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1. I am _ your advice .(强烈支持/ 强烈反对) 2. We _.(我们称李宁为体操王子) 3. You have the chance to enjoy _ (各种各样 的)TV series_(轻轻一按开关). 4. The disease _than expected. (传播的比预想的 要快) 5. Nowadays ,Chinas economy is_(持续不断地发展), 6. Dont _ others appearance.(评论) 7. You may _(查阅参考书)after finishing your homework. 8. Her d_(与众不同的) voice made him a famous singer. 9. Her c_ expression suggested something c_ her. 10. He didnt work hard .O_, he cant pass the final exam. Revision of module 1 Test of new words:strongly in favor of refer to Li Ning the prince of gymnasts a variety of/varieties of at the flick of a switch spreads more rapidlydeveloping steadily make a remark on refer to the reference booksdistinctiveconfused confused Obviouslyadd:add: 1. 他的到来增添了我们的麻烦。/ 往我的咖啡里加糖/ 2. _,and we will find how much they _. (把这些数字给加起来,那么我们会发现这些数字总计为多少。) 3. At the end of the meeting, he stood up ,_a few points .(补充说了几点)have difficultity _have difficultity _It was a freezing cold morning .You cannt imagine the difficulty I had _(start) my car. present :1.我感到很荣幸把我们的校长介绍给你。 (feel it an honor to do sth./feel honored to do sth.) 2. 当众呈现观点 3. All students _ the meeting.(出席) 4. Her present job is working as an assistant. an expert 5. At present, mother play a key role in childrens learning language. His coming added to our trouble./Add some suger to my coffer.His coming added to our trouble./Add some suger to my coffer.Add up these figuresadd up toadding(in) doing sth.startingI feel honored to present our headmaster to you.present ones opinions in public are present at 句型:The British use prepositions where Americans omit them. He advised me to live _.(空气清新 的地方) He advised me to live _.While : 1. While I stayed in Japan , I picked up some Japanese. 2. I like science fiction, while he likes detective novels. 3. While I admit he is not perfect, I do love him. Compare: _ Japan with China, you will find Japan is much smaller. _with Japan , China is much larger in size. attempt:attempt: 1.He _ me to accept his invitation at one time. (尝试说服我) 2. He passed his driving test _.(在他第一次尝试时)当。的时候然而 尽管Comparing Comparedattempted to persuadeat his first attemptin the place where the air is freshwhere the air is fresh定语从句地点状语从句Make a sentence :1. 英式英语和美式英语在拼写 发音和语法方面有很大的不同。2. 英式英语和美式英语毕竟还是有很多共同点的。3. 你选择英式英语还是美式英语没有差别。4. The popularity of Amrican film leads to Am.E _. (受欢迎)lead to: His carelessness led to _ _ .(他 被解雇 ) The discovery of new evidence led to _ _.(贼 被抓)British American differs from American English in spelling, pronunciation and grammar greatly.After all, British English and American English have a lot in common.It makes no difference whether you choose British English or American English.his being fired the thief being caught.becoming popularDear WangPing:Im glad to receive your letter. It is true that (真的是这样)many students have been wondering about whether we should learn Am.E or Br.E. (是还是) Now Ill give you some adviceadvices on it.首先, 英式英语和美式英语在拼写 发音和语法方面有很大不同。 比如:英国人在美国人省略介词的地方使用介词。However, we shouldnt exaggerate the differences .毕竟,英式英语和美式英语 还是有很多共同点的。依照我的观点,你选择英式英语还是美式英语没有差别。毕竟, the origin of the 2 varieties is the same .So you can choose choice either any of them. 现在,it seems that 美国电影的 受欢迎也导致了美式英语的大受欢迎。 I hope my advice will be of great help to you . Looking forward to your reply soon. Join each sentence to form a passage: the popularity of American movies led to American English becoming popular.
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