培训器材:培训器材:White board with mark pen, collateral白板、马克笔、宣传资料Method培训方式培训方式Training Steps培训步骤培训步骤Time时间时间Introduction介绍-Show hotel service and facility to the trainees personally in hotel.亲自为员工介绍饭店服务项目及设施(最好在店内讲解)-Distribute the relative collateral to trainees.将相关的宣传资料分发给学员。-Introduce the media list for trainees to get general impression.向学员介绍媒体名单,以获得初步印象。35Minutes35 分钟Show each step on white board with mark pen在白板上写清楚每个步骤1.Upon requests, the MarCom Manager will brief the purpose of the inspection and details of the inspectors on everyday Sales Briefing one day in advance. If a major media person is taking the site inspection, MarCom. Manager will inform General Manager and Director of Sales & Marketing to meet and greet upon his / her arrival. 30minutes30 分钟接到参观饭店的要求后,公关部经理将在每日的部门例会上向营业总监简要汇报参观的目的和介绍参观者。如果有重要的媒体人士将出席参观饭店,公关部经理会通知总经理和市场销售总监在参观者抵达时迎接问候。2.MarCom Coordinator will co-ordinate with Front Office associates, pre-determine number of rooms and room numbers and make sure they are vacant.公关助理将与前厅部员工协调,事先确定参观的房间数及房间号,并确保房间为空房。3.MarCom Coordinator will prepare one set media kit and give-away gift for each inspector and map out a routing for the inspection. 公关部助理将为每一位参观者准备一份媒体宣传资料和一份礼品,并制订一条参观的路线。4.MarCom Manager will meet the inspectors in the lobby and escort them throughout the inspection according to the pre-determined routing and give appropriate introduction of hotel service and facilities to the inspectors and answer their inquiries.公关部经理将与参观者在大厅会面,陪同他们按原定路线参观饭店并在参观过程中介绍饭店服务设施以及回答参观者的问题。5.MarCom Manager will distribute one set media kit and give-away gift to each inspector and see them off at the end of the inspection.公关部经理会在参观结束时给每个参观者发一份饭店宣传资料和一礼品。6.MarCom. Manager will compile a Contact Report and submit to Director of Sales & Marketing, Hotel Manager and General Manager no later the following morning.公关部经理将撰写一份会面报告并在第二天早上前呈交给市场销售总监,饭店经理和总经理。7.MarCom. Manager will send a courtesy letter or make a phone call to the inspectors for their feedback the following day.公关部经理会在第二天发出一封礼节信函或打电话,了解参观者对饭店的意见。Role play角色扮演-One trainee to be MC Manager, one to be VIP, to show the whole procedure, then give advice.一个学员做公关部经理,一个学员做贵宾,演习整个程序,然后给出建议。20Minutes20 分钟Summary总结-Emphasis hotel facilities and service.再次强调饭店的设施及服务。10Minutes10 分钟-To be familiar with hotel collateral and give-away.熟悉饭店的宣传资料及赠送的礼品。
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