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Unit 6 基础知识点1、发生什么了?我睡过头了。当我到达车站时 ,火车已经离开了。 What happened ? I overslept . By the time I got to the stop, the train had already left ./ had already been away for five minutes. 2.当她起床时,她的哥哥已经走进浴室里。 By the time she got up ,her brother had already gone into the bathroom. 3.当她到达学校时,她认识到她把她的背包 落在家里。 When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home . 注明:把某物落在某地:leave sth somewhere 忘记某物 forget sth 4. 你曾经忘记把你的作业带到学校来吗? Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework to school?同学们你能熟练完成下面的3a 吗 ? I _ _ _ _ _ school ,but yesterday I _ _ _ . My _ clock _ _ _ ,and by the time I _ _ ,my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to _ _ him _ _ _ . I had to really rush . I _ _ _ _ , had some _ , and then _ _ to the bus stop . _ , by the time I got there , the bus had already left . I _ _ , but I knew I couldnt get to school _ _ . _ , my friend Tony and his dad _ _ _ _ _ _ and they _ _ _ _ . When I got to school ,the _ bell _ _ . I _ _ _ _ _ my class .熟记下列短语 1、忘记一位亲戚的生日forger a relatives birthday 2、忘记一位医生或牙医的约定forge a doctors or dentists appointment 3、公共汽车坏了。The bus broke down . 4、邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 5、一个化妆舞会 a costume party 6、整夜熬夜 stay up all night 7、在愚人节那天 on April Fools Day 8、一个电台节目 a radio program 9、在地球上着陆 land on the earth 10、全方面的描述 the full description 11、向移动 move across 12、举国上下一片恐慌。 The panic set off across the whole country 练一练 1. He _ (宣布) that he passed the exam. 2. Wells was so _ (自信) that _ _ _ _ the story.(数百名人相信这个故事。) 3.She _ _ _ _ _ _ .(她没有理由紧 张。) 4.
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