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形容词词和副词词本节目录语法精讲考点整合语法专练知能闯关目录语法精讲考点整合考点一 倍数表达法1倍数表达法的常见结见结 构A is倍数比较级较级 thanBA is倍数as原级级asBA is倍数the名词词(size,length,height等)ofBA is倍数thatofB目录A is倍数what引导导的名词词性从句The money he earns is three times that of hers.He earns twice more than her.He earns three times as much as her.He earns three times what she earns.他的收入是她的三倍。2如果有名词词,表示倍数时时可用以下两种结结构:(1)倍数more名词词than(2)倍数as many/much名词词其他asAmericans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.美国人现现在每个人吃的蔬菜是1910年的两倍多。目录Smoking is harmful to peoples health,killing seven times more people each year than traffic accidents.吸烟对对人的健康有害,每年因抽烟而丧丧命的人是死于交通事故的7倍多。Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as large as that of theirs.十年前我们们村庄的人口是他们们村庄人口的两倍。After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced twice as many cars in 2011 as the year before.自从新技术术被引进进以后,这这家工厂2011年生产产的小汽车车是上一年的两倍。目录【典例】 (2012高考新课标课标 全国卷)This restaurant wasnt _that other restaurant we went to.Ahalf as good as Bas half good asCas good as half Dgood as half as【解析】 选选A。本题题考查查倍数表达法。句意:这这家饭饭店都没有我们们去过过的另一家饭饭店的一半好。当形容词词与表达倍数关系的词语连词语连 用时时,其正确表达法是:倍数词词as形容词词原级级as;倍数词词形容词词比较级较级 than。【易错错剖析】 本题题容易误选误选 C。关键键原因在于倍数的位置没弄清楚,受汉语汉语 影响太重。目录触类类旁通1(2013安徽凤凤阳艺艺荣高考辅导辅导 学校第一次月考)Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles.Athe three times weight of Bthree times the weight ofCas three times as heavier as Dthree times as heavier as解析:选选B。考查查表倍数的句型:A is倍数the名词词(size,length,height等)ofB;D选项选项 中的heavier应应改为为heavy。目录2(2013江苏盐苏盐 城中学高三英语语强化训练训练 )Whats the model plane look like?Well,the wings of the plane are _ of its body.Amore than the length twiceBtwice more than the lengthCmore than twice the lengthDmore twice than the length解析:选选C。A is倍数the名词词(size,length,height等)ofB;两倍多是more than twice而不是twice more than。目录3(2012江苏苏省高考压轴压轴 卷)Statistics show that for every mile they drive men have _ as women do.Aserious accidents as twice manyBtwice as many serious accidentsCtwice serious accidents as manyDserious accidents as many twice解析:选选B。考查查表倍数的句型:A is倍数as原级级asB。目录考点二 形容词词、副词词的比较级较级 和最高级级1平级级比较较。用as.as,not as/so.as,the same as,such.as引导导。It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.人们们普遍认为认为 ,教学是一门门科学,同时时也是一门艺术门艺术 。The work is not as difficult as you imagine.这这工作不是你想象的那么难难。2“the比较级较级 .,the比较级较级 .”表示“越,越”。The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.你越仔细细,犯的错误错误 就越少。目录3否定词词比较级较级 表最高级级含义义。Are you satisfied with what he said at the meeting?No.It couldnt have been worse.你对对他会议议上说说的满满意吗吗?不,不能再差了。4“the比较级较级 of the two名词词”表示“两者中较较的那一个”。Of the two cameras,I would prefer the smaller one,which is very easy for me to carry.这这两个照相机我喜欢欢容易携带带、较较小的那一个。目录5a形容词词比较级较级 n.结结构。After two years research,we have a far better understanding of the disease.研究两年之后,我们对这们对这 种病有了更好的理解。6常用来修饰饰比较级较级 的词汇词汇 :rather,much,still,even,far,any(否定句或疑问问句),a lot,a little,a great deal,by far,a bit等;常用来修饰饰最高级级的词汇词汇 :序数词词,by far,nearly,almost,by no means等。目录【典例1】 (2013北京市重点中学高考高三月考) According to some studies,EQ is _important,if not more important than IQ.Aso BveryCeven Das【解析】 选选D。这这是一个省略句。补补全了应应是“According to some studies,EQ is as important as IQ,if it is not more important than IQ.”,考查查形容词词、副词词平级级比较较常用句型“as原级级as.”。【易错错剖析】 此题题考生误选误选 C的很多,原因是没有真正理解句子的结结构及意义义。目录【典例2】 (2013银银川部分重点中学模拟拟)How do you like the hotel?Its great,and I couldnt have found a _ one.Agood BbetterCbest Dsame【解析】 选选B。考查查形容词词的比较级较级 。根据答语语的前半句可知答话话人非常喜欢这欢这 家旅馆馆,此处处是形容词词的比较级较级与否定词连词连 用表示最高级级的含义义,表示“我不能找到一家更好的旅馆馆”,言外之意是“这这是我找到的最好的旅馆馆”。【易错错剖析】 学生容易误选误选 A,原因是句中不含than,学生想不到会用比较级较级 。目录触类类旁通1(2013江西七校联联考)Though Alice is busy,music has always been _ her work.Aas much a part of her life asBas a part of her life much asCas much as a part of her lifeDso much a part of her life as解析:选选A。句意:尽管艾丽丽斯很忙,但音乐乐和工作一样样,是她生活的一部分。结结构“A is as much.as B”,表示“A和B一样样都”,故A项项正确。目录2(2013南昌一模)Boris has brains.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ.Aa high Ba higherCthe higher Dthe highest解析:选选B。考查查形容词词的比较级较级 的用法。根据题题干内容可知,这这里是将Boris的智商与班级级里其他同学的智商进进行比较较的,因此应该应该 用比较级较级 ,排除A、D两项项;另外,这这里表泛指,因此用不定冠词词,故B项项正确。目录3(2013江西重点中学盟校高三第一次联联考)How did you find your trip to Baohulu Amusement Park?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was _ than I expected.Aeven much interestingBfar more interestingCso far interestingDa lot much interesting解析:选选B。考查查形容词词的比较级较级 。句意:这这次宝葫芦游乐乐园之旅你玩得开心吗吗?太棒了!比我预预想的要好玩得多。多音节节形容词词interesting的比较级较级 形式是在其前面加more,程度副词词far应应在more前面,故选选B项项。目录考点三 形容词词作状语语形容词词作状语语表示原因、时间时间 、伴随情况或结结果,并不修饰动词饰动词 ,而是用来说说明句子的主语语所处处的状态态。大多与全句用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。1形容词词(短语语)置于句首常作原因状语语Helpless,we watched our home destroyed befor
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