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When do you do morning exercises?I usually do morning exercises at 8:00.I usually play sports at 3:00.When do you play sports?Amy: When do you get up? Zhang: At 6:00. What about you?Amy: I usually get up 6:30.When do youeat breakfast? Zhang: At 6:20.Amy: When do you go to school? Zhang: At 7:00. And you?Amy: At 7:00,too. Main sentence提问:When do you .?回答: I(usually). at .提问: When do you eat breakfast? When do you have English class? When do you eat dinner? 回答: play sports 3:30 in the afternoon have English class 9:00 in the morning eat breakfast 7:00 in the morning eat dinner 8:00 in the eveningMy Mothers Dayget up: _ eat breakfast:_ go to work: _ eat lunch: _ go home: _ play sports: _ eat dinner: _ go to bed: _My Fathers Dayget up: _ eat breakfast:_ go to work: _ eat lunch: _ go home: _ play sports: _ eat dinner: _ go to bed: _Sure.Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions?What do you do?Im a policeman.When do you go to work?I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.When do you eat dinner?When do you go home? I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00 in the morning. Then I go to bed.When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. And I play sports at 3:00 in the afternoon.Thank you for telling me about your day.Youre welcome.Thank you for telling me about your day.Youre welcome.Thank you for telling me about your day.Youre welcome.Thank you for telling me about your day.Youre welcome.Finish his timetable._ 7:00 p. m.go to work _go home _ 5:00 a. m._ 6:00 a. m._ 12:00 at noon_ 3:00 p.m. (1)When do you get up? (2)when do you eat breakfast? (3)When do you go to school? (4)When do you eat lunch? (5)When do you have Chinese class? (6)When do you eat dinner? (7)When do you do homework? (8)When do you watch TV? (9)When do you go to bed? 单词辨音 (1) A. eat B. breakfast C. meat D. speak (2)A. get B. often C. bedroom D. forest (3)A. work B. sports C. morning D. visitor 2.完成对话 A: _? B: I usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A: _? B: I usually eat dinner at 6:30 in the evening. _? A: At 7:00 in the evening. _ on the weekend? B: I often do homework and play the piano. _? A: I usually visit my grandparents. Sometimes I go swimming. Zoom: What do you do on the weekend?Zip: Usually I watch TV and go shopping. SometimesI visit my grandparents. What about you? Zoom: I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.Zip: Thats fun. Zoom: But not this weekend.Zip: Why? Zoom: The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow .I cant play football in the rain. I cannot go hiking.Zip: Then come to my home. Lets watch TV together. Zoom: OK.aiwait 等候 rain 下雨 paint 画画 train 火车aysay 说 play 玩耍 today 今天 May 五月/ei/ei/grgreat 好的 green 绿的 grow 成长 grass 草地glglad 高兴 glue 胶水 glass 瓶子 glove 手套/gr/gl/
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