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123journalist (n)记记者,新闻闻工作 者 involve (vt)牵牵涉,涉及,包括,involve sb in使某人牵牵涉某事sb be involved in专专心于;牵牵涉进进the involved story 复杂杂的故事the people involved所涉及的人editor (n)编辑编辑photograph (n,vt)照片,给给拍照photographer (n)摄摄影师师photography (n)摄影 unforgettable (a)难难忘的assignment (n)任务务,分配,作业业assign (vt) sb to sth分配,指定delighted (a)快乐乐的sb be delighted with某人因而快乐乐admirable (a)值值得赞扬赞扬 的admire (vt) envy 赞赏赞赏 ,钦钦佩嫉妒unusual (a)非同寻寻常的assist (vt)帮助,协协助,援助 sb with./ in doing/ to do帮助某人(做)某事assistant (n)助手,助理,售货员货员assistance (n)帮助,援助 with the help/ assistance of 在的帮助下submit (vt)呈递递文件submit sth to sb把提交某人submit to (v)屈服于(to介词)profession (n)职业;信仰professional (a)职业职业 的,专业专业 人士colleague (n)同事(社团团,联联盟)college (n)大学eager (a)渴望的,热热切的4be eager for/about /to do.渴望(做)某事be eager that sb should do渴望虚拟语拟语 气concentrate (v)集中,凝聚concentrate on全神贯贯注于concentrate ones mind/effortson集中某人的注意 力/努力于 focus onfix attention on put heart to be absorbed in apply oneself to.光线线/注意力于 专专心于amateur (n)业业余爱爱好者update (vt)更新,使现现代化updated file (a)更新的文件acquire (vt)-双宾语宾语获获得,取得,学到 get- acquire-attain/ earn-gainsecure 常用累积 努力付出正 式assess (vt)评评估,评评定inform (vt)通知,通告inform sb of告知某人某事inform sb that通知某人deadline (n)最后期限interviewee (n)参加面试试者interviewer (n)面试试官meanwhile (ad)(,隔开 )其间间,同时时depend on 依靠,依赖赖depend on it that对对深信不疑It/That depends视视情况而定dependent independent 依靠的独立的case (n)情况,病例,案例accuse (vt)指控;指责责;控告 accuse sb of sth指控/责备责备 某人某 事5charge sb with sth指控某人某事blame sb for sth责备责备 某人某事accusation (n)指控,指责责deliberately (ad)故意地so as to do为为了做/结结果是deny doing(vt)否认认,拒绝绝denyrefuse- decline否认观认观 点坚坚 决拒绝绝婉拒 sceptical (a)怀怀疑的guilty (a) guilt (n)犯罪的,内疚的dilemma (n)困境,窘境demand (n, vt)需要,强烈要求the demand for对对的要求demanding (a)要求高,费费力的publish (vt)出版,发发行,发发表publicationpress punish 出版物报报界, 出版社-惩罚惩罚scoop (n)勺子,铲铲子,抢抢先 获获得新闻闻,利润润 section (n)部分,节节concise (a)简洁简洁 的,简练简练 的imaginative (a)富有想象力的technical (a)技术术上的technology (n)技术术,工艺艺thorough (a)彻彻底的,详详尽的be thorough in对对仔细细gifted (a) 有天赋赋的be gifted in对对有天赋赋idiomatic (a)惯惯用的housewife (n)家庭主妇妇crime (n)罪行,犯罪criminal (n)罪犯 edition (n)版本,版次6edit (v)编辑编辑editor (n)编辑编辑 (职业职业 )be ahead of在前面look aheadkeep ahead展望保持领领 先地位 department (n)部门门,部,处处accurate (a)精确的,准确的( 不能too修饰饰) senior (a)- junior年长长的,高级级的 (无比较级较级 ) polish (vt)擦亮,磨光,润润色chief (a,n)主要的,最高级级 别别(无级级的变变化 ) approve of (v)赞赞成,认认可,批 准 process (vt, n)加工,处处理,步骤骤in the process of在过过程中negative (a,n) positive (a)底片,否定,否定 的,消极的appointment (n)(预约预约 )约约会,任命make an appointment with与的约约会appointment of的任命71. involve vt. 1) 牵涉,涉及,包括 This problem involved us. Taking the job involves living abroad.2) 使sb参与(卷入)sth He involved himself in trouble. He was involved in trouble.3) be involved in 专心于 He was involved in working out a plan.involve sb in sth8involved adj.the story (前置定语) 复杂的故事the people (后置定语)所涉及的人presentthe leaders the tense92. assignment n.任务,分配,作业 What are todays assignments?assign sain vt. 分配 The task was assigned to me. 指定(时间,空间) They assigned Sunday for the meeting. They assigned 2 rooms to us.103. admirable adj.值得赞扬的,令人钦佩 的 Your courage is admirable.admire vt. 钦佩,赞美,夸奖 I admire your frankness. Dont forget to admire the baby. 想要(+ to do) He would admire to be a soldier. 114. assist vt/vi帮助,援助,协助 +sb. + with sth. 帮助某人做某事in doingto do I assisted my mother with her work in the kitchen. He assisted me in (doing) my assignment. She assisted the child to cross the street.assistance n. with the / help of 在帮助下assistant n.助手,助理 a personal assistant 私人助理 a shop assistant(an assistant)售货员 an assistant judge助理法官125. submit vt.递交,呈递(文件等) I submitted the report to the committee. vt.使顺从,使屈服 I was unwilling to submit myself to his order. vi.顺从,忍受( to) She submitted to his parents decision at last.136. eager adj.渴望的,热切的,殷切期盼的be eager for/about sth 渴望(for sb.) to do 渴望(某人)做that (should) do He was eager for success. The child was eager to see his mother. Tom was eager for you to come to the party. The president is eager that the project should be started early.147. concentrate vt./vi.集中,聚集 ones . on 把集中在 on (doing) sth.全神贯注他集中精力在他的科学研究上。 He concentrates his mind on his scientific research. 我们必须竭尽全力来改善教育。 We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 有这么多噪音我不能全神贯注于我的学习。I cant concentrate on my study with all the noise going on.这群人聚集在城市的中心。 The crowds concentrated in the center of the city.attention, mind, efforts, thoughts15 focus attention _集中注意力于 fix attention _集中注意力于 put ones mind/heart _专心于 be absorbed _全神贯注于 apply oneself _专心于onon to/into in to168. acquire vt. 获得,取得;学到,养成通过细心的研究,他学到许多电脑知识。 He acquired a great knowledge of computers by careful study. 他在十六岁时养成了抽烟的坏习惯。 He acquired a bad habit of smoking at the age of 16. 用他挣的钱,他买到了许多他喜欢的书。 With the money he earned he had acquired lots of books he liked.179. inform vt.告知,通知 sb. of sth告知某人某事 sb. that通知某人 People read newspapers and magazines in order to keep themselves _ of what is
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