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Extensive Reading CourseFor English MajorsWeek 151ContentsThis weeks topic: Human Cloning Reading materials: Reading 2, 3 in Unit 622Teaching Procedure3Lead-in Text Study Additional Tasks Reading Technique This Weeks AssignmentLead-in: Human Cloning in Fiction The debate consists of three steps: statement (1 min); free argument (5 min); and conclusion (1 min); The whole class vote for the winner group. The disadvantaged group has one more minute to tip the scales. The whole class vote again.25Additional Task 2: Pros and Cons of Human CloningFor your reference (pros): To help infertile couples have their own children; To help family bring back their lost beloved ones; To cure diseases and save lives; To improve human species; With appropriate laws and regulations, human cloning can proceed without bringing too much harm to society.26Additional Task 2: Pros and Cons of Human CloningFor your reference (cons): Embryos are killed during the experiment; There are a lot of ethical problems related to human cloning, like the rights of human clones, their relationship with their DNA donors, and so on; Human dignity and individuality will be impaired; The natural evolution of man will be affected and human species are likely to deteriorate.27This Weeks Assignment Group 1: Give a PPT presentation on nuclear power plant (how it works, the benefits and risks it brings us, etc.) next week. Group 2: Give a PPT presentation on Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (how it happened, how the government deal with the situation, the lesson we learn from it, etc.) next week. Preview Reading 1 and 3 in Unit 7.28See you next week!2011-05-2429End
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