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Unit5 Translation E P831. 如果你上因特网,接上网就可以在线查询各种有关 的时事,教育,科技,金融,卫生,娱乐等信息。 you have access to log on to If you have access to the Internet and log on to it, you can get information online about current affairs, education, science and technology, finance, public health and entertainment.2. 由于现代化电信手段的快速发展,国际间通信基本 上可以不受时空的限制。 modern means of telecommunication is generally unencumbered by Thanks to the rapid development of modern means of telecommunication, international communication is generally unencumbered by time or space.3. 她是一个少说话多做事的科学家。譬如,这个实验 小组就没有一个成员像她那样在这项研究工作中花费 了那么多的时间,倾注了那么多的精力。 For one thing Devote to She is a scientist of action. For one thing, she more than anyone else in the experiment group has devoted so much time and energy to this project.4. 我真弄不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑 。 all day long noodle around antiquated/outmoded/old-fashioned I really dont understand why he noodles around that antiquated/outmoded/old-fashioned computer all day long.5. 万一你无法进入中央数据库,可以打电话给我们的 技术服务部请求帮助。 In case the central database Technical Support Service Department In case you fail to get into the central database, you can call our Technical Support Service Department for help.6. 语言中的介词和冠词是有限的,而名词和动词则是 无限的, 每天都有新的名词和动词诞生。 a limited number of open-ended and infinite A language has a limited number of prepositions and articles, but its nouns and verbs are open-ended and infinite-new words are born every day.7. 越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是通行全球的语言, 所以都在业余努力学习英语。 With the awareness the lingua franca of the world With the awareness that the English language is the lingua franca of the world, an increasing number of young people try to learn English as much as they can in their spare time.8. 这个小伙子的与众不同之处在于,他喜欢以非常规 的方式进行思考,不愿同传统观念作妥协。 Distinguish from make no compromise with What distinguishes this young man from others is that he is inclined to think unconventionally, and would make no compromise with traditional ideas.9. 这家研究所是一家非盈利的机构,其科研项目通常 都是由一些跨国公司的资助。 Nonprofit Be funded by This research institute is a nonprofit institution whose research projects are usually funded by some multi-national corporations.10. 我公司的总经理完全是一个以市场经济为取向的人 。公司发展每到转折关头,他总是选择市场的道路。 Be oriented toward At every critical juncture Our general manager is one who is completely oriented toward the market economy. At every critical juncture in the business development of the corporation, he would choose nothing but the market road.B Translation 在这个电子时代, 信息以惊人的速度增长。了解一下 网络知识是一个普通人所必须做到的。 at a phenomenal speed In this electronic age, information grows at a phenomenal speed. Some knowledge of computer network is requires of an average person.当你有一台配有鼠标和调制解调器的电脑时,你就可 以不受时空限制而获取信息。 be equipped with unencumbered by With a computer that is equipped with a mouse and a modern, you can get information unencumbered by time or space.你所要做的就是打开电脑,接上因特网。你开动搜索 引擎便可以找到几乎所有的信息。 log it on to the Internet Launch a search engine All you need to do is turn on your computer and log it on to the Internet. Launch a search engine and you find nearly anything online.你可以得到几乎所有公开和免费提供的信息。万维网 已使世界变成了一个地球村。 have access to non-proprietary and free As a matter of fact, you have access to all the information that is non-proprietary and free. The World Wide Web has made the world no more than a global village.你可以轻而易举地追踪世界各地的新闻和时事,也可 以用电子邮件购买你所需要的东西。 keep track of You can easily keep track of the news and current events around the world, and order what you need by e-mail.要是你对因特网一无所知,不懂什么是超文本传输协 议这类知识,那该怎么办呢?很简单,上电脑课,学 习这个时代的通用语言。 Internet illiterate lingua franca What if you are Internet illiterate and know nothing about such things as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol? Its simple you take a computer lesson and learn about the lingua franca of this age.要知道因特网生活可不是一种乏味无聊的生活,而是 一种充满激动和新发现的生活。 dreary and tedious You know, life on the Internet is not at all a life of dreary and tedious work, but a life full of excitement and new discovery.V blank fillingA. 1. them 2,chief 3 sister 4 at5 learn 6praise 7 too 8children9in 10brakes 11 message 12 because13 owe 14 without 15 not 16 around17 others 18 the 19world 20 passB1. whether 2. reservation 3.whatever 4. industries 5. allow 6. system 7 so 8 reach 9 officer 10 recent 11 changes 12 also 13 prepare 14 career 15 manageC1. recent 2 onto the Internet 3 size 4 have spread 5 global 6 have logged on to 7 system 8information 9 web pages 10 commonly 11 as well as 12 data 13 pour through 14 huge 15 documents 16 timetable 17 around the world 18 reach 19 covering 20 sharing 21 felt 22 century 23 require 24 counters 25 completed 26 at home 27 rapidly 28 usersVI A 1. up to his eyes in work 2. have an eye for 3. was a real eye-opener 4. see eye to eye about 5. Keep an eye on 6. I still see in my minds eye 7. running her eyes over8. feasting his eye on 9. has his eye on 10. see eye to eye 11. kept an eye on 12. with the naked eye 13. has
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