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Learning about languageCan you tell me the similarities and differences between the ancient and the modern Olympics? (each student says one point) Revision1. to take part in a sports event2. to allow to enter (a course or sports competition ) 3. someone who takes part in a sports competition4. level of abilitycompeteadmitathletestandard5. happening every time with the same amount of time in between6. to take the place of 7. short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group regular basisreplacemotto8. duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong9. special hall for physical exercise10. to join inresponsibilitygymnasiumtake part inLanguage pointsHe used to drive his ancient car.他过去常常开他的老式车。To my surprise, the ancient custom is popular today.让我惊奇的是, 这种古代习俗今 天还流行。1. ancient adj. old-modern2. compete (v.)competition (n.)competitor (n.)competitive (adj.)inin ancient timesin modern timesI hope all of us can compete _race / running.I know my English cannot compete _ _ his.with /againstDo you like watching boxing _. I prefer to play a _ of chess. She took the first place in the speech _.matches gamecontest/competitiongame / match /contest / competitionThey are both in _ with each other for the gold medal.competition区别: game 游戏,比赛,运动,球赛为美式英语, 指棋 类、桥牌类;复数为运动会; match 指预先安排好的正式比赛,如摔跤, 拳击 等; 球赛为英式英语。contest 指智力和知识竞赛(=competition)competition 通过个人体力, 智力,技能 等获取名次。(1) Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.(2) He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.medalprize3. prize / medal / reward / award(3).The winner received a gold medal as an _.(4). A large _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.awardrewardmedal 奖牌/章; prize 奖金, 奖励, 获奖名次;award 奖品, 奖金; reward 报酬, 回报4. 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的插 入语+ 陈述句(常用此类插入语的动词为: think, believe, suppose, imagine, consider, suggest, say等)(1). Where do you think _ (他们已经去哪里了)? (2). Who do you suppose _ (会获得第一名)? (3). Where do you suggest _ (我们去度假)?they have gonewill win the first prize/placewe should spend our holiday 方法: 还原法: Do youwhere /who+主谓Mums birthday is coming; what present _ (你希望她有) for her birthday? (05福建高考)do you expect she has got (1)Its so boring to wait here, John, go to _ when the plane will arrive, will you?(2) On the way home I _ a watch lying on the road.find outfound5. find /find out / discover(3) Theyre trying to _ the secret.(4) Columbus _ America in 1492.(5) Can you _ Mr. Lius address for me?find outdiscoveredfind outfind 指偶然发现; find out 指有意识地去发现, 打听 或者询问; discover 强调新的发现或科学的发现。注意:6. interview (n./v.) 采访, 会见, 面试interviewer(采访者)interviewee(被采访者)Tomorrow Ill have an interview for a new job.I interviewed 20 people for the job.a job / telephone / TV interview7. I live in what you call “Ancient Greece”(1). They were not satisfied with what you have done.what引导名词性从句,指事, 物, 时间, 地点, 言语,和情况等等。(2) We waited what seemed two hours. (3) We arrived at what they call “Xinhu” now. (4) Ill give the money to whoever helped me in the past.8. be to do sth (1). 表命令, 义务, 职责 (应该, 必须 “长辈对晚辈”)You are to finish your (1) homework before you watch (2) TV.(2) 表计划, 安排, 打算They are to get married on National Day.(3) 不可避免要发生, 命中注定This chance is to come.9. every four years= every fourth yearevery other day = every two daysevery few days (不用a few)(注意:every 不能换成each)10. admit sth. / doing sth. / that-clause容许, 承认, 接纳(1). The thief admitted his crime.(2). I had to admit that I had done wrong.(3). She admitted having stolen the necklace.(4). At last he was admitted to Beijing University.(5). I admit it to be true.When do you think China will host the World Cup?11. host v. 主办;举办 host n. 主人 Mr Brown was our host at the party.The old machine should be replaced by new ones.You have to replace the book where they were.12. replace (vt.) 代替; 放回原处13. 表示情况一样 (1). I didnt go there. _her. (她也是) (2). She was a teacher. _ I. (我也是这样) (3). Im a student and I like English. _ him. (他也是如此)Nor /neither did So wasSo it is with(4). - He says he will travel abroad.- So_ me if he travels. (我也是)it is with(1). I have come to find out about the modern Olympics. (1) A. recent (2) B. present day (3) C. earlier (4) D. futurePractice1. Find the similar words.(2) Every four years, athletes compete from all over the world.A. competitions B. competitorsC. conductors D. cousins(3) Events with horses are part of the Summer Olympics.A. Compositions B. CompetitionsC. Sports D. Races(4) Those who do well in the Olympic Games can get medals.A. prizes B. money C. prices D. progress2. Fill in the suitable prepositions. (1) Some of the athletes have competed _ two Olympic Games. (2) He will compete _ seven other athletes from
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