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Period Using Language默读文章两次并完成下列任务。Task 1:快速浏览课文“Copernicus Revolutionary Theory”并回答下列问题。 1Can you name some planets in the solar system?Earth, Mars ( 火星), Mercury ( 水星), Venus ( 金星), Saturn ( 土星),Jupiter (木星), Neptune (海王星), Uranus (天王星), Pluto (冥王星)2When did Copernicus publish his theory?In 1543._Before Copernicus theoryShowing Copernicus theoryA diagram (图表) showing the solar system with (1)_ at its centre.A diagram showing the solar system with (2)_ at its centre.Task 2:快速阅读课文“Copernicus Revolutionary Theory”并填写下表。the earththe sun【探究】阅读课文“Copernicus Revolutionary Theory”并回答下列问题。1 What problems did astronomers notice when they lookedinto the sky?They noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop,move backward and then go forward in a loop.Others appearedbrighter at times and less bright at others._2 Why did Copernicus fear to publish his idea when hisfriends encouraged him?Because he did not want to be attacked by the ChristianChurch.3 How did the Christian idea of gravity ( 重力) explain thefact that things fell to earth?It explained that things fell to earth because God created theearth as the centre of the universe._Task 1:快速阅读课文“Copernicus Revolutionary Theory”,以约30 词概括文章的大意。提示:本文讲述的是哥白尼发现只有把太阳当成太阳系中心,其他行星的运动才讲得通。但是,他直到去世前才敢公布这个理论,因为它与基督教理论相悖。Copernicus found that only if the sun was the centre of thesolar system did the movements of the other planets makesense.However, he didnt dare to publish this theory until he diedbecause it was against the powerful Christian idea.Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Copernicus Revolutionary Theory”,选择正确答案。1Why was Nicolaus Copernicus frightened?_CABecause he was confused.BBecause his mathematical calculations were wrong.CBecause his conclusion was against the powerful ChristianChurch.DBecause he would be punished.2What did Copernicus do to complete his theory?_AHe thought hard for a long time.BHe collected observations of the stars.CHe used all his mathematical knowledge.DAll of the above.3What did the Christian Church do towards Copernicus theory?_DAThe Christian Church accepted Copernicus theory.BThe Christian Church doubted Copernicus theory.CThe Christian Church didnt care Copernicus theory.DThe Christian Church rejected Copernicus theory.DPara.Main Idea1the _ of Copernicus study2the _ of Copernicus study3the _ of Copernicus study4the _ of Copernicus study5Copernicus theory _ the Christian idea and provedcorrectTask 3:根据课文内容,完成下列表格。background cause procedure result replaced Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。Nicolaus Copernicus was (1)_ because all hismathematical calculations led to the same (2)_ : that theearth was not the centre of the solar system.Only if you put the sunthere did the (3)_ of the other planets in the sky make(4)_The problem arose because astronomers had noticedthat some planets in the sky seemed to stop, move (5)_and then go forward in a loop.Copernicus had thought long andhard about these problems until he completed his theory in 1514.Heprivately showed his friends that the sun was at the centre of thefrightened conclusion movements sense backward solar system and the earth was (6)_ as it went round thesun.His friends were (7)_ and encouraged him topublish his ideas, but Copernicus was (8)_Certainly hewas right to be careful because the Christian Church (9)_his theory which has become the basis on which all our ideas of the(10)_ are built.spinning enthusiastic cautious rejected universe Task 5:课文佳句背诵。1_ you put the sun there did the movements of theother planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能讲得通。2He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system _the planets _ (go) round it and only the moon still_ (go) round the earth.他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球转。Only if with going going 1contribute vt.& vi.捐献;贡献;捐助(教材 P4)contribute.to.把捐给或贡献给contribute to (doing) sth.有助于(做)某事contribution n.贡献make contributions/a contribution to (doing) sth.对(做)某事做出贡献We _ the victims of the earthquake.我们捐钱给地震的受害者。 Im sure your suggestion will _solving the problem.我确信你的建议将有助于解决问题。Scientists have _ our motherland.科学家们为我们祖国做出了很多贡献。contributed money to contribute to made great contributions to 2apart from 除之外;此外Apart from the co
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