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A trip along the Three GorgesModule 5三峡之旅What are the Three Gorges? The Qutang Gorge The Wu Gorge The Xiling GorgeThe Qutang GorgeThe Wu GorgeThe Xiling GorgeScenery along the Three Gorges 白帝城 昭君宅 孔明碑 屈原祠The Three Gorges DamWords MatchinglakecliffwoodvalleycaveshoreslopeplainA quiz about the Yangtzi River(1) The Yangtze River is the _ river in the world. (a) longest(b) second longest(c) third longest(2) It flows from the Himalayas in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the _. (a) south(b) north(c) east(3)The worlds biggest dam was opened on the Yangtze River in _. (a) 2001(b) 2003(c) 2005Reading:. Scanning and choose the best answers.1. Peter and his friend went downstream _. (a) to see the dam(b) to see the Three gorges (c) to get to Fuling He choose the Jiangyou boat because _. (a) it was crowded (b) it didnt stop at temples (c) it didnt usually carry foreigners.3. When they started the trip it was _. (a) sunny(b)cold(c) evening4. When the boat went through the first gorge. Peter and his friend _.(a) took lots of photographs(b) spent most of the time on deck(c) were asleep5. When they reached the site of the dam _ came to look.(a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners6. Peter was impressed by the Yangtze Rivers sense of _.(a) power(b) history(c) dangerReading: . Careful-reading and filling the blanks.A Trip Along the Three Gorges Time Passengers Means of transportation What they saw and what they did From Fuling to Fengdu Along the Qutang Gorge Along the Wu Gorge Coming out of the Xiling GorgeA Trip Along the Three Gorges TimePassengersMeans of transportationWhat they saw and what they didFrom Fuling to FengduAlong the Qutang GorgeAlong the Wu GorgeComing out of the Xiling Gorgeduring the Spring Festival,1997Peter Hessler and his colleagueboatthe sun settingslept through it Xiang River, home of Qu Yuan rocks, streams, and hills flag blowing, a sign, took pictures and pointed at the site 丰都set off sunsetdocked atsleptmade a detour upto went throughpassedout of sailed into涪陵瞿塘峡巫峡香江西陵峡三峡大坝大 宁 河小三峡Lets look back the whole routes and later retell their boat trip.
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