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2010 届高考各地模拟阅读理解分类汇编届高考各地模拟阅读理解分类汇编新闻类1(2010湖南省株洲市二中高三第一次月考)Soccer-mad criminals have been turning themselves into British police stations in the hope of completing a short sentence in prison in time to get out to watch the World Cup, British newspapers reported on Friday.In “Operation Red Card”, police in Hertfordshire, north of London, sent a message to some criminals: surrender(自首) now or spend the World Cup in a prison with no television, according to the Evening Standard newspaper.“One man even turned up to police station with the stolen items packed in his bag, expecting a short sentence in prison,” said Nigel Eastaugh, a policeman in the city, “No doubt he wanted to get his sentence over and to make sure he would be free again in time for the World Cup.”The paper said 296 letters were sent out to the criminals family and then 17 people walked into local police stations to face charges.But criminals who are not soccer fans are not safe. Eastaugh said that as a result of the mailing, police had received 60 clues on the whereabouts (下落) of other criminals who would be rounded up in the coming weeks.56. The “Operation Red Card” most probably means _.A. a card to punish a soccer playerB. a poster to tell of the World CupC. a notice to make a warningD. an advertisement in newspaper57. Criminals turned up to the police stations because _.A. they didnt want to miss the World CupB. there were no televisions in the prisonsC. there would be heavy sentence if they didnt.D. they realized they had done something wrong.58. Those who turned up to the police stations _.A. could go home to watch World Cup.B. could watch World Cup in prison.C. would be given a shorter sentence for their crimesD. were asked to tell the whereabouts of other criminals59. The last paragraph suggests that _.A. the criminals who were not soccer fans were not allowed to surrenderB. the police in Briton were unfair to the criminals who were not soccer fansC. the police can tell soccer fans from non-soccer fans easily.D. the police would take actions towards those who were still out of law答案:56-59 C A C D 2(2010浙江省温州市八校高三 8 月联考)Family members of Rebiya Kadeer have asked her not to organize violence or undermine (破坏) the peaceful life in Xinjiang, in letters made public on Monday. They blamed her for organizing the riot in Urumqi on July 5 and apologized to the victims in two separate letters. Kadeers son Khahar, daughter Roxingul and younger brother Memet wrote a letter to her, expressing their discontent for her turning against her own promises of not taking part in separatist activities and voicing their anger over the violent event.“Because of you, so many innocent people lost their lives in Urumqi on July 5, and so many houses, shops and vehicles were burnt or damaged,“ they wrote. “The harmony and unity among ethnic groups were undermined.“Xinjiang is a happy home to people of different ethnic groups and no one wants to destroy it, they wrote. “We want a stable and safe life,” they said. “Please think about the happiness of us and your grandchildren. Dont destroy our happy life here. Dont follow the provocation (挑衅) from some people in other countries.”In another letter to the victims of the July 5 riot, they held Kadeer and the World Uygur Congress (WUC) responsible for the riot. “Evidence proved the riot was organized by the WUC, led by Rebiya Kadeer, and carried on by a group of separatists within the Chinese borders.”After an incident between Uygur and Han workers of a factory in Shaoguan of southern Guangdong Province broke out on June 26, Kadeer exaggerated (夸大) the facts on the Internet, raising the death toll from two to more than 50, and posted false pictures, which started the violent event, they wrote. “Those who committed crimes should take the responsibilities,” they said.The statement from the Urumqi Public Security Bureau said the 319 people had been detained (拘留) after information was received from the public or obtained through the police investigation.The arrests are in addition to the 253 detentions, police announced on July 29. Before that, more than 1,000 suspects had been detained by July 6, the second day of the violence. The suspects would face charges in connection with the riot that left 197 people dead.“Every suspect, without any exception, will be arrested and punished according to the law to root out any hidden danger,” it said.49. All the following are correct according to the passage EXCEPT “_”.A. The riot took place on July 5 B. WUC organized the riotC. The riot left 197 people dead D. Khahar was injured in the riot50. The letter to Kadeer was written to_.A. show how the incident happened B. express their sorrow over the riotC. blame Kadeer for her wrong doing D. tell the story of Kadeer51.How many suspects have been detained according to the passage?A. About 1252 B. Above 1572 C. About 1319 D. 119
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