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高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(下)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 1 Living A Full Life Unit 1Living a Full LifeContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1 Discuss with members of your group what is/are the most important element(s) for living a full life. You may choose one or more from the following list or provide your own answer. Then give reasons why you have made such a choice. a good appearance close friends a happy mindset a good neighborhood perfect health an absorbing hobby a good job lottery winnings a happy familyStarting outTask 1Starting outTask 1Task 2Your best friend has recently been in low spirits ever since she was diagnosed with COPD (慢性阻塞性肺病). She stays in bed most of the time and misses a lot of classes. She has nothing to do, and moreover wants to do nothing. How would you encourage her to cope with the disease with a positive attitude?Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Here are some suggestions from experts that will enable you to retain (or take back) much of your independence and improve your quality of life. Dont isolate yourself.reach out to others Stay as physically active as you can Manage your breathing Stick with your treatment planStarting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Task 3Read the letter from John Doe and, with your partner, discuss how you could help him.Dear Abby, I feel like I almost cant breathe now. I work a ridiculous amount of hours and I dont have time to relax. My parents live 1,400 miles away and I am here all by myself. I have no time to make friends. Sometimes I feel I dont even have a life. What should I do? Kind regards, JohnStarting outTask 3Starting outTask 3Dear John,I used to live a life just like yours. I can see myself in you when I finished my college and started my first job. I found a job as junior reporter for Chicago Daily so I moved from Houston to Chicago. I was working 18 hours a day in a place where I knew few people. My health finally broke down from too much work and poor diet. I stayed in hospital for two weeks. My parents came to Chicago and took care of me. After I was out of hospital, I quitted my job and moved back to Houston, where I found a job in a local newspaper. I visited my parents often and I had time to hang around with my friends whom I had known for years as well as those I newly made. I felt happy finally.So my suggestion is to take some time off your work and go back to visit your parents and friends. Consider changing a job which requires fewer hours so that you may have time to make friends. You may also try to take classes on a subject you are interested in or pursue a hobby. You are sure to find life worth living.Yours,AbbyStarting outTask 3Starting outTask 3Starting outStarting outListen to the passage “Bored to Death” and fill out the blanks. Weve all been bored from time to time. Sometimes, when were really at loose ends, we might even say were “bored to death” or “_!” We dont really mean it, of course.But according to one study, it may be true. That is, it _ _ to be bored to death. Researchers in England looked at surveys done in the mid 1980sseveral thousand questionnaires filled out by _ about their jobs.so bored I could dieseems possible literallyLondon civil servantsThe researchers found that those whod said that in the previousmonth they were bored at work were _ _ as other workers to die of a heart problem over the follow-up period. Workers who _ _ in their jobs were less likely to die prematurely.Now, this doesnt mean that feeling bored _ _ will kill you. Were talking about chronic boredom, as in being bored all the time.more than twice as likelyclaimed to be interestedevery oncein a whileStarting outStarting outAnd its not necessarily boredom itself thats deadly. Most probably, according to the study, its the fact that being bored often leads to_ such smoking, overeating, drinking, andabusing drugs.Other studies have linked _a disease known often to lead to poor health.Does this mean that being engaged and interestedin other words, the opposite of bored_?Maybe. If not being bored means being physically active and adopting good dietary and exercise habits, then it certainly cant hurt.unhealthy habitsboredom and depressionleads to better healthStarting outStarting outThe Hidden Side of HappinessReading FocusReading FocusGlobal Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information1Watch a clip from The Pursuit of Happyness in which Christophers wife just left him. Discuss with your partner how people should pursue happiness. Backg
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