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Unit2 Section BWhats the matter?By Weng SaisaiEnjoy a movieTheyre tiredproblembe angrybe weakbe thirstyhave a coldbe stressed outtake some medicinetraditional Chinese medicinewestern medicine tired eat an apple hungry drink some water thirsty go to bed early ill listen to music angry go to see a doctor dangerous eat more food thin wear less clothes fat do more exercises warm ask for helpProblemshave a cold; get tired;cant sleep; be hungry; be stressed out; be weak; be thirsty; get angry; have a toothache;have a sore throat;have a headache; have a sore backGive adviceA:Whats the matter?B:I have/amA:You shouldyou shouldntWork in pairsMatch the words with the picturescd acookie,cereal,crispydc b1. a Eat an apple 3. Drink some water 2. Go to bed early 4. Listen to musicListen and fill in the chart (a-k)ProblemShouldShouldnt Gina tired45.Tony1.6.7. Julie2.8.9.Alan3.10.11.a.thirsty b.hungry c.stressed out d.have a drink e.eat an apple f.go to bed early g.study tonight h.play soccer before dinner i.listen to music j.go to the party tonight k.eat more dumplingsc a bf ijg dk ehPair workA: Whats the matter withB: Shes/ Hes A: Well, she/ he should She/ he shouldntproblem should shouldntGina tiredgo to bed early go to the party tonightTony stressed out listen to music study tonightJulie thirsty have a drink eat more dumplingsAlan hungry eat an apple play soccer before dinner*What food do you like to eat?I like to eat *Do you like to eat fruit and vegetables?No, I dont like them.Yes,theyre good for my health.Free talk.a healthy diettofu Dont eat too much meat and junk food.* Its important to eat a balanced diet.a traditional Chinese doctor* a balanced dieta balance of yin and yanga Chinese way to stay healthyDangshen Huangqi herbsproblemshouldyinyangRead and fill in the chartweak and often tiredeat yang foods , like Dangshen and Huangqi herbstoo stressed out and angry eat yin foods like tofuTrue or False 1. All doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang. ( ) 2. If you are quiet and often tired, maybe you have too much yin. ( ) 3. If you have too much yang ,you should eat yang foods, like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi herbs. ( ) 4. If you are stressed out and angry, maybe you have too much yang. ( ) 5. If you have too much yang, you should have some yin foods like tofu . ( ) FTTFTSurvey: Your lifestyleshould shouldnteat fruit and vegetables eat too much junk foodgo to bed early watch too much TVGroup work:What is a healthy lifestyle?Report: We should We shouldnt.Eat right,sleep right,exercise to keep right!Homework*Finish 3b and 3c* Write down your friends lifestyle. *Look for the other ways of healthy lifestyle in the InternetIts easy to Its important toIts nice to Its interesting to Its not right to Its happy toIts difficult to Its very kind of you to hear from a friendkeep healthydo homework in timelearn Chinesehelp me in my studylearn how to learnwatch cartoons oftenget good gradesRead the following. Then draw a line under the health problems. A: Hey, Ken. How are you? B: Oh, Im not so good, actually. A: Why? Whats the matter? B: Well, I have a headache and a backache. A: Maybe you have the flu. B: No, I think I just miss Japan - I feel a little homesick. A: Thats too bad. But I think I can help you. Letshave lunch at that new Japanese restaurant. B: Thats a great idea. Thanks, Brian. I feel betteralready.give get need believe stay 1.I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night. 2.A doctor can _ you medicine. 3.Dont _ stressed out. Its not healthy. 4.I have a toothache. I _ to see a dentist. 5.Eat a balanced diet to _ healthy.believegive get need stay1. - How many f_ does a cat have?-Four. 2. -Whats the matter with you ?- I have a s_ throat. 3. The doctor give me a lot of a_. 4. -I m s_ out .- You need a rest. 5. - _? ( )- I have a sore back.A. Whats the matter?B. Whats wrong with you ?C. Do you have a sore back?D. either A or B 6. Billy had a _ fever, so he didnt go to school today. ( )A. tall B. big C. high D. height 7. - Whats the matter _ you ,Lucy? ( )-Nothing much.A. on B with C. to D. of eetore dviceDCBtressed8. - I have a bad cold. ( )- You should _.A. drink some coffee B. do some exerciseC. go to see a d
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