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Write down the words learned last class according to the following pictures: 132546910a sprained anklenosebleedchokebandagepoisonblisterstove 78kettle liquidsteamswell swollenradiationWhat kind of first aid treatment does this girl need?Who can describe what is happening?Do you know how to give her specific first aid treatment?Skim the subtitles and put the Skim the subtitles and put the following statements in right order.following statements in right order._ the three types of burns_ what to do if someone gets burned_ the functions of the skin_ the symptoms of burns_ how we get burns3 35 51 14 42 2Skimming:t te ea ad di in ng gr rs sa aF F2.What can skin do for our body? (Para1) 3. How can we get burnt?(Para2)Scanninggive us sense of touchact as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rayskeep us warm or cool prevent us from losing watert te ea ad di in ng gr rs sa aF FScan para1 _can be seen.TypesTypes Exercise 2Indicate where it is wrong if it is wrong; Indicate why it is wrong;Correct 1. Sam knocked over a kettle full ofboiling water onto his legs. His legs became red, swollen and1. covered with blisters. Sam 2. broke the blisters 3. and poured icy water 4. from the fridge 5. onto the skin.Based on this, we can know his burn belongs to second dgree burns. Sam shouldnt have broken the blisters because the burns could become infected.Sam shouldnt have poured icy water but cool water on the burn.Tell right from wrong;Exercise 2Indicate where it is wrong if it is wrong; Explain why it is wrong.2. While ironing clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched the iron. Her wrist blistered and became watery. It hurt a lot. Sheput her wrist under the cold water tap and then kept placing cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. Then she went to see the doctor.Based on this, we can know his burn belongs to second dgree burns.Based on Para5, for first degree burns and second degree burns,first place burns under gently running water for about ten minutes. And then place cool,clean,wet cloths on burns until the pain is not so bad. Based on Para5 if the burns are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.Tell right from wrong;Exercise 2Indicate where it is wrong if it is wrong; Indicate why it is wrong;Correct 3. Mrs Caseyssleeve caught fire while she was cooking. Her arm looked terrible but it didnt hurt. The skin was charred.Her husband took off her blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn. He then placed butter on the burnand covered it with a wet bandage.Based on this, we can know his burn belongs to third dgree burns.Based on para 5, he was right to take off her wifes blouse but he shouldnt have picked off bits of blouse off the burn. Because if you pull the clothes that are struck to the burn, you would pull the tissue under clothes off too. This would cause more damage to the burn.He shouldnt have placed butter on the burn because it would prevent the heat from escaping and cause infection. He shouldnt have put a wet but a dry bandage on the burn.Tell right from wrong;Exercise 2Indicate where it is wrong if it is wrong; Indicate why it is wrong;Correct 4. After an hour in the sun, Lily noticedher arms were red and hurt a bit. She went home andput them under running water.Based on this, we can know his burn belongs to first dgree burns.Based on Para5, she did right. Putting the sunned arms under running water can stop the burning process, prevent the pain becoming unberable and reduce swelling.Disscuss with your partner and summarize how to give correct first aid treatment for first degree burns, second degree burns and third degree burns.How to give correct first aid treatment for first degree burns?clothing and jewellery that arent stuck to the burn.burns with cool or cold water but not icy water for about ten minutes.cool, clean, wet cloths on the buens until the pain isnt so bad.the burned area gently.Dont rub.The burned area with a dry,clean bandage and hold the bandage in place Dont remove clothing and jewellery stuck to the burn. Dont use icy water. Dont rub. How to give correct first aid treatment for second degree burns?clothing and jewellery that arent stuck to the burn.burns with cool or cold water for about ten minutes.cool, clean, wet cloths on the burns and keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them back over and over again for about an hour until the pain isnt so bad. the burned area gently. the burned area with a dry,clean bandage and hold the bandage in place Dont remove clothing and jewellery stuck to the burn. Dont use icy water. Dont rub. Dont break the blisters.How to give correct first aid treatment for third degree burns?clothing and jewellery that arent stuck to the burn.the burned area with a dry,clean bandage and hold the bandage in place Dont
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