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全国通用2012届高考英语一轮语法专题 复习:名词名词的考查在高考中主要出现在完形填空部分 。1.主要考查的知识点:(1)名词的词义辨析(2)可数名词单、复数变化形式(3)不可数名词的数(4)名词所有格(5)名词作定语复习重点:(1)掌握名词的准确意义和近义词的区别。(2)掌握可数名词变复数的规则变化和不规则变 化。(3)掌握不可数名词可用作可数名词且词义发生 变化的用法。(4)掌握名词“s”所有格和“of”属格的用法。(5)掌握名词作定语的用法。2.如何应对名词的考查在应对完形填空对名词的考查时,应当认真 分析空格前后文章语境,确定是考查名词的哪种 用法,然后比较四个选项,判断出最佳选项。(2010)My dog, Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or explore some cause known only to himOne morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar _40_. A. driveway B. path C. crossroad D. highway思路点拨:第40题考查易混淆名词的辨析。根 据上文My dog, Beans, and I walk the trail frequently.和we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail.可综合判断选B,即“熟 悉的小径”。熟 读 深 思 1. 名词的数 (1) He says that physics is very interesting and he likes it very much. (2) He told me that the furniture in that house is new. (3) She said it was interesting to play with the chickens on his uncles farm last weekend. (4) Lily said that the chicken her mother cooked was very delicious. (5) Im told that they have many cattle on their farms. (6) My family are going with me. (7) The average family is a great deal smaller than it used to be.熟 读 深 思 (8) How many deer are there in Dafeng now? (9) We are all Chinese, but he is Japanese. (10) Strangely, there were many lookerson there, but none was brave enough to stop the fight. (11) Now you are grownups, so you should help your parents support your family. (12) In the past, most women have many children each. (13) Its said that the Browns are going to come to see us this weekend. (14) Its necessary for a student to have a knowledge of English.归 纳 总 结规则1: 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词多为 学科名词 , 如:physics, linguistics, mathematics, politics, statistics, news, the United States,如:(1)。规则2: 表示一类 事物总称 的名词,常作不可数名词看待而不能加“s”。如:machinery, furniture, equipment, technology, luggage, baggage, homework, evidence,如:(2)。归 纳 总 结规则3: 有些名词的单、复数形式表达不同的意思。如:chicken 鸡肉 / chickens 小鸡 ; fish鱼(尾数),鱼肉 / fishes 各种鱼; paper 纸 / papers 试卷 ; water 水 / waters 水域 ;room空间/rooms房间;time 时间/times时代;arm 手臂 / arms 武器 等,如:(3)、(4)。归 纳 总 结规则4: 有些名词形式上虽是单数,但表示的是复 数含义。如:people, police, _cattle_, _staff_, _public_, the adj., the 分词( 表示一类人),如:(5)。 规则5:对于集体名词,当它表示一个整体时,视作单数;当它 侧重各个成员 ,视作复数, 如:(6)、(7)。 规则6: 有些名词单复数同形。如:fish, deer, sheep, youth, Chinese, Japanese, means, species, crossroads, series, works,如:(8)、(9)。归 纳 总 结规则7: 由连字符构成的复合名词的“数”,一是合 成名词的复数形式通常只将其中的 主体名词 变成复数。如:lookerson 参观者,sonsinlaw 女 婿,editorsinchief 主编,shoemakers 鞋匠。二是 如果没有主体名词,在最后一个词上加 复数 (词尾)。如:gobetweens 中间人,grownups 成 人,followups 续集,goodfornothings 饭桶。三 是man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,定语和 被修饰词都变成 复数 。如:men workers, women teachers,gentlemen officials,如(10)、 (11)。归 纳 总 结规则8:不规则名词的“数”: 常用改变元音字母或词尾加en等方法构成, woman women, child children, ox oxen, tooth teeth, goose geese, foot feet, mouse mice, phenomenon phenomena, analysis analyses,如:(12)。规则9:专有名词的“数”:在姓氏名词上加“s”变成复数,如:史密斯一家人(the Smiths),两个玛丽 _two_Marys_,如:(13)。归 纳 总 结规则10:有些物质名词表示不同种类或表示“一种,一杯/罐/瓶”等数量意义时,可用作可数名词。抽象名词表示具体或特定事物时,可具体化,其前面须有不定冠词。如:a pleasure / pity / surprise / success / failure / shame, an honor /a bright future / a strong character / a great help / a waste of time,如:(14)。熟 读 深 思2. 名词所有格 (1) Its ten minutes drive from here to my school. (2) Childrens book should be simple with interesting pictures. (3) Students uniforms should be clear and lovely. (4) Beijing is the capital of China. (5) Marys and Joans coats are different. (6) Mary and Jacks house is very large and beautiful. (7) Alice told me that she would go to the chemists, for her father didnt feel himself. (8) He said that he learnt it from a friend of his brothers. 归 纳 总 结规则1:英语中表示有 生命名词 的所有格时, 在词尾加“s”,如:the boys bag,mens room。 此外,表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、 世界、国家等无生命名词的所有格也可在词尾 加“s”来表示所有关系,意为:“ 的”,如: a teachers book,a twenty minutes walk, ten miles journey,two pounds weight, ten dollars worth,如:(1)、(2)。 规则2:若名词已有复数词尾s ,只加“”,如:the workers struggle,如:(3)。归 纳 总 结规则3:of 属格: 无生命名词 的所有格则必须用of结构,如:a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers,如:(4)。规则4:如果两个名词并列,若分别有加“s”,则表示“ 分别有 ”;若只有后一个名词加“s”,则表示两个“ 共有 ”。如:Johns and Marys rooms(两间);John and Marys room(一间),如:(5)、(6)。归 纳 总 结规则5:省略格:在表示店铺或教堂,诊所的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常省略它所修饰的名词,如:在诊所at the doctors;在我姐家at my sisters,如:(7)。规则6:双重格: of 名词“s”结构 , 如 a friend of my fathers, works of Lu Xuns,如:(8)。熟 读 深 思3. 名词作定语 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(1) Theres a _stone_ (stone) bridge over the river. (2) Her daughter works in a _shoe_(shoe) shop. (3) There are three _women_ (woman) _doctors_ (doctor) in that clinic. (4) We hold a _sports_(sport) meeting each term. 归 纳 总 结名词可以用作定语修饰后面的名词,表示类别、处所、材料、身份、性别、功能、用途等。规则1:名词作定语时通常用名词的单数形式。如: a shoe shop(鞋店), street lamps(路灯), a book case(书柜)等等,如:(1
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