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How was your weekend?Billy No.3 middle schoolUnit 9 Now Past Im cleaning the room now. I clean the room on yesterday morning.ed 动词的另一种时态一般过去时: 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,经常和 表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last week/month/year,in 2004等等。Yesterday morningYesterday afternoonI play with the snow man on yesterday morning.edI a story on yesterday afternoon.readYesterday morningYesterday eveningI play tennis on yesterday morning.edI my homework on yesterdayevening.didSaturday afternoonSunday morningI play Computer game on Saturdayafternoon.edI play soccer on Sunday morning.edSunday eveningSunday morningI clean my room on Sunday morning.edI cook the meal on Sunday evening.edSaturday morningSaturday eveningI play Pingpong on Saturday morning.edI play the violin on Saturday evening.edSunday afternoonI learn English on Sunday afternoon.edplay played clean cleaned cookcooked learnlearned dodid gowent readread /red/规则动词的 过去式一般 直接加ed。不规则动词的 过去式无规则 可循,要注意 自己积累。?Thinking:the past form of BE。bewaswereI was late for school yesterday.They were not here last week.Group work:One asks the other one,then one by one. A:I went to the movies on Saturday evening.What did you do over the weekend? B:I played tennis on Saturday morning.What did you do over the weekend? C:I cleaned my room on Sunday morning.What did you do over the weekend? D:I did my homework on Sunday afternoon.Practice 一、写出下列动词的过去式: 1. is 2.do 3.play 2. 4.go 5.clean 6.visit wasdidplayed wentcleanedvisited二、根据汉语提示完成句子: 1. I (打、玩)tennis last Saturday. 2. She (去) to the (海滨). 3. He (清扫)his room on Sunday morning.played wentbeach cleanedHow was your weekend?Unit 9How was your weekend?Billy No.3 middle schoolplayed the guitardid my homeworkstudied geographywent to the libraryABC DBDACWhat did she do yesterday?She .What did Jim do yesterday?He geography.did her homeworkstudiedWhat did he do yesterday?He .What did he do yesterday?He the library.played the guitarwent toSallyJimcleaned her roomSallyJimListening did her homeworkwent to the libraryplayed soccerwent to a movievisited his friendshousePairworkA:Hello! B:Hi! A:How was your weekend? B:It was great! A:What did you do over the weekend? B:I played tennis and went to the beach. What about you? A:I visited my grandmother.What did Jim do? B:He did his homework and watched TV. Next time youll be better!practice一 写出下列动词的过去式 do_ study_ clean_ have_ play _ stay_ visit_ practice_go_ watch_ is_ are_ didstudiedcleanedhadplayedstayedvisitedpracticedwentwatchedwaswere二 用适当的动词填空1 I _ on Saturday morning. (打扫房间)2 My parents and I _on Sunday afternoon.(去动物园)3 I _ on Saturday afternoon.(学习英语)cleaned the roomwent to zoostudied EnglishGroupworkA:Hello! B:Hi! A:How was your weekend? B:It was great! A:What did you do over the weekend? B:I played tennis and went to the beach. What about you? A:I visited my grandmother.What did Jim do? B:He did his homework and watched TV. GroupworkA:Hello! B:Hi! A:How was your weekend? B:It was great! A:What did you do over the weekend? B:I played tennis and went to the beach. What about you? A:I visited my grandmother.What did Jim do? B:He did his homework and watched TV. Unit 5How was your weekend?Billy No.3 middle schoolpracticeHe_ yesterday.He_ on Sunday .played the guitarplayed footballHe _ on Saturday afternoon.She _ yesterday.played baseballdid her homeworkThey _ last Sunday.He_ yesterday.played tennisplayed basketballShe _ last Monday.She_on Sunday evening.played computer gameplayed volleyballJims mother _ over the weekend.He _ onSaturday afternoon.cleaned the roomwent to swim看图片造句He went to the library. He did some reading. He found some books. findfoundGame I wrote a new song. I practiced my guitar. I changed my hair color. I am a_ She helped doctors. She worked in the day and sometimes at night. She is a_singernurseHe was very busy. His work was kind of dangerous. He caught the thieves. He was a _.I liked to work late. I was very busy when people went out to dinners. I was a _police officerwaiterNext time youll be better!Next time youll be better!
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