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Unit 2 CloningThe courseware is authorized by J. Cao, and whoever encroaches on right shall be punished!Copyright reserved重点词汇词汇1_vt.着手;从事;承担2_n突破3_vt.扔;投;掷掷4_vt.获获得5_vt.禁止;不准6_vt.& vi.积积累;聚积积_n7_vt.欠(账账、钱钱、人情等);归归功于8_vi.退休;离开9_vt.打扰扰 vi.操心 n烦扰烦扰undertakebreakthroughcastobtain / attainforbidaccumulateaccumulationoweretirebotherforbadeforbiddenget / earn / achieve / acquire / win / gain10_vi.& vt.打;撞击击;罢罢工11_adj.虚荣的;自负负的;徒劳劳的12_adv.仅仅;只;不过过13_vt.崇拜;爱爱慕;喜爱爱14_vi.不同_adj. _n15_adj.精确的;准确的_adv.16_vi.反对对;不赞赞成_n17_n媒介;手段;工具_pl.18_vt.抵抗;对对抗_n抵抗;对对抗strikevainmerelyadoredifferdifferentdifference exactexactlyobjectobjection mediummediaresistresistancevainlystruckstrickenadmire短语语回顾顾1pay _ 得到好结结果;取得成功;偿偿清pay_偿还偿还2cast _ 使沮丧丧cast_丢丢掉;抛弃3object _ 反对对4be _ to do 一定;注定(做)6_.into ones heart 使刻骨铭铭心7_good/poor condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)8_ time to time不时时;偶尔9bring back to _ 使复生10_ vain 白费费力气;枉费费心机offbackdownaway toboundstrikefromlifein in 佳句回顾顾1The fact is that these are both examples of natural clones.实际实际 上,这这两种情况都是自然克隆的范例。【例句仿写】 使这这个学校骄骄傲的是超过过90%的学生被重点大学录录取。_ What made the school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities2However,scientists still wonder whethercloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.然而,科学家们们仍然对对克隆技术术有助于人类还类还 是有害于人类类,以及克隆技术术将把我们们引向哪里感到困惑。【例句仿写】 我不知道他能否从失败败中获获益,还还是因此灰心。_ .I wonder whether he will be able to benefit from the failure or lose heart.3The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die,but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.其优优点是如果发发生了某种新的疾病,这类动这类动 物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这这种抗病能力传给传给 下一代。【例句仿写】优优点是,如果我们们一起工作,我们们可以彼此学习习。_The advantage is that we can learn from each other if we work together.1Keep on working hard like this,and your research _ obtain great success.2He is _ by his not being chosen to be a volunteer of the National Games.is bound to cast down 3_ I receive some junk mails,which makes me annoyed.4You should follow the normal procedure if you want to_ the law case.From time to timeundertake读读背背5It was apparent that his views _ greatly _ (与不同)those of his parents.6Thinking they have grown up,the boys _(反对对) being treated like children.7According to the statistics,there were 247 votes _ (赞赞成) and 150 against.differed fromobject toagainst8Happily,they have finally _(还还清) their debts after three years of hard work.9Only by hard work can we _ our hometown _ (使恢复生机)bringpaid offback to life1differ v不同;相异 differ from. 不同于 differ in. 在不同;相异 differ about / on在方面有分歧 make some/no difference to.对对有些/没有影响/作用【经经典例句】1.Think about how they differ.(课课本P10)想一想他们们有什么不同之处处。2.Humans other animals _ their ability to speak.人与其它动动物的不同之处处在于人能说话说话 。3.The two lawyers how to present the case.两个律师师在如何为该为该 案辩护辩护 方面意见见有分歧。differ from differed about in【即时应时应 用】 Although they differ _ character _ each other,it does not make much difference _ their friendship. Ain;from;to Bwith;in;to Cto;from;in Dwith;to;in2undertake v着手;从事;承担 undertake a task/project 承担一个任务务/项项目 undertake a survey 进进行调查调查 undertake for sth.为为负责负责 Undertake to do答应应或许诺许诺 做某事 【经经典例句】这这是一项项要承担的艰艰巨任务务。It is a difficult task to .(课课本P11)她为为新变变化承担全部责责任。She full responsibility for the new changes.undertakeundertook【即时应时应 用】Dont get worried,because the boss has _ to pay off the rest of the wages next month.Aundertaken BadmittedCrefused Ddisagreed3forbid v禁止;不准 forbid doing sth.禁止做某事 forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事 forbid sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 forbid that.(should) do. 禁止【经典例句】 Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning.(课本P12)【即学即用】1.妇妇女不戴面纱纱被禁止外出。Women out without a veil.2.作为惩罚为惩罚 ,他被禁止离开基地。He the base as a punishment.are forbidden from going was forbidden to leave As parents,we do _ our daughter to surf the Internet too much. But we dont forbid_ (look) up helpful information through the computer. Of course,she feels unhappy whenever she _ to chat with her e-pals on line. Anyway,she is quite understanding. She knows that we dont really _ her to learn something good in the Internet.forbidlook
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